Re: execute vs. config directory

From: Aron Broom (
Date: Fri Sep 14 2012 - 15:51:17 CDT

well, as long as you are correctly specifying the path, it should run with
the config file. That being said, any file location definitions within the
config file are relative to the path where the config file is found NOT the
path of the NAMD executable.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Thomas C. Bishop <> wrote:

> Can someone please tell how the command line call to namd
> may or may not affect it's notion of the working & execution directories.
> I seem to run into a gotcha every once in awhile so I'm missing something.
> to be specific how might these command lines affect namd runs
> if dyn1.conf contains relative path names for inputs and outputs
> namd2 dyn1.con
> vs
> namd2 /somepath/dyn1.conf
> vs
> namd2 ../otherdirectory/dyn1.conf
> vs.
> ./bin/namd2 w/ the above command line args
> vs
> charmrun w/ the above command line args
> thanks
> TOm
> --
> *********************************
> Thomas C. Bishop
> Tel: 318-257-5209
> Fax: 318-257-3823
> **********************************

Aron Broom M.Sc
PhD Student
Department of Chemistry
University of Waterloo

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