From: Jim Phillips (
Date: Thu May 26 2011 - 22:59:06 CDT
Given the symmetry of the lattice you can probably change any of the signs
without affecting the Weigner-Seitz primitive cell (i.e., wrapNearest).
On Thu, 26 May 2011, Massimiliano Porrini wrote:
> Dear Nicholas and Jim,
> Thank you for your useful replies.
> Yesterday I tried with the basis vectors given in the link suggested
> by Nicholas and
> it worked.
> Today I tried also the ones given by Jim and it worked as well.
> But the two matrices differ by the sign of some elements (as you can see)
> Does anybody know if there is a way to demonstrate that the two matrices are
> equivalent?
> Am I on the safe side if I choose one or the other?
> Many thanks in advance,
> MP
> 2011/5/25 Jim Phillips <>:
>> I think you have the matrix transposed. Try it like this:
>> cellBasisVector1 $xx $yx $zx
>> cellBasisVector2 $xy $yy $zy
>> cellBasisVector3 $xz $yz $zz
>> Try loading the original structure into VMD and using the draw line command
>> as in the code below to draw your original and swapped basis vectors. The
>> swapped (green) basis vectors should be orthogonal to the facets of the
>> original cell.
>> -Jim
>> set dist 58.9627607
>> set xx [ expr $dist ]
>> set xy [ expr $dist * 1/3 ]
>> set xz [ expr $dist * -1/3 ]
>> set yx [ expr 0 ]
>> set yy [ expr $dist * sqrt(2) * 2/3 ]
>> set yz [ expr $dist * sqrt(2) * 1/3 ]
>> set zx [ expr 0 ]
>> set zy [ expr 0 ]
>> set zz [ expr $dist * sqrt(6) * 1/3 ]
>> set o [list 29.295766830444336 29.650468826293945 29.59993553161621]
>> set a [list $xx $xy $xz]
>> set b [list $yx $yy $yz]
>> set c [list $zx $zy $zz]
>> draw color white
>> draw line $o [vecadd $o $a]
>> draw line $o [vecadd $o $b]
>> draw line $o [vecadd $o $c]
>> draw line $o [vecsub $o $a]
>> draw line $o [vecsub $o $b]
>> draw line $o [vecsub $o $c]
>> puts [veclength $a]
>> puts [veclength $b]
>> puts [veclength $c]
>> set a2 [list $xx $yx $zx]
>> set b2 [list $xy $yy $zy]
>> set c2 [list $xz $yz $zz]
>> draw color green
>> draw line $o [vecadd $o $a2]
>> draw line $o [vecadd $o $b2]
>> draw line $o [vecadd $o $c2]
>> draw line $o [vecsub $o $a2]
>> draw line $o [vecsub $o $b2]
>> draw line $o [vecsub $o $c2]
>> puts [veclength $a2]
>> puts [veclength $b2]
>> puts [veclength $c2]
>> On Wed, 25 May 2011, Massimiliano Porrini wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am trying to simulate a small protein immersed in a truncated
>>> octahedron box of water molecules.
>>> Basically I built the box via tleap program of Amber10 and then (using
>>> the vectors component
>>> taken from Gromacs manual) I passed the box parameters to NAMD config
>>> files in the
>>> following way (the "cellOrigin" values were obtained via VMD):
>>> ***
>>> # Periodic Boundary Conditions
>>> set dist 58.9627607
>>> set xx [ expr $dist ]
>>> set xy [ expr $dist * 1/3 ]
>>> set xz [ expr $dist * -1/3 ]
>>> set yx [ expr 0 ]
>>> set yy [ expr $dist * sqrt(2) * 2/3 ]
>>> set yz [ expr $dist * sqrt(2) * 1/3 ]
>>> set zx [ expr 0 ]
>>> set zy [ expr 0 ]
>>> set zz [ expr $dist * sqrt(6) * 1/3 ]
>>> cellBasisVector1 $xx $xy $xz
>>> cellBasisVector2 $yx $yy $yz
>>> cellBasisVector3 $zx $zy $zz
>>> cellOrigin 29.295766830444336 29.650468826293945
>>> 29.59993553161621
>>> ***
>>> 2) HEATING:
>>> ***
>>> # Continuing a job from the restart files
>>> binCoordinates $inputname.restart.coor
>>> extendedSystem $inputname.restart.xsc
>>> # Restraints
>>> constraints on
>>> consref $filename.pdb
>>> consKfile $filename.pdb
>>> consKcol O
>>> # Periodic Images
>>> wrapNearest on
>>> wrapWater on
>>> wrapAll on
>>> ***
>>> Hence at the end of these two processes I should get exactly the same
>>> box shape and
>>> dimensions as the one created via tleap (I am using an NVT esemble), but
>>> instead, as you can see from the linked figures, the shape is different,
>>> since
>>> the one obtained after NAMD minimization and heating appears to be
>>> "flatter":
>>> Do you kindly have any idea/hint about this behaviour?
>>> Should I be worried about a possible rotation of the protein and thus
>>> a likely interaction with a periodic image of its?
>>> Many thanks in advance.
>>> All the best,
>>> MP
>>> PS: as one can see from the displayed axes in the two enclosed figures,
>>> the orientation of the system is exactly the same, and the "suspected
>>> contraction" occurs along the z axis.
>>> --
>>> Dr Massimiliano Porrini
>>> P. E. Barran Research Group
>>> Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
>>> School of Physics & Astronomy
>>> The University of Edinburgh
>>> James Clerk Maxwell Building
>>> The King's Buildings
>>> Mayfield Road
>>> Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
>>> Tel +44-(0)131-650-5229
>>> E-mails :
> --
> Dr Massimiliano Porrini
> P. E. Barran Research Group
> Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
> School of Physics & Astronomy
> The University of Edinburgh
> James Clerk Maxwell Building
> The King's Buildings
> Mayfield Road
> Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
> Tel +44-(0)131-650-5229
> E-mails :
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