Re: Linux-x86_64-CUDA version 2.8 on CentOS-5 x86_64 non local user issue?

From: Tru Huynh (
Date: Thu Mar 22 2012 - 14:28:54 CDT


thanks for looking at that issue,

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 08:02:41AM +0100, Norman Geist wrote:
> Tru,
> nvidia-smi is not a cuda program, it's just a driver utility. Please check
> if you can run other cuda programs, maybe one example from the cuda sdk,
from a ldap only user account:
[deviceQuery] starting...

/c5/shared/cuda/4.1.28/C/bin/linux/release/deviceQuery Starting...

 CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)

Found 2 CUDA Capable device(s)

Device 0: "Tesla M2090"
  CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 4.1 / 4.1
  CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number: 2.0
  Total amount of global memory: 5375 MBytes (5636554752 bytes)
  (16) Multiprocessors x (32) CUDA Cores/MP: 512 CUDA Cores
  GPU Clock Speed: 1.30 GHz
  Memory Clock rate: 1848.00 Mhz
  Memory Bus Width: 384-bit
  L2 Cache Size: 786432 bytes
  Max Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z) 1D=(65536), 2D=(65536,65535), 3D=(2048,2048,2048)
  Max Layered Texture Size (dim) x layers 1D=(16384) x 2048, 2D=(16384,16384) x 2048
  Total amount of constant memory: 65536 bytes
  Total amount of shared memory per block: 49152 bytes
  Total number of registers available per block: 32768
  Warp size: 32
  Maximum number of threads per block: 1024
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block: 1024 x 1024 x 64
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid: 65535 x 65535 x 65535
  Maximum memory pitch: 2147483647 bytes
  Texture alignment: 512 bytes
  Concurrent copy and execution: Yes with 2 copy engine(s)
  Run time limit on kernels: No
  Integrated GPU sharing Host Memory: No
  Support host page-locked memory mapping: Yes
  Concurrent kernel execution: Yes
  Alignment requirement for Surfaces: Yes
  Device has ECC support enabled: Yes
  Device is using TCC driver mode: No
  Device supports Unified Addressing (UVA): Yes
  Device PCI Bus ID / PCI location ID: 2 / 0
  Compute Mode:
     < Default (multiple host threads can use ::cudaSetDevice() with device simultaneously) >

Device 1: "Tesla M2090"
  CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version 4.1 / 4.1
  CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number: 2.0
  Total amount of global memory: 5375 MBytes (5636554752 bytes)
  (16) Multiprocessors x (32) CUDA Cores/MP: 512 CUDA Cores
  GPU Clock Speed: 1.30 GHz
  Memory Clock rate: 1848.00 Mhz
  Memory Bus Width: 384-bit
  L2 Cache Size: 786432 bytes
  Max Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z) 1D=(65536), 2D=(65536,65535), 3D=(2048,2048,2048)
  Max Layered Texture Size (dim) x layers 1D=(16384) x 2048, 2D=(16384,16384) x 2048
  Total amount of constant memory: 65536 bytes
  Total amount of shared memory per block: 49152 bytes
  Total number of registers available per block: 32768
  Warp size: 32
  Maximum number of threads per block: 1024
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block: 1024 x 1024 x 64
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid: 65535 x 65535 x 65535
  Maximum memory pitch: 2147483647 bytes
  Texture alignment: 512 bytes
  Concurrent copy and execution: Yes with 2 copy engine(s)
  Run time limit on kernels: No
  Integrated GPU sharing Host Memory: No
  Support host page-locked memory mapping: Yes
  Concurrent kernel execution: Yes
  Alignment requirement for Surfaces: Yes
  Device has ECC support enabled: Yes
  Device is using TCC driver mode: No
  Device supports Unified Addressing (UVA): Yes
  Device PCI Bus ID / PCI location ID: 3 / 0
  Compute Mode:
     < Default (multiple host threads can use ::cudaSetDevice() with device simultaneously) >

deviceQuery, CUDA Driver = CUDART, CUDA Driver Version = 4.1, CUDA Runtime Version = 4.1, NumDevs = 2, Device = Tesla M2090, Device = Tesla M2090
[deviceQuery] test results...

> exiting in 3 seconds: 3...2...1...done!

> It looks like your user has no permission to list the available devices. So
> check what is the difference between local users and non-local
> (bashrc,LD_LIBRARY_PATH...,cuda-toolkit).
it's the same $HOME, same user, the only difference is adding that user to /etc/passwd

I can reproductibly:
1) su - that user
2) fail to run namd but run deviceQuery (/dev/nvidia* are 666)
3) on another shell as root, just add that user to /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
4) successfully run namd (on the same shell that failed on 2) by hitting <up><return>
5) remove the user from /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow
6) fail again namd as that used (same shell/window as 4) by hitting <up><return>

> Check with "ldd namd2" if local and non-local users use the same shared
> librarys.
yes, nothing changed.


Dr Tru Huynh          | | tel/fax +33 1 45 68 87 37/19
Institut Pasteur, 25-28 rue du Docteur Roux, 75724 Paris CEDEX 15 France  

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