NAMD-L: By Subject
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About this archive
Starting: Sat Jan 01 2011 - 12:21:40 CST
Ending: Mon Dec 31 2012 - 14:36:03 CST
- "Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm" when restart FEP
- "FATAL ERROR: Bad global improper count" revisited
- "Warning" meaning
- 'cutting' colvars.traj file
- 'firsttimestep' treated as signed integer ?
- 'Hands-On' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD and NAMD, February 11-15, 2012 in Urbana, Illinois
- 'Hands-On' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD and NAMD, October 17-21, 2011, Bremen, Germany
- 'Hands-On' Workshop on Computational Biophysics using VMD and NAMD, October 22-26, 2012 in Urbana, Illinois
- (NAMD2.7b1) loadtotalforces gives output even when there are no forces in system
- (no subject)
- (solved) charmrun: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
- * CGtool force field *
- .colvars.state file in ABF
- 1-4 tabulated potentials?
- 1-4 vdw scaling?
- 2.9b1 and GPU accelerated GB implicit solvent
- 2.9b1 crashes
- 2CPU+1GPU vs 1CPU+2GPU
- 4 x Opteron 12-core or 4 x Xeon 8-core ?
- ??: compilation of namd
- [MetaD; namd 2.9] Pmf output file problem once the CV boundaries are reached, even using "expandBoundaries on"
- [ppl] Compliling NAMD in RedHat
- [ppl] Help Regarding NAMD Application Testing
- [ppl] NAMD at linux on sparc
- [ppl] Regarding Compiling in Redhat linux.
- A "strange" observation during ColVar calculations
- A bug in replica.namd?
- a bundle of coor files
- A namd2.8b1 bug ?
- A newer version of win32 libraries
- a question about ensemble
- A question about the CHARMM force field
- A question on Jarkynski equation
- a question on version nightly build flatforms
- ABACAVIR parameters
- Abe versus Lincoln
- ABF & distanceZ projection axis
- ABF & distanceZ projection axis more
- ABF - coordNum collective variable
- ABF atom selection
- ABF atom selection question
- ABF calculation using RMSD
- ABF colvar error-capped nanotube interaction
- Abf force output
- ABF question
- ABF question (sampling and colvars output file)
- ABF reproducibility
- ABF Restart
- ABF results interpretation
- ABF simulation
- ABF simulation with extendedLagrangian on keeps crashing
- ABF with Alpha colvar can't be used on supercomputer?
- ABF/Steered MD for DNA Hybridization on Carbon Nanotubes
- Abnormal EOF Error in Extra Bonds File
- Abouf Psfgen error
- About "alchDecouple" in FEP
- about charmm force field
- About Columb energy of 2 ions in Vacuum
- about conf file
- about D amino acid
- about dcd files
- About error during creation of psf file
- About error in .pgn error in vmd cmd prompt
- about extrabonds restrain
- About fastest CUDA cards
- about log file
- about long namd trajectory and pbc effect
- about md in npt
- about molecular axis
- About psfgen error
- about rigid bonds
- About the correction of charging two ion water box by using FEP
- about trajectory analysis
- Accelerated MD
- accelerated MD (aMD) with GPU
- Accelerated MD documentation?
- Accelerated MD with membrane embedded proteins.
- Accelerated MD: question about dual boost mode
- Accelerated Molecular Dynamics
- AccelMD + GBIS
- accelMD parameter choice
- Accessing Colvars Within NAMD TCL
- accuracy of measurement
- acylated and amidated parameters.
- Add bonds and topology file problem
- Advertisement Workshop Aspen Center for Physics
- Advice on buying GPUs
- Advice on how to perform multiple copy ligand simulation
- Advisable limit on the number of quadrants a 2D ABF simulation can be split.
- alchDecouple
- Alchemical free-energy methods and electroneutrality
- Alchemical protein transformation with a group of (non proteic) atoms bound to two amino acids
- Alchemical transformations and DDG of point mutations
- Alchemical with parm7 ff
- aligning two molecules by principal axes of inertia using measure.c
- Alpha P.M.F. with NAMD 2.8
- alpha pmf
- Am I doing the Right Thing?
- Am I using the right version for accelerated MD?
- Amber topology
- AMD Multicore + CUDA Benchmarks, are them ok ?
- aMD with implicit solvent - Segmentation fault
- AMD-PhenomII-1075_GTX470 NAMD-CUDA performance
- an error when merge pdb and psf files in vmd for big model
- an important question for equilibration script
- Analysis of FEP output file
- analysis question
- angles
- Announcement: Large biomolecule benchmark report
- Another PSF question...
- Apply two Different eFeild on the same Direction
- Applying TclBC script every x steps Error
- Area per lipid error
- ask for new toppar files for drude in NAMD2.9
- Aspirin charmm ff
- Assertion failed in file @ KRAKEN
- atom select within hbond analysis
- Atomic Radii for GB Implicit Solvent
- Atoms Gone Missing after Generalized Born Implicit Solvent Equilibration
- Atoms moving too fast only with CUDA version.
- Atoms moving too fast with NAMD/Amber
- ATTENTION: 0031-408 4 tasks allocated by LoadLeveler, continuing
- Automatic GPU selection in NAMD ?
- Automatic PSF Builder Problem
- AW:
- AW: "Warning" meaning
- AW: 2CPU+1GPU vs 1CPU+2GPU
- AW: about extrabonds restrain
- AW: about long namd trajectory and pbc effect
- AW: about trajectory analysis
- AW: aligning two molecules by principal axes of inertia using measure.c
- AW: AMD-PhenomII-1075_GTX470 NAMD-CUDA performance
- AW: Atoms moving too fast only with CUDA version.
- AW: Atoms moving too fast with NAMD/Amber
- AW: Automatic GPU selection in NAMD ?
- AW: AW:
- AW: AW: 2CPU+1GPU vs 1CPU+2GPU
- AW: AW: about extrabonds restrain
- AW: AW: Atoms moving too fast only with CUDA version.
- AW: AW: Automatic GPU selection in NAMD ?
- AW: AW: AW: 2CPU+1GPU vs 1CPU+2GPU
- AW: AW: AW: Atoms moving too fast only with CUDA version.
- AW: AW: AW: AW: Atoms moving too fast only with CUDA version.
- AW: AW: AW: AW: Error in membrane protein simulation
- AW: AW: AW: AW: namd-ibverbs fails to start
- AW: AW: AW: AW: tclBC incorrect output
- AW: AW: AW: CUDA problem?
- AW: AW: AW: Error in membrane protein simulation
- AW: AW: AW: error
- AW: AW: AW: NAMD crashes with OpenMPI/OpenMX
- AW: AW: AW: NAMD feature request Hydrogenscale
- AW: AW: AW: namd-ibverbs fails to start
- AW: AW: AW: question about wrap atoms to its original coordinates
- AW: AW: AW: Running NAMD on Forge (CUDA)
- AW: AW: AW: Sudden energy drop after minimization
- AW: AW: AW: tclBC incorrect output
- AW: AW: center of mass movement removal throughout simulation?
- AW: AW: compress PSF into INTER
- AW: AW: conf file question
- AW: AW: Consistent temperature increase in CUDA runs
- AW: AW: CUDA problem?
- AW: AW: Energy minimization of membrane
- AW: AW: Error in membrane protein simulation
- AW: AW: Generating force field for novel molecules
- AW: AW: error
- AW: AW: Low CPU usage with NAMD running on linux cluster
- AW: AW: namd 2.9 ibverbs issues
- AW: AW: namd 2.9 not going so well
- AW: AW: namd 2.9 run instability (segfaults)
- AW: AW: NAMD crashes with OpenMPI/OpenMX
- AW: AW: NAMD feature request Hydrogenscale
- AW: AW: namd-ibverbs fails to start
- AW: AW: No output after "scheduler running in netpoll mode"
- AW: AW: Only one process running on cluster
- AW: AW: problem with pdb psf files!
- AW: AW: question about wrap atoms to its original coordinates
- AW: AW: Running NAMD on Forge (CUDA)
- AW: AW: Running NAMD parallel on two machines with 3 CUDAs
- AW: AW: save the last frame as a pdb file using dcd file
- AW: AW: Set up NPT simulation in cubic PBC-box
- AW: AW: simulation:protein,ligand,lipid,water and ions
- AW: AW: Simultaneous calculation on CPU-only nodes and CPU/GPU node (with or without rCUDA)
- AW: AW: Sudden energy drop after minimization
- AW: AW: tclBC incorrect output
- AW: Batch Mode MD simulation Script for NAMD
- AW: Benchmarks for GTX 690's and 590's
- AW: Bond Breaking in Polymer Networks - United Atom Forcefield
- AW: box dimension for unwrapped boxes?
- AW: cell size
- AW: center of mass movement removal throughout simulation?
- AW: compilation of namd
- AW: compilation with CUDA error
- AW: compiling charm++ Error: can not find mpi library
- AW: compress PSF into INTER
- AW: conf file question
- AW: Consistent temperature increase in CUDA runs
- AW: Constraint failure during equalibration
- AW: Corrupt dcd files
- AW: crossing the border by protein/ion complex
- AW: CUDA error on Pe 4: device cannot map host memory
- AW: Cuda errors in Ubuntu12amd64
- AW: CUDA on GPU Cluster
- AW: CUDA problem?
- AW: CUDA simulation memory usage
- AW: cuda_check_local_progress polled 1000000 times
- AW: deca-Ala simulations with different cutoff produce different results
- AW: efield energies incorrect in analysis mode (run 0) ?
- AW: energy minimization
- AW: Energy minimization of membrane
- AW: Error in membrane protein simulation
- AW: Error with "namd"
- AW: execute vs. config directory
- AW: extract velocities
- AW: FATAL ERROR: CUDA error in cudaGetDeviceCount on Pe 0 (thomasASUS): CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
- AW: FEP - Dynamic charges
- AW: ffTK in the just released VMD 1.9.1
- AW: fixed bond length
- AW: Fixing bonds in dihydrogen phosphate to save computation time
- AW: Force Field Topology and Parameter Files
- AW: free energy of binding
- AW: Fwd: Fwd: namd on gtx-680
- AW: Generating force field for novel molecules
- AW: Glycosaminoglycan sulfate group with CHARMM
- AW: glycosaminoglycan with GLYCAM06 in amber format
- AW: GPU cluster
- AW: GPU workstation build
- AW: GTX-660 Ti benchmark
- AW: How can I write a log file on my cluster?
- AW: how to calculate the box size
- AW: how to edit restart.coor
- AW: How to Get Bonded Pair Force Calculation with NAMD
- AW: how to run NAMD-CUDA on multiple nodes
- AW: IB fabrics
- AW: Ib version and nodelist
- AW: increment torsion restrain before minimization
- AW: Infiniband and commodity hardware
- AW: Installing NAMD on a 64-bit linux (NVIDIA CUDA)
- AW: installing namd on ibm cluster (powerpc)
- AW: Keep PBC box size in Z-direction constant?
- AW: keeping a protein in a solvation box
- AW: Letzte Hilfe
- AW: error
- AW: Line minimizerfailure because of IMPR?
- AW: Linux-x86_64-CUDA version 2.8 on CentOS-5 x86_64 non local user issue?
- AW: Low CPU usage with NAMD running on linux cluster
- AW: malloc memory error using CUDA devices
- AW: max number of CPU PEs per GPU?
- AW: memory-optimized version binary coordinates?
- AW: minimization and water bubbles
- AW: Minimization doesn't stop when converged
- AW: Minimization is taking a lot of computing time.
- AW: Multi core problem
- AW: multicore versus net-linux
- AW: Multinode NAMD CUDA GPU Selection
- AW: Multiple gpu cards
- AW: Multiple Runs in a Single Conf File
- AW: NAMD 2.8 and PLUMED 1.3
- AW: namd 2.9 ibverbs issues
- AW: namd 2.9 not going so well
- AW: namd 2.9 run instability (segfaults)
- AW: NAMD 2.9 Windows CUDA build?
- AW: NAMD 2.9 with CUDA runs
- AW: NAMD 2.9: Segmentation fault?
- AW: NAMD 2.9b1 crashes during minimization
- AW: NAMD 2.9b2-cuda does not scale well compared to NAMD 2.8
- AW: NAMD crashes with OpenMPI/OpenMX
- AW: NAMD failed to read AMBER parm file
- AW: NAMD feature request Hydrogenscale
- AW: Namd list: "Size cell" for restart
- AW: NAMD SGE Job Script Scale Up issues!
- AW: namd simulation:protein,ligand,lipid,water and ions
- AW: namd simulation​:protein,l​igand,lipi​d,water and ions
- AW: Namd-I: namd compiling problem
- AW: namd-ibverbs fails to start
- AW: NAMDenergy plugin_van der Waal interactions
- AW: NAMDEnergy: run with XSC file or not?
- AW: Newbie's question
- AW: No output after "scheduler running in netpoll mode"
- AW: no. of CPUs for optimal GTX-690 performance
- AW: nvidia cuda driver version
- AW: Only one process running on cluster
- AW: outputting atom coordinated
- AW: patch becoming too small
- AW: PDB sugar unit residue name
- AW: peculiar scaling on the GPU
- AW: Peptide planarity Dihedral angle restraints
- AW: performance variation during run time
- AW: periodic boundaries
- AW: periodicity error
- AW: Please read: fatal error namd 2.7b1 for Win32 Memory allocation failed on processor > 0
- AW: Problem running NAMD 2.8 with ibverbs
- AW: problem with gpu namd 2.9b3
- AW: Problem with NAMD 2.8 (but not in 2.7) : Endless loop repeating "The last position output ..."
- AW: Problem with parameter file in Pair Interaction Calculation
- AW: problem with paramters?
- AW: problem with pdb psf files!
- AW: queries about "Tclforces" utility in NAMD
- AW: Question about GPUs hardware.
- AW: question about wrap atoms to its original coordinates
- AW: question and NAMD operation
- AW: question regarding simulated annealing
- AW: Random seed and equilibrated structure
- AW: Reading files for multiple threaded simulations
- AW: Reflecting boundary z axis in NAMD
- AW: Replica-exchange MD on a single node / SMP workstation
- AW: residue_rmsd.tcl via
- AW: restart a simulation
- AW: restraining
- AW: Running NAMD on Forge (CUDA)
- AW: Running NAMD parallel on two machines with 3 CUDAs
- AW: save the last frame as a pdb file using dcd file
- AW: scaling
- AW: scnb value to prevent VDWs scaling
- AW: script for equilibration
- AW: segmentation fault with NAMDenergy
- AW: Set up NPT simulation in cubic PBC-box
- AW: SHAKE Tolerance and Performance
- AW: Simulation Box Deformation
- AW: simulation:protein,ligand,lipid,water and ions
- AW: Simultaneous calculation on CPU-only nodes and CPU/GPU node (with or without rCUDA)
- AW: stereo-chemical inversion during MD
- AW: Sticking TIP4P water molecules AMBER
- AW: stochastical boundary conditions in NAMD
- AW: Sudden energy drop after minimization
- AW: system splitted
- AW: tclBC incorrect output
- AW: temperature-TS with NAMDplot
- AW: The size of a periodic cell in NAMD operation
- AW: The structure files for the second turn of simulation
- AW: Three GPU cards on shared-mem motherboard
- AW: Trying to run a setup with amber force field in NAMD
- AW: Unexplained segmentation faults in NAMD 2.9 using CUDA and GBIS
- AW: vmd-l: segmentation fault with NAMDenergy
- AW: VMD_waterbox
- AW: Warning: Not all atoms have unique coordinates
- AW: Water bubbles in NVT equilibration dynamics
- AW: water equilibration
- AW: water is forming bonds between oxigens
- AW: water molecules
- AW: what restraint can I use to prevent membrane diffusion on the Z-axis?
- AW: Win64-MPI
- AW: wrap dcd files
- AW: Writing an output file into pdb format in a simulation.
- Bactenecine
- Basic question on fixed atom
- Batch Mode MD simulation Script for NAMD
- Behavior of explicit water beyond periodic boundaries
- Benchmark for NAMD2.7 (curent version)
- Benchmarks for GTX 690's and 590's
- Benefits of SandyBridge EP in NAMD2.9
- bigdcd file help
- binaryrestart/binaryoutput problem
- Blue Waters
- Bond Breaking in Polymer Networks - United Atom Forcefield
- bond lengths angles in namd
- Bonds are too long after simulation
- BOUNCE Message too long (>40000 chars)
- Boundary potential of colvar alpha not working?
- box dimension for unwrapped boxes?
- Breaking of Disulfide Bonds
- Buffer Underflow in Multiple Walker MetaDynamics
- Bug in SASA for alanin example
- Bug with BOUNDARY energy in postprocessing?
- Build .pdb and .psf after coarse graining results in errors
- calculating energy term from extrabonds
- Calculating Potential Energy for an atom selection
- Calculation of distance traveled by an atom
- Calculation of IR spectra using VMD IRspec Plug-in
- Can DCD trajectory files contain only protein but water surround
- Can I do protein-ligand docking using NAMD?
- Can I set a range to limit the ABF
- Can paratools really parametrize a structure? Is it really finished?
- can RHDO crystal shape works in NAMD
- can TMD alignment prior to force calculation be turned off?
- can we run FEP calculation in water sphere?
- Cannot find bond parameters
- Carma v.1.1 released.
- Carma v.1.2 released.
- cell shape after increasing margin (parm7 ff)
- cell size
- cellBasisvectors/.xsc fixing/colvars while running amber ff
- center of mass movement removal throughout simulation?
- CG parameterization problem
- CG parameters from dcd file for protein CG modelling
- CG-MD high electrostatic energy values
- CG_MD temperature
- changing harmonic restraints (colvars)
- changing solventDielectric in GBIS
- Channel flow equilibration
- charging free energies with alchdecouple
- charmm 19 parameters
- charmm force field
- CHARMM General Force Field (CGENFF)
- charmm param ... wrong charges
- Charmm parameter for H2 gas
- CHARMM parameters and topology for YO-PRO and/or Lucyfer Yellow
- CHARMM parameters for Mn 2+ ion
- charmm to namd conversion
- charmm toppar in namd
- CHARMM-GUI running error for ligand
- charmrun constantly hanging
- charmrun setup
- checkpoint and revert
- Cluster on commodity hardware
- clustering of trajectory
- CNT builder
- Coarse Graining problem resolved
- Coarse Graining setup question
- coarse-grained MD
- Coarse-Graining MD don't work perfect as expected
- Coarse_Graining tempetrature
- collective variable calculation from dcd file
- collective variable component -- eigenvector usage
- Collective variable on COM instead of COG
- coloring method in VMD
- colvar and tclForces with CUDA
- colvar restrain of water in lipid system
- Colvars "tilt" component force constant units for WHAM
- Colvars Error?
- colvars orientation problem appears in 2.8 only?
- colvars PMF history problem
- Colvars value is out of boundary
- colvars, discontinuous rotation
- combining metadynamics simulations
- combining thermodynamic integration with replica exchange in NAMD
- compilation of namd
- compilation with CUDA error
- Compiled Windows HPC version.
- Compiling and running NAMD on multiple nodes of SDSC Trestles
- compiling charm++ Error: can not find mpi library
- Compiling NAMD
- Compiling NAMD 2.7 with the PLUMED patch
- Compiling NAMD 2.9 on BlueGene/Q
- Compiling NAMD for CUDA
- Compiling NAMD on Cray XE6
- Compiling Namd on MAC with Cuda
- Compiling NAMD on NICS Kraken
- Compiling NAMD with CUDA on MacOSX Mountain Lion
- compiling namd-2.9 on bluegeneQ
- Compiling NAMD_2.9b2_Source with GCC 4.7.0
- Component distanceZ-ABF
- compress PSF into INTER
- Computing interaction energies in namd
- Computing several pair interactions
- concatenate pmf files in colvars
- Concerning Restarting Multiple Walkers MetaDynamics
- conf file question
- conf file script ( help needed )
- Conflict between CUDA NAMD and PMEMD
- connect a spring between all the atoms present in pdb structure
- Consistent temperature increase in CUDA runs
- Constant Pull Velocity
- constant pulling velocity in SMD
- constant velocity of carbon nanotube through water
- Constraint failure during equalibration
- Constraint failure; simulation has become unstable
- control distance between solvent and solute
- Controlling fans on a GTX 560 ti
- convergence and stability of simulation
- convergence of FEP calculation.
- Convergence of the Gram-Charlier expansion
- convert pdb format to normal pdb format
- coordNum colvar with dummyAtom
- Copper ion moving out of the protein towards bulk solvent
- correlation functions
- Corrupt dcd files
- could acpype output file be used for NAMD CHARMM FF?
- Coulomb 1-4 interactions
- Coulombic component of configurational energy
- cpu-gpu vs cpu
- create junction between nanotubes
- creating .psf file for a nanotube
- creating a protonated cytidine entry
- cross terms
- crossing the border by protein/ion complex
- crossterm error
- CT1 terminal patch for THR
- CthCreate failed to create fiber
- Cu+2 parameters
- CUDA - OwnerBox::close failure
- CUDA compiled code for Windows HPC
- Cuda error
- CUDA error (as a misleding error message)
- CUDA error 0 attaching to node
- cuda error cudastreamcreate
- cuda error cudastreamcreate. SOLVED (probably)
- CUDA error on Pe 4: device cannot map host memory
- CUDA error vs clashes
- Cuda errors in Ubuntu12amd64
- CUDA limitations
- CUDA on GPU Cluster
- CUDA problem with 2.9b2
- CUDA problem?
- CUDA simulation memory usage
- CUDA workstation
- cuda_check_local_progress polled 1000000 times
- Current status of polarizable force fields in NAMD
- Custom CHARMM forcefield usage problem
- cylinder constraint with colvar
- Dangling Bonds?
- dcd files
- dcd to trr using catdcd
- Dear friend
- deca-Ala simulations with different cutoff produce different results
- Denaturation via increased temperature
- Density Profile in VMD
- determining force constant in exterbonds (harmonic potential)
- Development plan of NAMD?
- dextran and or poly-D-glucosamine topology
- Dielectric constant for MDFF of a membrane protein.
- Difference between cwd and cd
- difference between run and minimize
- Differences between ABF and metadynamics
- differences in multiprocessor energy minimization results
- different seeds and protein behavior
- different velocities problem
- dihedral rotation with ABF
- discrepancy in results from different machines!
- discrete energy value after restart
- Displaying the gradient tolerance in the output
- Displaying the gradient tolerance in the output as the example output from tutorial 1-2 Water Sphere
- distance calculation between atoms of two segments
- Distance XY-colvars
- distanceXY colvar-ABF
- distortion of some bonds during structure preparation
- Dividing a 2D ABF simulations into regions (on nodes with different speeds)
- DNA system and PH control
- DNA terminal Patch / How could I retain the primes in DNA
- Dock a metal ion into a peptide/protein
- does any body have the parameter file for aldehyde group?
- Does GB Implicit Solvent handle explicit ions?
- Domain error ParseFEP
- DPPC membrane
- Drude polarizable models with namd
- drude water in namd
- drude water simulation bug ?
- drude water simulation bug ? radial distrubuion function
- Drug design issue.
- dummyAtom-ABF
- dump specific atom positions into a txt file during the simulation
- duplicate residue key
- efield energies incorrect in analysis mode (run 0) ?
- energy jump between minimization and simulation
- energy jump running a simulation after minimization
- energy minimization
- Energy minimization of membrane
- Epsilon, Rmin for copper ions
- equilibrate conf file
- equilibrate glycerol molecules
- equilibrate the system in NPT
- equilibrate water molecules
- Equilibration
- Equilibration - NVT & NPT
- Equilibration when splitting an ABF calculation
- Erratic pressure values during equilibration of water box
- error
- Error in membrane protein simulation
- Error in NAMD 2.8 function
- error in psf file
- error in the orientationAngle
- Error on closing binary file
- error regarding membrane embedded protein
- Error when run Replica Exchange Method on Ranger
- Error while using larger timesteps in Coarse grained Simulation of Polymer
- Error with "namd"
- Error with tclBC to induce shear flow
- Error with ubqp.pdb in NAMD tutorial
- ERROR: 0031-250 task 0: Terminated
- ERROR: Atoms moving too fast;
- ERROR: CUDA-enabled NAMD requires at least one patch per process
- error: expected floating-point number but got
- Error: keyword "group1" is not supported, or not recognized in this context.
- Error: periodicity of dihedral zero
- Errors compiling namd with CUDA
- Errors compiling namd with CUDA. .
- Evaluate Work for Targeted Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Evaluated heat capacities via NAMD are larger than experimental values
- Ewald contribution to pressure profile only working on single core
- ewald method
- example psf and pdb files for simulations with tip4p
- execute vs. config directory
- expandBoundaries and multiple walker metadynamics
- expect NAMD survey emails this week
- experimental density value
- Explicit Solvent Sytem (40% Ethanol + 60% Water)
- External electric field using Grid
- external forces
- Extra bonds-ABF
- extract velocities
- Fail to Run VMD
- Failure to run namd-cuda with gtx-470
- FATAL ERROR : Line too long in pdb file
- FATAL ERROR : Line too long in pdb file]
- Fatal Error Periodic cell has become too small for original patch grid
- fatal error running namd on Mac
- FATAL error when run Replica Exchange Method on Franklin
- FATAL ERROR: Bad global angle count!
- FATAL ERROR: CUDA error in cudaGetDeviceCount on Pe 0 (thomasASUS): CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
- FATAL ERROR: Low global exclusion count! System unstable or pairlistdist or cutoff too small.
- FATAL ERROR: Setting parameter fixedAtomsFile from script failed!
- FATAL ERROR: Unable to open binary file
- Feature request for the colvars module -- TCL syntax
- FEP - Dynamic charges
- FEP - Protein binding to Membrane surface
- FEP difficulties between two ion species
- FEP simulation using AmberFF
- FEP tutorial-my molecule doesn't show up in VMD
- FEP using amber topologies
- FEP with flattened free energy surface?
- fep/parm7
- ffTK in the just released VMD 1.9.1
- FFTK VMD plugin issue (arising from VECSCALE TCL issues of either NAMD or VMD ?)
- fftw libraries for ppc
- Filtered mail?
- Final production run in MD
- finding water around protein
- First impressions from AMBER ff12SB ?
- five 'ERROR' in the log file of NAMD2.9
- Fix atoms-Colvars
- Fixed atoms in SMD
- fixed bond length
- Fixed COM
- Fixing bonds in dihydrogen phosphate to save computation time
- fixing group of atoms, Proper for manipualation
- flipdcd corrupting dcd files
- Force constant for Umbrella Sampling
- force field
- force field for 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol (MPD)
- Force field parameter and topology for zinc finger protein
- force field parameters for Silicon
- Force field Parametrization
- Force Field Topology and Parameter Files
- force question
- Force Vector Between Two Atoms
- ForceConstant in Umbrella Sampling
- Forcefield for simulating peptide with heparin!!!!
- forces on fixed atoms
- forces saved in forcedcd
- formyl and ethanolamide parameters and topology
- free energy of binding
- free energy perturbation
- freeEnergy parsing error
- fullSamples in ABF: applied at restart?
- Functional form to apply constraints
- Functionalizing the nanopore
- fwd:
- Fwd: "cuda error cudastreamcreate",
- Fwd: about md in npt
- Fwd: AMD-PhenomII-1075_GTX470 NAMD-CUDA performance
- Fwd: AW: stereo-chemical inversion during MD
- Fwd: binaryrestart/binaryoutput problem
- Fwd: CUDA error 0 attaching to node
- Fwd: cuda error cudastreamcreate. SOLVED (probably)
- Fwd: CUDA error vs clashes
- Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: namd on gtx-680
- Fwd: Fwd: hi
- Fwd: Fwd: namd on gtx-680
- Fwd: Generating .tpr file using NAMD files
- Fwd: GPU workstation build
- Fwd: hBond component in colvars and patching
- Fwd: hi
- Fwd: hi all
- Fwd: Incompatibility between colvars and tclforces?
- Fwd: Keyword "lower" not supported...colvars
- Fwd: Line minimizerfailure because of IMPR?
- Fwd: membrane moving up in simulation box
- Fwd: namd cuda error.
- Fwd: namd on gtx-680
- Fwd: nvidia 275.09.07 driver. SOLVED, NO DRIVER PROBLEM
- Fwd: phosphotyrosine
- Fwd: problem regarding charmm parameter file of carbon nano tube
- Fwd: ramd firstRamdAtom
- Fwd: ramd seed
- Fwd: RAMD Setting parameter TclForces from script failed
- Fwd: Re : Setting up a membrane simulation
- Fwd: restrain on COM
- Fwd: rigid bonds
- Fwd: Solved stream files and paratool
- Fwd: SOLVED, however multiple CUDA efficiency?
- Fwd: stereo-chemical inversion during MD
- Fwd: Three GPU cards on shared-mem motherboard
- Fwd: what restraint can I use to prevent membrane diffusion on the Z-axis?
- Fwd: Wrong exit from RAMD runs
- Galilean Invariant Thermostat
- GBIS and ABF
- GBIS and hydrophobic solvation
- GBIS and hydrophobic term, in replay to Jerome and David discussion
- GBIS and thermostats
- GBIS not compatible with CUDA at this time
- GBIS on GPU?
- GBIS question and possible Bug for colvar "outputSystemForce" declaration in NAMD CVS-2011-03-03
- GBIS synamics
- GeForce vs Tesla GPUs for high performance computing
- Generalized Born calcs
- Generalized Born implicit solvent model in 2.8b1
- Generalized Born Solvent Question
- Generating .tpr file using NAMD files
- Generating force field for novel molecules
- gentoo ebuild
- geometry deformation
- Get number of timesteps from DCD via script
- Get restart file (restart.coor) from DCD
- Getting "nan" at ELEC energy value
- Gibbs potential
- Glycosaminoglycan sulfate group with CHARMM
- glycosaminoglycan with GLYCAM06 in amber format
- Go model in NAMD?
- Gold nanoparticle and 1-octanethiol
- GPCR MD Tutorial
- GPRESSURE becomes nan in TIP4P simulation
- GPU acceleration by using ATI video card
- GPU cluster
- GPU workstation build
- GPU-CPU small-scale machine for NAMD
- Graphene pdb/psf files cannot be read by psfgen
- Grid Forces: example code, documentation edit, and requested feature
- gromacs analysis tools
- Gromacs analysis tools for Namd output
- GTX-660 Ti benchmark
- gtx-680: CUDA error in cudaGetDeviceCount
- handling buckingham potentials in NAMD - regd
- Handling torsional potentials other than CHARMM type - regd
- Hard sphere potential
- Harmonic Constrain like MMFP in CHARMM
- has system reached a steady state condition?
- hBond colvars and patching
- hBond component in colvars and patching
- hbonds colvar component
- heat annealing conf file
- Heating /Equilibration
- Heating in NAMD
- Heating in NPT
- Hello
- Help building a desktop for namd
- help in a FEP restart?
- Help in FEP backward/reverse calculation
- help in FEP calculations : analysis/confirmation of results
- help in FEP calculations_binding free energy difference between 2 inhibitors
- Help in reverse Free Energy perturbation - hysteresis
- help needed
- help on building PATCH
- Help required for nanoscale simulation
- Help With colvars/abf Please
- help with how pbc are defined.
- help with how pbc are defined.. .
- HEME and Cystein instead of His
- HETATM vs ATOM in .pdb file
- hi
- hi all
- Hi, I am a new user of Namd, and I met some problems using increment of temperature during simulation
- Hi: some doubt about nvt and npt equilibration
- Hints for building namd2.8 on charm++ ibverbs layer?
- Hole
- how can i demonstrate that a chain-like molecule within a membrane.
- How can I write a log file on my cluster?
- how do I pass environmental variables to namd on BlueGene/P?
- how does namd handle violations of the minimum image convention?
- How does NAMD treat a bond across periodic boundaries
- how obtain .xst form .dcd file?
- how to apply different temperature simultaneously to different atoms in the same system
- How to calculate Binding Free energy in NAMD
- how to calculate partial charge for ligand based on CHARMM principle?
- How to calculate surface tension properly
- how to calculate the box size
- How to compute "only the GB Energy" using NAMD?
- how to convert X_PLOR to CHARMM?
- How to create psf for graphene
- How to decide whether an ABF curve has been converged?
- how to define the numsteps in ABF or metadynamics simulation?
- how to edit restart.coor
- How to evaluate the area per lipid and thickness of the lipid bilayer in a membrane-protein system?
- how to find cellorigin for periodic boundary condition
- how to generate psf for membrane+protein
- how to generate transparent figures?
- How to Get Bonded Pair Force Calculation with NAMD
- how to get the energy in vacuum of a molecule in NAMD
- How to improve the GPU utility in NAMD
- How to parameterize Protein ligand complex in membrane?
- How to restraint pairinteractions
- how to run NAMD-CUDA on multiple nodes
- How to set protonation states of certain atom in DNA with namd/vmd
- How to set the right PME parameters for amber's prmtop and inpcrd files?
- How to simulate a charged surface
- how to solve such kind of crossterm parameter problem?
- how to understand vdwForceSwitching
- how to use variables in colvar configuration file
- how to visualize an alchemical FEP transformation??
- How to write a dcd in fortran?
- How to write gradual heating config files
- how to write out the dcd file by vmd python command?
- how to write the bond across the cell boundary
- html manual 2.8, ref 46 and some GBIS questions
- Hybrid Monte Carlo?
- I M wants to share "legis_2011" with you
- I need help with this
- IB fabrics
- Ib version and nodelist
- IBverbs charmrun problem
- image centering problem
- implementing RBCG
- Implicit solvent
- implicit solvent and cuda
- implicit solvent job error in NAMD2.8b1
- Implicit solvent simulation
- Importing a DCD into Mathematica
- improper angle
- Impropers in Charmm and OPLS
- In-Residence Training at the Theoretical & Computational Biophysics Group, July 16-27, 2012
- Incompatibility between colvars and tclforces?
- incompatibility between NAMD and amber topology files
- increasing MAX_EXCLUSIONS
- increment torsion restrain before minimization
- Infiniband and commodity hardware
- Information about error compiling with CUDA
- infrequent rattle failure with charmm36
- initial structures for md simulations
- Input configuration files for GPU version of NAMD
- inputPrefix for ABF
- inputPrefix in ABF
- Instabilities in Minimization
- install NAMD 2.8 v
- Installing NAMD on a 64-bit linux (NVIDIA CUDA)
- installing namd on ibm cluster (powerpc)
- Interfaces in NAMD
- intergation algoritm of NAMD
- intermittent non-execution of NAMD on tesla
- Internal Unit system
- interpretation of timing data in output
- Invitation to connect on LinkedIn
- ion placement method vs total energy of the system
- Iron Oxide and Arsenic
- iron sulphur cluster parametrization
- Is it possible to print out the force of one specific atom?
- is it possible to strip the restrain linearly?
- Is the TMD equation in the user manual correct?
- is there any difference between non-constrained equilibrium and normal MD production?
- Is there any difference between SMD and tclForces?
- is zeroMomentum safe in a steered MD simulation?
- issue with solute that splits
- Issues with 'Gyration' in Colvars module
- Job scheduling (managing) software recommendation
- job termination
- jobs failed
- jobs with Intel i7
- Joining PSF Files
- Keep PBC box size in Z-direction constant?
- keeping a protein in a solvation box
- Keeping rigidBonds during Minimization
- Keeping water out of the binding pocket with ColVar
- Keyword "lower" not supported...colvars
- Langevin Buffer Region
- laptop GPU support
- large load rate using implicit solvent
- last frame and restart are different
- LCPO SASA Calculation on the GPU
- Lenard Jones coefficients for Neon atoms
- lengthening time-step with constraints causes RMSD "jump"
- error
- Line minimizerfailure because of IMPR?
- Lingand Unbinding using SMD
- Linux-x86_64-CUDA version 2.8 on CentOS-5 x86_64 non local user issue?
- Lipid as residues topology
- Lipid bilayer equilibration: Periodic cell has become too small for original patch grid!
- Logfile flooded with "The last position output [...]" when IMDon is used.
- lookup tables
- loop-to-helix change during SMD
- Low CPU usage with NAMD running on linux cluster
- low dielectric constants in GBIS
- Low global exclusion count
- Low global exclusion count errors
- mainboard-power source for GPU
- making force grids
- malloc memory error using CUDA devices
- Margin Value in NAMD
- martini force field
- Martini parameter files
- MARTINI parameters and Bead definitions
- max number of CPU PEs per GPU?
- maximum number of atoms per patch
- MD condition
- mdff energy calculation
- mdff error
- MDFF for huge trajectories
- MDFF for protein complex
- mean square displacement
- membrane equilibration
- membrane GPCR-ligands simulations
- membrane moving up in simulation box
- Membrane protein simulaton
- membrane simulation and mobility of lipids - blocking ion channel
- membrane simulation at high Temp
- membrane simulation Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm
- membrane simulation ERROR rattle algorithm
- Membrane simulation, Box X,Y enlarge, Z shrink and membrane thickness shrink
- membrane system
- Membranes
- Memory leak and crash before first step
- Memory leak patch
- memory-optimized version binary coordinates?
- merge pdb/psf files by psfgen - sets coordinates to zero
- Metadynamics and Colvar Width
- metadynamics combined with PCV
- MetaDynamics in 2.9b2 Question
- Metadynamics Problems
- metadynamics/ABF simulations using collective variables - issues with restarting the calculations
- Methanol - Autocorrelation of total dipole moment
- Minimisation algorithm
- minimization and gradient trend
- minimization and water bubbles
- Minimization doesn't stop when converged
- Minimization is taking a lot of computing time.
- minimization problem
- minimization, slow heating and then Langevin free runs
- Mirror Image Energy Discrepency
- Missing angle parameters in the ffTK
- Missing angle parameters NH1 CT1 NH1
- Mixed TIP3/TIP4 Waters
- MMTools
- MMTools for analysis
- mmView - a tool for mmCIF exploration
- Model system spherical sieve
- modify NAMD code for Lee-Edwards boundary conditions and compute stress tensor
- Molecule2.C
- Moving an atom 1A0 in one timestep then running MD for 10,000 timesteps while holding that one atom fixed
- Moving atoms with bad contacts followed by CUDA error
- moving inner wall of nanotube with outer wall fixed
- msd calculation for lipid bilayers
- Multi core problem
- Multi node run causes "CUDA error cudaStreamCreate"
- Multicore executable error
- Multicore executable error with hydrogens
- multicore versus net-linux
- multilevel summation in NAMD
- Multinode NAMD CUDA GPU Selection
- Multiple copy ligand simulations
- Multiple dihedral parameters in X-PLOR format
- multiple dynamic sections in the config file?
- Multiple gpu cards
- Multiple Runs in a Single Conf File
- Multiple runs of NAMD highly take fluctuating times
- My benchmark results with TeslaC2050
- n-terminus in my psfgen created pdb/psf file is missing
- Na ion, Cl ion in TIP4P
- NADPH topology
- NAG simulation problem with CPS
- namd ( please help me!!! )
- NAMD (and VMD) fail to read simple AMBER prmtop file (and it's not the SCEE and SCNB flags)
- NAMD + Plumed on Abe
- Namd / gromacs
- NAMD 2.7 released
- NAMD 2.7/2.8b1 and BlueGeneL
- NAMD 2.7/2.8b2 stuck - [0] processControlPoints() haveControlPointChangeCallback=0 frameworkShouldAdvancePhase=0
- NAMD 2.8 and PLUMED 1.3
- NAMD 2.8 job submission script for queenbee
- NAMD 2.8 job submission script for queenbee: ManyJobs
- namd 2.8 new feature
- NAMD 2.8 on Cray XE6 segfaulting
- NAMD 2.8 released
- NAMD 2.8b1 released
- NAMD 2.8b2 released
- NAMD 2.8b3 released
- namd 2.9 and plumed
- NAMD 2.9 CUDA multicore, single machine
- namd 2.9 ibverbs issues
- namd 2.9 not going so well
- NAMD 2.9 not migrating to computing nodes on Windows Server 2008 R2 HPC MPI
- Namd 2.9 on a BlueGene/Q machine
- NAMD 2.9 released
- NAMD 2.9 Replica Exchange (+replicas error)
- namd 2.9 Replica Exchange with colvar
- namd 2.9 run instability (segfaults)
- NAMD 2.9 Windows CUDA build?
- NAMD 2.9 with CUDA runs
- NAMD 2.9: Segmentation fault?
- NAMD 2.9b1 crashes during minimization
- NAMD 2.9b1 released
- NAMD 2.9b2 released
- NAMD 2.9b2-cuda does not scale well compared to NAMD 2.8
- NAMD 2.9b2-cuda does not scale well compared to NAMD 2.8 (solved)
- NAMD 2.9b3 colvars oddity
- NAMD 2.9b3 released
- namd and Fedora14
- NAMD and new FF CHARMM36
- namd and x-plor
- namd at ranger(tacc)
- NAMD cell dimension increasing in Z direction, problem with periodic cell
- NAMD chares
- NAMD compilation -- compiler issue
- namd crashes after 300K steps
- NAMD crashes when writing restart file and dcdfreq is 1
- NAMD crashes with OpenMPI/OpenMX
- NAMD CUDA 2.9 Performance drop compared to 2.8
- NAMD CUDA error message
- namd cuda error.
- NAMD does not exit simulation on satisfying condition in the tclforces script
- NAMD energy plugin
- NAMD failed to read AMBER parm file
- NAMD feature request Hydrogenscale
- NAMD FEP - Bad Hydrogen group size
- NAMD feture request
- namd files
- NAMD fixes for dummy atoms & parameters for divalent metal ions
- NAMD for windows cannot run correctly according to namd tutorials
- namd force field
- NAMD in parallel on CPUs of different type
- NAMD initial coordinate file
- Namd list: "Size cell" for restart
- Namd list: Problem in equilibration stage
- namd log file
- NAMD on Bluegene
- namd on nvidia 302.17
- NAMD on Peta-Scale Machines
- NAMD on PS3
- NAMD on ranger.tacc
- NAMD parameters +mergegrids +ignoresharing
- NAMD pulling one domain
- NAMD question
- namd question in parameter conversion
- NAMD Run Instabilities
- NAMD running on windows HPC question
- namd runs on compute nodes but not update files in the head node
- NAMD SGE Job Script Scale Up issues!
- namd simulation:protein,ligand,lipid,water and ions
- namd simulation​:protein,l​igand,lipi​d,water and ions
- NAMD speed on MPICH2 Ubuntu 64 bit Cluster
- NAMD Tutorial Problem
- NAMD with GPU error : "Number of VDW types exceeds CUDA LJ_TABLE_SIZE"
- NAMD with TIP5P water
- Namd, lammps comparing energies
- NAMD- molecular dynamics
- Namd-1: problems using increment of temperature during simulation
- Namd-I: A question about constant force pulling of a group of atoms
- namd-I: cionize problem in vmd
- Namd-I: Implicit solvent problem
- Namd-I: namd compiling problem
- namd-I: Problems with Namd coarsegrain and Gromacs top file
- namd-ibverbs fails to start
- namd-l digest V1 #787
- namd-l digest V1 #918
- namd-l digest V1 #949
- NAMD-l: energy jump between minimization and simulation
- NAMD-l: Get the PDB file from Steered Molecular Dynamics output files
- namd/vmd support to GTX-6## series
- NAMD2.7 on BluegeneL hang at "LDB: Central LB being created..."
- NAMD2.9 Release and Multi-GPU Minimization Errors
- Modification of non-creatable array value attempted, subscript -49999
- Namd: nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout
- NAMD_CVS_Source
- NAMDenergy calculations for nucleic acid systems
- NAMDenergy electrostatic energies
- NAMDEnergy Plugin - setting PMEGridSize / mesh density
- NAMDenergy plugin_van der Waal interactions
- NAMDEnergy: run with XSC file or not?
- Namdstats.tcl
- NBFIX for carbonyl atoms and potassium ions -- User Defined Force -- CUDA
- NBFIX support in CUDA NAMD
- NBTABLE issue
- need help in using colvars option
- Need help preventing hydration of the lipid-protein interface in my system
- Negative surface area?
- Net forces on each atom can be written to PDB in NAMD 2.8b1
- Network version gives inconsistent wall clock timings
- New collective variable: biolRel
- New colvar feature request -- angleXY
- new error in NAMD2.8b1 with fixedAtoms
- New NAMD version 2011-03-03 uses
- New physical understanding.
- Newbie's question
- Nice paper on MD Simulations
- Nicolas te ha dejado un mensaje...
- nitrogen in namd
- no CUDA-capable device is detected
- No output after "scheduler running in netpoll mode"
- no output for corrfunc
- no. of CPUs for optimal GTX-690 performance
- non integer total charge
- non integral charges
- non-bonded potential in NAMD
- non-zero charge
- Nonbonded 3-body potential
- Nonzero BOUNDARY ENERGY without periodic boundary conditions
- NOTICE: mail delivery status
- NPT at 100 bar
- NPT equilibration
- NPT simulations in NAMD
- nucleic acids - total charge
- nvidia 275.09.07 driver
- nvidia cuda driver version
- NVT setup for monolayer
- Oh dear, 'namd2 invoked oom-killer' ...
- one question about gtp flipping in namd simulation
- one-sided harmonic restraint potential
- online guide for using amber ff in NAMD
- Only one process running on cluster
- openAtom/NAMD2.9 implementation
- OpenCL and AMD GPUs
- optimal CPU number for parallel MD of a small system
- Oscillating Electric Field
- output forces with tclBC
- output nonbonded and bonded terms separately
- Output of thermodynamic integration
- outputting atom coordinated
- Pair interaction and thermo integration
- pairlist violations
- paper/articule on colvars module
- Parametarization and geometry optimization
- Parametarization and geometry optimization. .
- parameter file for DMPC lipid and protein system but with CHARMM36 lipids
- parameter file for POPC (RBCG model)
- parameter for TFA (trifluoroacetic acid)
- Parameter in configuration NVE or NPT
- Parameters for 3 methyl histidine.
- Parameters for Cesium
- Paratool`s error reading single point calculation.
- Parse Fep plugin error
- partial charges for organic ligands
- Patch at AutoPsfBuilder
- patch becoming too small
- patch for phosphotyrosine residue
- Patch link
- patch needed for tuple is missing
- PBB File Format/Setup for PBC
- pbc precision
- PBC Wrap + TMD
- pbc wrap option for x,y,z lengths
- PDB sugar unit residue name
- peculiar scaling on the GPU
- pentacoordinate heme
- Peptide planarity Dihedral angle restraints
- peptide structure
- performance loss on GPUs
- performance variation during run time
- periodic boundaries
- Periodic Boundary Condition for a 630 Amino Acid Protein
- Periodic Boundary Condition in NAMD
- Periodic Boundary conditions
- Periodic cell has become too small
- Periodic cell has become too small for original patch grid!â€
- periodicity error
- PhD position in Computational Structural Biology at MPI Muenster
- phosphorilated serine
- phosphotyrosine
- Pico scale to nanoscale simulation....alteration if .conf files required
- please help
- Please read: fatal error namd 2.7b1 for Win32 Memory allocation failed on processor > 0
- PLUMED release 1.3 available
- PME and net charge in the system
- PME for electrostatics and cutoff for vdW?
- PME Grid Settings and its significance relative to a cutoff value
- PME or not PME? What happens if PME is turned off?
- PMF calculation
- POPC membrane model in pH 4
- Positional restraints - Dielectric constant
- Possibility of modifying the non-bonded terms of the potential
- Possible bug or inconvenience
- postdoc position available
- postdoctoral position available in simulations of ionic liquids at NASA Ames
- Predicting the binding affinity and anion
- Pressure Calculation
- Pressure in equilibration stage of MD
- Pressure problem to equilibrate NPT
- Pressure Problems, Excessively High Readings
- pressure profile calculations
- print center of mass
- Printing energy of selected atoms in NAMD
- prm and top files for charmm19 force field
- Problem building NAMD (multiple definitions)
- problem for simulation of membrane protein system
- problem in accelerated MD with NAMD-GPU
- problem in distance.tcl
- problem in restarting
- Problem of 'missing stage' in colvars.state file
- problem regarding charmm parameter file of carbon nano tube
- Problem running NAMD
- Problem running NAMD 2.8 with ibverbs
- problem to analyze the output of FEP file using vmd plugin
- Problem while using MARTINI force field with NAMD 2.8
- problem with gpu namd 2.9b3
- problem with installing NAMD in Linux Red Hat
- problem with MD
- Problem with Methane-Methane PMF
- Problem with NAMD 2.8 (but not in 2.7) : Endless loop repeating "The last position output ..."
- problem with NAMD surface area calculation (LCPO) -- fixed
- Problem with NAMD2.8 & prmtop files made with AMBER11/AmberTools1.5
- Problem with NVE simulation
- Problem with parameter file in Pair Interaction Calculation
- problem with paramters?
- problem with pdb pdf!
- problem with pdb psf files!
- Problem with SPC/E water simulation
- Problems Bionanotechnology Tutorial
- Problems compiling NAMD on 8-core Mac
- Problems in setting up low pH systems
- problems with auto-psf gen and autoionize for ligand with atomtypes of more than 4 characters
- problems with simulation of LJ fluid
- Proposed Feature in Targeted MD
- Protein distort during equilibration
- protein folding by simulated annealing method
- protein folding by simulated anneling
- Protein ligand simulation Tutorial
- protein moving out during npt equilibration
- Protein moving out of box during npt simulation
- protein on solid surface
- Protein-DNA simulations
- Protonated nucleotides
- PSF and PDB file for SWM4 water models
- psf problem
- psfgen - ACE cap on PRO
- psfgen - any version capable of reading extended PSF files?
- psfgen and CHARMM19 explicit exclusions
- Psfgen CTER issues
- Psfgen Errors for C-type Heme
- psfgen tyrosine anion-Fe bond
- psfgen warnings
- pulling constant verocity
- pulling force didn't drop to zero in SMD
- pulling force doesn't drop to zero in SMD
- Q=AD=94=E5=A4=8D:_=E7=AD=94=E5=A4=8D:__compilation_of_n?= amd
- Q=AD=94=E5=A4=8D:__compilation_of_namd?=
- q=AD=94=E5=A4=8D=3A_namd-l=3A_compilation_of?= namd
- Quartz modelling
- queries about "Tclforces" utility in NAMD
- Query about compressing PSF files
- Query about switch function using AMBER ff99SB forcefield and NAMD simulation code
- Question about "Free Energy of Conformational Change Calculations"
- question about "useflexiblecell' command in NAMD operation
- question about dcd file
- question about Distance XY
- Question about end of log file
- Question about equilibration
- question about force information
- Question about GPUs hardware.
- question about namd simulation on protein in tip4p water box
- question about NPT
- Question about optmem input files
- question about relative binding free energy calculation method using FEP
- question about rotation force in SMD
- Question about silver nanoparticle simulation
- Question about targetsNumSteps in ColVar
- question about v2.8
- question about wrap atoms to its original coordinates
- question and NAMD operation
- question from a tutorial
- question of MMPBSA calculation combined NAMD and APBS software
- Question of using deuterated water in NAMD
- question on modifyAppliedForces()
- question on residue rmsd.tcl
- question on the center of mass calculation in colvar
- Question regarding FEP parameters
- Question regarding NAMD membrane tutorial
- question regarding simulated annealing
- Questions
- questions about accelerated MD
- questions about the heat diffusion calculation in the tutorial
- questions regarding ABF sampling in a DMPC bilayer
- Quick TCl scripting question
- R: restart file
- ramd firstRamdAtom
- RAMD Setting parameter TclForces from script failed
- Random seed and equilibrated structure
- RBCG electrostatic term
- RBCG water
- RBCG water simulation
- RBCG-configuration file
- Re : AW: save the last frame as a pdb file using dcd file
- Re : Setting up a membrane simulation
- Re PMF
- Reading files for multiple threaded simulations
- reassignFreq expression and relation with SMD
- reassigning temperatures
- ReaxFF and REBO
- Recent Geforce Cuda GPU cards(GT 440, GTX 560ti)
- Reduce the frequency of load balancer output
- Reflecting boundary z axis in NAMD
- refphrasing of the question for equilibration script
- Regarding Delta Delta G in FEP calculation
- Regarding Installing NAMD in Ubuntu
- regarding ion concentration in implicit solvent
- Regarding thermostats
- regarding vmd
- Relationship between High temperature and the boiling point of water
- Relative RMSD constraint
- Release of the R.E.D.-III.5 tools
- release the memory taking by the aotmselects/vars
- REMD across gpus
- REMD and NAMD options
- REMD exchange ratios
- REMD segmentation fault
- REMD with IBM SP6 LoadLeveler
- remove translation of protein under spherical boundary conditions
- Replica Exchange
- Replica exchange - Temperatures and number of replicas
- Replica exchange and multiple time-stepping
- replica exchange and replica.namd
- Replica Exchange Discrete Molecular Dynamics for structure based models
- Replica exchange MD with NAMD with SGE....
- Replica Exchange Simulations on Blue Gene/P
- Replica-exchange MD on a single node / SMP workstation
- Replica-exchange metadynamics scripts
- rescaling and reassignment parameter
- rescaling velocity
- Resend - ERROR: Atoms moving too fast;
- residue_rmsd.tcl via
- restart a simulation
- restart file
- Restart from anywhere in DCD trajectory
- restart problem
- restart simulation writing in the same .dcd file.
- restart with constraints causes RMSD "jump"
- restarting ABF
- Restarting an alchemic FEP calculation
- Restarting MD (Disabling Checklist)
- Restarting Multiple Walker/Well Tempered Metadynamics
- Restarting protein system simulation using different ligand
- restarting umbrella sampling simulation.
- restraining
- restraining groups of atoms
- restraining residues in NAMD
- restraint with colvars mocule
- Reverse Mapping of RBCG Model
- Re£º Can DCD trajectory files contain only protein but water surround
- RHDO lattice as a PBC unit Cell in NAMD
- rigid body
- rigid bonds
- rigidBonds water and langevinHydrogen off (no problem!)
- rigidBonds water and langevinHydrogen off are INCOMPATIBLE when using a solute with hdyrogens
- rigidBonds water option
- rmsd calculation in namd
- RMSD collective variable - Different atons to align and to calculate RMSD
- RMSD difference on alignment of two states of protein in VMD and NAMD TMD
- RMSD metadynamics
- RMSD trajectory
- RNA simulation
- Rotate two linked proteins against each other and calculate energy profile
- rsh not working
- rule of thumb for dcd sampling frequency?
- Run NAMD binaries
- run tests with CUDA
- Running AMBER FF with NAMD 2.8-CUDA
- Running bias exchange metadynamics simulations with NAMD
- Running fulldirect in parallel
- Running NAMD CUDA
- Running NAMD on Forge (CUDA)
- Running NAMD parallel on two machines with 3 CUDAs
- Running Parallel Jobs Simultaneously with MPIRUN
- running simulations on different machines with different versions of NAMD
- Rückruf: scnb value to prevent VDWs scaling
- Sampling schemes with FEP
- SASA of PBD files
- save the last frame as a pdb file using dcd file
- Scaled forces, colvars and harmonic con/restraints
- scaling
- scnb value to prevent VDWs scaling
- script for equilibration
- Script Help
- secondary structure restraints in coarse grain
- segmentation errors
- segmentation fault with NAMDenergy
- Segmentation Faults on Mac OS X Lion
- Segmentation violation with adaptive tempering.
- selecting multiple fixed atom in SMD
- selection of cholesterol molecules
- set dummyAtom position changing
- Set up NPT simulation in cubic PBC-box
- Setting integrator parameters for ABF
- Setting PME Grid Size
- Setting Up A Langevin Buffer Region
- Setting up a membrane simulation
- Setting up aMD simulation of a membrane protein
- Setting up values in distance colvar
- SHAKE Tolerance and Performance
- shift the molecules
- Should the windows for ABF calculations be overlapped or not?
- simulated annealing protocol
- Simulating more than 20 Million atom system
- simulation box
- Simulation Box Deformation
- simulation of non-rectangular surface
- Simulation Using Both NAMD and VMD
- Simulations with alpha methylated amino acids
- Simultaneous calculation on CPU-only nodes and CPU/GPU node (with or without rCUDA)
- slow heating md
- SMD for two steered directions
- SMD negative forces
- SMD of three atom at a time
- SMD simulation: stop applying force during simulation?
- SMD under NPT ensemble
- SMD-extension
- smd-tclForce intrerface
- SMD: Compressing a Molecule
- sodium ion in water
- Solvation in VMD using Non Standard Solvent System
- solved inputPrefix for ABF
- SOLVED: Failure to run namd-cuda with gtx-470
- Specific colvar component needed.
- specify acceptance ratio in REMD
- spinAngle
- Sr2+
- src/ComputeNonbondedCUDA.C:1022: error: thread-local storage not supported for this target
- startup phase 8: not complete!
- Steered dynamics
- steered molecular dynamics with multiple molecules
- stereo-chemical inversion during MD
- Sticking TIP4P water molecules AMBER
- stochastical boundary conditions in NAMD
- Strange (very large) atom motions
- stream files and paratool
- structure changing
- subscribe namd-l
- Sudden energy drop after minimization
- Sufficiently large values for 'firsttimestep' can lead to immediate simulation abort.
- surfaceTensionTarget - Surface Tension per interface or per bilayer
- Suspend NAMD (to RAM)
- SV: restart simulation writing in the same .dcd file.
- switching function
- Switching function for cut-off method
- Switching function while using AMBER force field
- SWM4 water model simulation
- SWM4-NDP Simulation
- System net charge
- system splitted
- tabulatd potentials
- Tabulated potential
- Tabulated potentials - regd
- target pressure value
- Targeted Molecular Dynamics
- TAU profiler with NAMD2.9 smp mode
- Tcl issue with config script
- tcl script for rmsd
- tclBC incorrect output
- TClforce
- tclforces and extrabonds
- TclForces clearconfig cancels addforce calls?
- tclforces- tcl extension written in c and built with swig
- Techinal problems with ABF simulations
- Technique issue with free energy calculation on GPU
- Temperature bath
- Temperature during membrane equilibration
- temperature range for residue-based CG
- temperature-TS with NAMDplot
- tesla 2050 benchmark
- testing digest demime - please ignore
- testing digest demime - please ignore #2
- Tetramer protein complex
- The biggest system simulated on one TESLA C2050 ?
- the fictitious force or the viscosity of water
- the meaning and effect of reassignFreq and reassignTemp
- the meaning of " 5-ZEROS" " 9-ZEROS" in the DCD file
- the meaning of reassignFreq and reassignTemp
- The Nudged Elastic Band Approach to Find the Lowest Energy Pathway Between two States
- The simplest pair list generation scheme
- The size of a periodic cell in NAMD operation
- The structure files for the second turn of simulation
- Thermodynamic integration questions
- Three GPU cards on shared-mem motherboard
- time step and total simulation time in conf file
- timing variation during 256core run on
- TIP4P force field
- TIP4P water model
- TIP5P simulation
- TIP5P water simulation
- TIP5P-model
- TMD and binary coordinate files
- TMD output format
- topology and parameter files
- Topology file for ethanol
- topology file for nanotube
- topology file for nucleic acids including ammonium ion
- topology for DNA
- topology for monophosphate
- TopoTools for tpr file
- trajectory_path.tcl
- Transferring environment variables when using charmrun
- Treating Multi Chain Proteins
- Trouble running NAMD on win7
- Trouble using rotateReference, centerRefrence and refPositionsGroup in the colvar module
- Trp-cage folding simulation
- Truncated octahedron - unwrapping the trajectory etc
- Truncated octahedron box issues (?)
- Truncated octahedron box issues Q=3F=29?=
- Trying to run a setup with amber force field in NAMD
- Turning off Electrostatics Completely
- two NAMD questions
- Typo in NAMD 2.8b2 output for Accelerated MD
- typo/my flawed thinking on "alchVdwLambdaEnd"?
- Tyrosine ligand at Fe(II)
- Uma wants to chat
- umbrella sampling
- Umbrella Sampling after multiple replicas metadynamics
- umbrella sampling by NAMD
- Umbrella Sampling plus restraints
- Umbrella sampling using dihedral angle
- Umbrella sampling with hbond
- Umbrella sampling-NAMD
- Umbrella sampling-reliability of results
- Unable to reproduce same results in minimization with GBIS
- understanding the energy term in NAMD log file
- Uneven sampling in using ABF
- Uneven sampling when using ABF
- Unexplained segmentation faults in NAMD 2.9 using CUDA and GBIS
- unit of force constant for dihedral angle restrain with extrabonds command
- units of pmf files
- Unpredictable crash at runtime
- unreasonably high temp/pressure
- unreasonably high temp/pressure. .
- unsubcribe
- unsubscribe
- Use of RBCG to convert multiple frames from atomistic trajectory to Coarse grained
- User-defined forces in NAMD
- Using 'Alignment to principal axes '
- Using ABF to explore the conformational space of a spin label attached to a membrane protein
- Using CHARMM Compatible Amber Parameters
- using CHARMM22STAR forcefield in NAMD
- using colvar for umbrella sampling between two carbon nanotubes in aqueous dispersion
- using colvars for bending modulus?
- Using Measure SASA in NAMD Simulations
- Using RAMD for studiying conformational changes in proteins
- Using TCLforces to rescale force(s) on particular atom(s) --- loadtotalforces, addforce and previous/current timestep issue
- using TIP4P 2005 in namd
- Using VMD paratool
- Vacuum simulations
- Various practical colvar module related questions
- vdw parameter of metal ion
- vdw value in parameter file
- velocity distribution
- velocity error during steered MD
- velocity information
- VMD inorganic builder plugin
- vmd-l: CHARMM parameters for Mn 2+ ion
- vmd-l: connect a spring between all the atoms present in pdb structure
- vmd-l: FFTK VMD plugin issue (arising from VECSCALE TCL issues of either NAMD or VMD ?)
- vmd-l: Gromacs analysis tools for Namd output
- vmd-l: How to maximize the VMD display window
- vmd-l: measure fit - wrong alignment
- vmd-l: namd/vmd support to GTX-6## series
- vmd-l: No APBS output: 'cannot access output file' error
- vmd-l: No probability distribution plot in ParseFEP
- vmd-l: Parse Fep plugin error
- vmd-l: ParseFEP output errors
- vmd-l: protein-water RDF
- vmd-l: Stand-alone VMD ?
- vmd-l: vmd installation problem
- vmd: ParseFEP plot mistake
- VMD_waterbox
- volume calculation
- W and S
- Warning & error
- Warning: Not all atoms have unique coordinates
- water box deformation
- Water bubbles in NVT equilibration dynamics
- water content
- water equilibration
- water is forming bonds between oxigens
- water molecules
- water parameters
- water sphere
- water sphere plus dielectric
- weird energy values of LJ fluids
- Weird energy values of LJ fluids simulation
- WG: Abnormal EOF Error in Extra Bonds File
- WHAM in the NPT ensemble
- what does .inp do from CHARMM GUI?
- What is a good (small) test system for NAMD
- what is fullSamples?
- What is the means of system-min.conf in the Residue-Based Coarse tutorial?
- What is the proper value of TMDk in TMD simulations?
- what is wrong with this pdb to simulate with NAMD
- what restraint can I use to prevent membrane diffusion on the Z-axis?
- what will be the best way to simulate substrate interaction only within a binding pocket of a large protein.
- What's the difference between upperboundary and upperwall?
- where can I find parameters for t-BuO(C=O)NH-?
- where does the second boost in accelMDdual mode refer to
- where is psf develop in ffTK
- Why are the pressures in my box of water systematically off?
- Why NAMD writes colvars step by step
- will Jaguar enough for NAMD partial charge?
- win64 namd cuda: compile?
- Win64-MPI
- Workshop - Computational Molecular Physics of Non-Bonded Bio-Molecular Interactions
- Workshop for Computational Chemistry & Physics
- Workshop In Aspen Colorado - Molecular Physics of Non-Bonded Biomolecular Interactions
- wrap dcd files
- Wrapping
- Writing an output file into pdb format in a simulation.
- Wrong exit from RAMD runs
- xplor-formated parameters
- Yan: analysis question
- zero mass particles in NAMD
- zinc-finger protein simulation
- ç”å¤: compilation of namd
Last message date: Mon Dec 31 2012 - 14:36:03 CST
Archived on: Mon Dec 31 2012 - 23:22:24 CST
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