NAMD-L: By Subject
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About this archive
Starting: Sat Jan 02 2016 - 22:55:30 CST
Ending: Sat Dec 30 2017 - 12:48:03 CST
- "Hands-on" Workshop on Enhanced Sampling and Free-Energy Calculation at Urbana, IL
- "Jump" in Energy and Volume graphs of my MD
- "Periodic cell has become too small for original patch grid!" with membrane system on GPU
- (1) Failure running QM-MM with ORCA and (2) problems preparing input with transition metals
- (no subject)
- ++idlepoll
- ------------- Processor 0 Exiting: Called CmiAbort ------------
- -nan values and fatal error
- 2.11 how to remove charmrun remote-shell options
- 2.12, cufft problems on a GTX 1070 ?
- 2.12, cufft problems on a GTX 1070 ? [SOLVED]
- 2016 ISQBP Meeting: early registration / abstract submission deadline approaching
- [NAMD] File Missing in Nanopore Tutorial
- [NAMD] How to build and simulate a periodic DNA in NAMD
- [NAMD] Obtain dynamical matrix away from equilibrium
- [NAMD] Outputting PMF at half the time using Metadynamics
- [NAMD] Patch 5MC2
- [NAMD] Problem with colvar "tilt"
- [NAMD] Question about patches
- [NAMD] Running NAMD in Stampede2
- [NAMD] Simulations in guanidinium chloride
- [NAMD] Too many collective variables?
- [NAMD] Using ABF to study separation of two molecules
- [NAMD] Using as collective variable the minimum of a set of distances
- [Non-DoD Source] AW: Compilation error across Intel 14, 15 and 16 (UNCLASSIFIED)
- A common tool to read the output of NAMD run
- A problem in ABF simulation
- ABF FEP with multichain receptor
- ABF for dihedrals
- ABF vs Umbrella Sampling entrance barrier heights discrepancy
- ABF with alpha colvar?
- ABF: umbrella_int.awk
- about colvar module in NAMD
- about GaMD reweighting
- About parseFEP error
- About pbc
- About the performance of RAMD
- About the robustness of ABF and FEB protein-ligand
- about User-Defined Forces
- accessing values of 'extendedLagrangian' fictious degree of freedom
- ACS COMP Division awards deadline this week
- adaptive biasing force with RMSD colvar
- Adsorption energy of protein in vacuum
- Alchemify Possibilities
- Amber force filed input failure on GPU
- Amber forcefield in namd simulation in parallel version
- aMD doesn't work when some atoms are fixed
- Amino acid as ligand
- An script for ACF
- analyze NAMD trajectory in Curves+
- Aoid protein to reach periodic boundary
- Applying "selectionRule" in Multiple Walker ABF
- applying constant force on water molecules in a particular direction
- applying constant force only within certain part of simulation cell?
- Appropriate FF for a specific solvent
- Are KNL a good choice for classical MD?
- Are there features NOT or POORLY supported on GPU ?
- atom selection error
- Atoms too fast/periodic cell too small with ABF protein-ligand
- autocorrelation function
- Autocorrelation function of Rg goes down without fluctuation around zero
- Autoionize and topology
- Automate QwikMD set up for a large number of NAMD jobs?
- AW: "Jump" in Energy and Volume graphs of my MD
- AW: ++idlepoll
- AW: [Non-DoD Source] AW: Compilation error across Intel 14, 15 and 16 (UNCLASSIFIED)
- AW: Amber forcefield in namd simulation in parallel version
- AW: applying constant force only within certain part of simulation cell?
- AW: AW: AW: not a number in NAMD log file
- AW: AW: AW: why does the transition seem to be irreversible in aMD
- AW: AW: NAMD-2.12 CUDA2 and PMECUDA problems
- AW: AW: problem with +devices using
- AW: AW: Replica Exchange: Equilibrating at each temperature
- AW: AW: Tcl script for simulated tempering?
- AW: AW: Testing NAMD scalability
- AW: AW: Trigger DCD frame from TCL?
- AW: AW: why does the transition seem to be irreversible in aMD
- AW: building system with or without water for metadynamics
- AW: calculating replica exchange acceptance ratio
- AW: Change pressure during simulation
- AW: Compilation error across Intel 14,15 and 16 (UNCLASSIFIED)
- AW: Enabling GPU for Replica exchange umbrella sampling
- AW: Energy increase with fixed atoms in POPC membrane
- AW: Energy minimization
- AW: FATAL ERROR CUDA error during equilibration using NAMD
- AW: GPU configuration suggestions
- AW: High pressure calculations
- AW: How to continue RMSD of previous production simulation
- AW: How to replace NAMD Eletrostatic Forces
- AW: Is GPU double-precision floating point performance important for NAMD?
- AW: Movie in VMD
- AW: NAMD 2.11 on CRAY XK with CPU+GPU
- AW: NAMD performance monitor
- AW: NAMD Question: Generating ensemble of structures
- AW: NAMD running on a Cluster of Ubuntu Linux
- AW: NAMD-2.12 CUDA2 and PMECUDA problems
- AW: NAMD-2.12 handful of issues with CUDA
- AW: not a number in NAMD log file
- AW: NPT with graphene
- AW: NVT and NPT simulationd
- AW: Occasional performance slow down using NAMD with Xeon Phi
- AW: Organic Solvent & Water Simulation
- AW: PBC BUG in coorfile + pair interaction
- AW: PBC in lipid bilayer: receptor vs. ligand
- AW: periodic boundary condition in XY, hard wall in Z - errors
- AW: problem in running targeted MD
- AW: problem with +devices using
- AW: question about GPU
- AW: Reason: FATAL ERROR: Unknown command-line option ++local
- AW: REMD and sortreplicas program
- AW: Replica Exchange: Equilibrating at each temperature
- AW: Running gromacs in namd
- AW: Running multi-node jobs on Sun Grid Engine
- AW: Scaling behaviour of NAMD on hosts with GPU accelerators
- AW: Scaling behaviour of NAMD on hosts with GPU accelrators
- AW: selection error in forces script
- AW: Simulation of metalo-binding proteins
- AW: Simulation runs only in background
- AW: Solvent box fluctuations
- AW: Tcl script for simulated tempering?
- AW: Testing NAMD scalability
- AW: Trigger DCD frame from TCL?
- AW: Turning off and back on fixed atoms
- AW: Tutorial example of replica exchange
- AW: velocity computation
- AW: vmd-l: Building NAMD 2.12 from Source with IB and CUDA
- AW: vmd-l: Error connecting to localhost on port 3000 and IMD connection ended unexpectedly; connection terminated.
- AW: vmd-l: moving atoms and updating distances
- AW: vmd-l: NAMD 2.11 Cuda does not work with Quadro FX 3800
- AW: why does the transition seem to be irreversible in aMD
- AW: "ZOU Changling" <>ʼ
- Bad initial structure?
- Basic validation of CGenFF
- basis set for QM-MM dft
- Best NAMD distribution for COEUS cluster?
- Bias-exchange metadynamics
- Binding energy of organic molecules/small peptides on the surface of Silicon Dioxide
- bond energy high
- Bond-jitter/Total-energy-spikes during energy minimization in vacuum
- Build NAMD with CUDA for unix workstation (centos 7)
- Building namd 2.12 from source an ARM64 architecture
- Building PSF for the system prepared by Packmol
- building system with or without water for metadynamics
- calculate cumulative dG
- Calculating electrostatic force from NAMD trajectory
- Calculating gradient of the potential (force field) on each atom.
- calculating replica exchange acceptance ratio
- Can large number of atoms define in colvariables reduce the computational speed in adaptive biased force (ABF) simulation via lowering the GPU utility?
- Carma/grcarma v.1.7 released.
- Cascade MDFF
- cell basis vectors
- cellBasisVectors
- Center of mass drift
- cgenff
- CGENFF validation
- Change pressure during simulation
- charge group
- Charm++ Fatal Error Question
- Charm++ fatal error with QM-MM MOPAC
- Charm++ supports RoCE ?
- charmc rpath
- charmm parameters for buffer molecules
- Charmm++ error
- CHARMM22-STAR force field for NAMD
- CHARMM36 alleged missing CC CT1 NH2 angle params
- CHARMM36 and TIP3
- Choice of bromide ion LJ parameters
- clarification
- Coarse Grain Angle Parameter Issue
- Coarse Grain of a Calcium Binding Protein
- Coarse-grained simulation with Polarizable Water crashing
- coarse-grained simulations with errors "Atoms moving too fast" and "low global exclusion"
- Collecting average energies via Tcl callback?
- Collective variable remains at zero during Umbrella Sampling
- Colvar distance xy to restrain ions
- colvar distanceInv not propagated with a harmonic moving restraint in NAMD 2.12
- Colvar Error
- Colvar orientation and CoG
- Colvars crossing "upperboundary" limit
- colvars not scaling well in NAMD 2.10
- Colvars order in the pmf file
- colvars to restrain peptide close to lipid
- Colvars wall boundaries for CoordNum
- colvars/rmsd: Error: definition for atom group "atoms" not found.
- colvars: Did the orthogonality requirements of colvars change in ABF?
- colvars: Error: Feature unavailable:compute total collective force only from one group center
- colvars: Error: keyword "translatereference" is not supported, or not recognized in this context.
- colvars: keepFreeEnergyFiles doesn't work in latest colvars version
- Colvars: Unable to restrict rotation and translation along y and z axes
- Combination of top_all36_cgenff with top_all36_prot
- Combining Drude structures
- Compilation error across Intel 14, 15 and 16 (UNCLASSIFIED)
- Compilation error across Intel 14,15 and 16 (UNCLASSIFIED)
- compilation of NAMD 2.12 fails
- Compilation of NAMD for CUDA and replica exchange
- Compiling charm/NAMD with an alternative gcc, e.g. gcc 6.x
- Compiling NAMD on stampede 2.
- compute capability
- Concatenating log files
- Configuration of new HPC Cluster for NAMD and GROMACS
- constant velocity pulling
- Constrain on DNA when using ABF for protein-DNA system
- Constraining and imparting motion to a geometry
- Constraining bonds that aren't hydrogens - splitPatch usefulness ?
- Constraining bonds that don't include hydrogens
- Constraint bonds that does not include hydrogrens
- Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm
- Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom 538
- Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom 6!
- Continuing SMD from restart files
- convergence criterion of free energy perturbation (FEP) simulations for pKa calculation
- Conversion from c6 and c12 = 0 to sigma epsilon
- Conversion from GROMACS .top .itp to CHARMM .psf .par combo
- convert .xyz file in .psf file for non-protein molecule
- Converting x,y,z coordinates to dcd file
- Coordinate DCD file was not created during restart of adaptive biasing force simulation using colvars.
- Corrfunc output not generated
- CPU/GPU energy difference
- Crashes with dihedral PC
- Creating psf file DNA
- Creating psf file for ligand
- Cross-term (CMAP)
- cuda errors when running NAMD
- Custum made residue addition
- dcd file frame number
- dcd to pdb conversion
- Dear NAMD users
- Define a colvar from other colvars
- Define spheres using NAMD
- Defining colvars based on a region
- Defining custom Colvars to measure pmf with Umbrella Sampling
- Diagnosing CUDA (non)performance
- did anyone built NAMD with PLUMED on XSEDE
- difference between .vel and .vel.restart
- difference between constraining,restraining and fixing the atoms
- Dihedral colvar
- Dihedral missing
- Dihedral parameter missing
- displacement of protein
- DNA capping
- DNA not translocating under electric field
- Does FEP really run on Knights Landing?
- download stmv files for benchmarking
- Downloads are .tar files but have .tar.gz extension
- Drude minimization does not converge
- Drude Prepper error in genic
- dynamic_cast & runtime type information
- Dynamics of an interface Water/Hexane
- eABF - Fullsamples and windows merging
- Early bird extended! ISQBP2016 meeting - Bergen Norway
- Electric field simulation: eFieldNormalized
- Enabling GPU for Replica exchange umbrella sampling
- Enabling GPU for REUS
- energy difference between HSE and HSD
- Energy gradient in colvars.state file
- Energy Gradient Plotting
- Energy increase with fixed atoms in POPC membrane
- Energy minimization
- Energy minimization in NAMD
- Energy output values
- Energy values
- Enhanced sampling methods for oligomers
- Enhanced sampling of domain motion and gsafold
- enhanced sampling of domain motion, GSAfold
- Equilibration and production run
- equilibration error
- Equilibration fails for long time ,NPT
- Equilibration using NPT and Production run using NVE ensemble
- Equilibrium Energies
- Equivalent of gromacs' "rdd" option
- error - atom type not in psf
- error - parameter file for fluorine on a benzene ring
- Error : components of colvar "alpha" does not support system force calculation
- Error associated with protected variable initialization: Nightly Build version
- error during minimization
- Error in thermodynamic integration for calculating ligand absolute binding free energy
- Error on Settle.C when compiling NAMD with Intel Compiler
- Error regarding missing angles between perturbed groups for fep calculation
- Shannon, Gareth Bayley. (ARC-SS)[UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION] (Fri May 26 2017 - 17:03:36 CDT)
- ERROR: ofstream_namd::close() called when file is not open
- Excessively high dE_avg values in FEP output (NAMD CVS)
- excluding ions based on mass
- excluding non-bonded interactions between two proteins
- Exit Command Failure
- Explanation of parameters for NBTABLE's tabulated external file?
- external computational power for NAMD
- external HPC resource
- extracting avarage pdb from dcd file
- extracting force on a single atom
- facing problem while downloading NAMD
- FAD parameter and topology files
- FATAL ERROR CUDA error during equilibration using NAMD
- Fatal Error in NAMD
- fatal error in running namd/2.12
- Fatal error in the simulation of a water box
- FATAL ERROR running apoa1 with NAMD 2.12
- FATAL ERROR: Bad global improper count!
- FATAL ERROR: cuda_check_progress polled 1000000 times over ...
- FATAL ERROR: cuda_check_progress polled 1000000 times over 101.178648 s on step 6418536
- FATAL ERROR: Duplicate bond
- FATAL ERROR: Duplicate bond when going from nvt to npt
- FATAL ERROR: Singular matrix in routine ludcmp
- Fatal Error: vdw atom type CC3161
- FEP double annihilation
- FEP with ExtraBonds
- FEP/REMD with NAMD2.11 - missing alchLambda?
- FES analysis
- Few doubt on the numbers implying in REMD simulatio
- Few doubt on the numbers implying in REMD simulation
- FFTK Determination of Dihedrals to be Scanned
- ffTK fitting dihedrals
- finding atoms in protein-lipid system having electrostatic interaction
- firstTimestep error message
- fix disulfide bond in coarse grain(CG) model for NAMD
- fix disulfide bridge in coarse grain MD
- Fixing COM of one atom in selection and letting the other move
- flat and smooth energy?
- force units conversion
- Free energy (eABF): negative RMSD and harmonic restraints.
- Free energy calculation under external bias, (e)ABF/US/etc
- Free energy calculation using MM-GBSA with NAMD
- Free energy did not converge by using ABF
- Free MD simulation (Production run)
- Functional role of the internal water channel within the receptor
- Fw (5): zmhoseyni
- Fwd: (1) Failure running QM-MM with ORCA and (2) problems preparing input with transition metals
- Fwd: ABF FEP with multichain receptor
- Fwd: About the robustness of ABF and FEB protein-ligand
- Fwd: About wall clock time
- Fwd: Appropriate FF for a specific solvent
- Fwd: Are KNL a good choice for classical MD?
- Fwd: Atoms too fast/periodic cell too small with ABF protein-ligand
- Fwd: colvars to restrain peptide close to lipid
- Fwd: enhanced sampling of domain motion, GSAfold
- Fwd: facing problem while downloading NAMD
- Fwd: H-bonds in charmm36 with namd2.11
- Fwd: ISQBP 2016 meeting - registration opened!
- Fwd: Klaus Schulten Memorial Symposium, registration and accommodation
- Fwd: measuring Euler angles and polar angles
- Fwd: Modifying the equilibrium distance for a specific region of carbon nanotube in the parameter file
- Fwd: NAMD 2.12 released
- Fwd: namd on Windows 10
- Fwd: problem with angle parameters
- Fwd: Problems running NAMD QM-MM with ORCA 3.0.3
- Fwd: Regarding system forces in NAMD
- Fwd: Urey-Bradley parameters
- GaMD in NAMD
- GBIS error
- gbis for acetonitrile
- GBIS intrinsic radii set from aber parm7
- gbsa
- Generalized Born solvation models supported by NAMD
- Generate psf file in x-plor format
- generating nodelist and error
- generating topology file
- get seed
- Getting cluster with defined criteria
- GPU acceleration using K40 and k80
- GPU configuration suggestions
- Gradual cooling of the system
- Gradual Heating Periodic Error
- gradual heating problem
- Graphene Oxide Parameter File
- graphene with proteins
- group selection in TCL script for use in NAMD
- Gyration in colvars doesn't work with eABF.
- H-bonds in charmm36 with namd2.11
- Half of the structure goes out of the simulation box!
- Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: April 17-21 in Urbana, IL
- Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: June 6-10 in Pittsburgh, PA
- Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: May 30 - June 2 in Pittsburgh, PA
- Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: November 14-18 in Atlanta, GA
- Hands-On Workshop on Computational Biophysics: October 17-21 in Urbana, IL
- Hands-On Workshop on Integrative Modeling and Simulations
- Harmonic force Keyword "centers" significance
- Have GPU-accelerated NAMD Questions? Join us for a Live Webinar
- Having problem with restarting colvar distance,
- HBB2-pol
- heating in NPT ensemble
- Help about Drude Prepper
- Hi All
- High pressure calculations
- How can I find the proper number of solvent molecules in the simulation?
- how do I restart umbrella sampling calculations?
- How to calculate 2d surface energy surface on segmented adaptive biased force (ABF) simulations
- How to calculate free energy to unbias colvars restraint?
- How to calculate the number of solvent molecules for simulations in a specified pressure
- How to continue RMSD of previous production simulation
- How to create 3'-3' phosphodiester linkage for a DNA.
- How to define spheres of different sizes and their spatial constrains using NAMD?
- How to get 3D figure of solvent accessible surface area from APBS output
- How to get ideal alpha-helical, ω-shaped γ-turn, and turn/310-helix conformations
- How to get the right density of a methane system
- how to have large coordinate values in the "coordinates PDB" file
- how to not overwrite a modified file? (while producing coordinates for ABF/US windows)
- How to perform REMD of a system a membrane-protein system?
- How to pull protein-Monomer from DNA using ABF without any force on DNA?
- how to reassign dcdfreq??
- How to replace NAMD Eletrostatic Forces
- how to rerun a namd trajectory in order to complement the missing snapshots?
- How to restart metadynamics in namd
- How to sample pressure from NAMD log file.
- How to set setting periodic boundary condition
- How to set the configuration file for a NVE simulation
- How to use a proper force constant to decrease computational cost while keeping calculation precision?
- Howto gaussian accelerated MD
- Hybrid QM/MM in NAMD 2.12 with Gaussian
- Hybrid QM/MM NAMD: Problem Reading Extended psf files -- But some good news too
- hyper-branched polymers
- I cannot make MD simulation constant in pressure
- I don't have any eabf output file.
- Implementation of sortreplicas executable for restarted REST2 simulations
- Implicit solvent no non-bonded pairing
- Improper section for parameterization
- Inconsistency between NAMD 2.11 and NAMD 2.12
- Inconsistent atom count
- Incorporate aluminum oxide monolayer
- initial structure
- installing NAMD 2.11
- instantaneous pressure and temp change for multiple run calls?
- interpretation of eigenvec colvar?
- Intramolecular interaction energy of protein in vacuum from NAMD simualtions
- Introducing PDBManip
- introduction to research on free energies
- ION CHANNEL gating mechanism
- ion escapes the channel during US simulation
- ion moving laterally during Umbrella Sampling?
- Ion type in NAMD Implicit solvent model for ionizing the system
- Is GPU double-precision floating point performance important for NAMD?
- Is it possible to perform NVT FEP on a fluid system?
- is it possible to restrict the access of ions to certain volume?
- is NVE ensemble for production run justified?
- is there a way to prevent ions from entering the channel?
- Issues about Keep_water_out.tcl acript
- K40 benchmark problem in NAMD
- Keeping potassium ions out of an area during equilibration
- Kinetic energy outputs
- Klaus Schulten Memorial Issue (
- Lennard-Jones potential in coarse grained MD
- Ligand jump out of the protein through NPT ensemle runs
- Linux Ubuntu Workstation Networks: Charmrun> error attaching to node '': Timeout waiting for node-program to connect
- Lipid bilayer and ligand interactions
- Lipid Bilayer Shearing
- lipid centering
- Lipid_bilayer_area_per_lipid_problem_using_NPT_CharmmForcefield
- LJ Parameters for Au and S and harmonic constraints
- LJ parameters for Pd surface
- LJcorrection option in NAMD
- Low global exclusion count error
- Low global exclusion count errors!
- Lowe-Andersen, Langevin and velocity rescaling thermostats (lipid bilayers)
- LSU SuperMIC
- mail reg compilation of mdenergy
- mail reg membrane tutorial
- Maintaining PBC on Collective Variables
- make psf error for ligand
- making glucose chains using charmm36
- Making NAMD aware of Tcl packages?
- Manganese force field
- margin and pressure in CUDA version
- Martini CG models parameters errors
- Martini polarizable water topology and/or psf file
- maximum coordinate is negative for z
- Maximum dihedral angle
- MD trajectory analysis
- MD using implicit solvent
- MDFF based on known EM maps
- MDFF simulations in membrane environment
- MDFF with two symmetry groups
- measuring Euler angles and polar angles
- metadynamics and pmf file
- metadynamics run in NAMD or using plumed in NAMD
- Metadynamics simulation
- Metadynamics simulation with Radius of Gyration and RMSD variation - 1
- Metadynamics simulation with Radius of Gyration and RMSD variation - 2
- Metadynamics state file
- minimization error
- Minimization failing on one machine only
- minimization, heating, equilibration and production run in one script
- minimizing each structure of a DCD file
- minimum CUDA compute capability required for NAMD2.12
- Missing atom type for hydroperoxide
- missing binary operator before token "("
- missing parameters.
- Mixing all_36_cgenff with all_36_prot
- Modifying equilibrium distance for a specific region of carbon nanotube in the parameter file
- Modifying equilibrium distance for part of carbon nanotubes in parameter file
- Modifying the equilibrium distance for a specific region of carbon nanotube in the parameter file
- Molecule-based Electrostatics Cutoff?
- More FEP using separated topologies
- Movement of chloride ions during MD
- Movie in VMD
- Msd
- much larger diameter of ssDNA,
- multipld .dcd analysis by VMD
- Multiple Electric Field simulation
- multiple replicas metadynamics
- multiple run commands freeze when using MTS?
- namd "WARNING: ignoring command" problem
- NAMD 2.11 CUDA freezes on windows 8
- NAMD 2.11 on CRAY XK with CPU+GPU
- NAMD 2.11 released
- namd 2.12 and plumed 2.3
- Namd 2.12 error with Nvidia M2090 cards
- NAMD 2.12 multicore CUDA on Ubuntu 16.04 with NVIDIA Tesla M10 produces segmentation fault
- NAMD 2.12 released
- NAMD 2.12 using CUDA 8.0
- NAMD 2.12b1 released
- NAMD Acceleration using P100 (GP-GPU) accelerator
- NAMD breaks with wrong timestep
- NAMD crashes when Multilevel Summation Method (MSM) is on
- NAMD DCD file format
- NAMD developer workshop - Chicago, May 22-23, 2017
- NAMD developer workshop at Chicago IL, May 22-23, 2017
- NAMD Developer Workshop: May 26-27 in Chicago, IL
- NAMD Energies
- NAMD energy run in VMD
- NAMD Equil Config
- NAMD equilibrium step
- NAMD Execution Error
- NAMD for Stampede2
- NAMD GPU+ibverbs on multiple nodes: timeout problems
- NAMD How to calculate ns/day
- NAMD Implicit GB Parameters
- NAMD installation
- NAMD job termination
- namd leaves zombie processes on nodes?
- NAMD on Stampede 2
- NAMD on UCSD Comet
- namd on Windows 10
- NAMD parallelisation / patch grid
- NAMD performance monitor
- NAMD Question: Generating ensemble of structures
- NAMD Question: How to run on 2-chain system
- NAMD Question: NAMD Message "364"-What does it mean?
- NAMD Recipe for Success with GPUs!
- NAMD related theoretical questions
- NAMD running on a Cluster of Ubuntu Linux
- NAMD survey starting
- NAMD with multiple molecules
- NAMD-2.12 CUDA2 and PMECUDA problems
- NAMD-2.12 handful of issues with CUDA
- namd-l digest V1 #2196
- namd-l digest V1 #2289
- namd-l digest V1 #2316
- namd2 or charmrun ++local ?
- namd2 seg fault NAMD_2.11_Source Linux-x86_64-g++
- NAMD2.12b1 and CUDA
- NAMD2.9-ERROR: Constraint failure in RATTLE algorithm for atom!
- namd2.exe has stopped working, NAMD Energy
- NAMD_2.12b1 build on Cray XC40 is failing
- namdenergy and bigdcd
- NAMDEnergy with xtc file
- nan for Drude's LP in distance-like colvars
- NBFIX parameters for Calcium ion
- Need help with TCL script
- Neutralize a box for FEP
- No minimized system after running minimization in NAMD
- No parameter for ribose ring, Charmm 27
- no response from mail list
- Non respect of sequence of commands in command file
- non-standard solvants
- not a number error
- not a number in NAMD log file
- Npt lipid simulation with electrostatics 2
- NPT simulations with PLUMED in NAMD
- NPT with graphene
- NVE simulations in NAMD - the right choice of timesteps and parameters
- NVT and NPT simulationd
- nvt vs nve file
- Occasional performance slow down using NAMD with Xeon Phi
- On-the-fly eABF: Problem with the tcl script.
- Opinions on Haptic Feedback Devices with NAMD/VMD
- Optimizing namd run
- Organic Solvent & Water Simulation
- Output temperature not agreeing with tcouple temperature
- Oxidized cysteine parameters for CHARMM36
- PACE CG Model
- Packing of different system
- pairInteraction and PME?
- pairInteraction commands
- parameterization of cations
- parameterizing a new solvent
- Parameterizing residues of a polymer
- Parameters for determining run time
- Parameters for HS(CH2)11NH2
- Particle Mesh Ewald with Martini
- patch
- PBC BUG in coorfile + pair interaction
- PBC in lipid bilayer: receptor vs. ligand
- PDB file creation
- PDB File of Primary structure and Simulation
- performance drop during run
- performance is more poor for namd 2.12
- performance of GPU calculations
- performance of NAMD on KNL
- performance of NAMD SMP MPI version
- performance on ~1.5 million atoms system
- periodic boundary condition in XY, hard wall in Z - errors
- Periodic cell too small with GPUs, not with pur CPUs
- Periodic molecules in NAMD
- Permeation of liquid through Silicon Dioxide Crystal
- Ph.D. positions available
- PhD and postdoctoral positions in biomolecular simulation
- pKa calculation with thermodynamic integration (TI)
- plumed
- PME vs. cutoff with switching function
- PMEProcessors setting on one node
- PMF Calculation
- PMF calculation input files
- PMF calculation using ABF
- PMF decompostion
- PMF with ABF for ion channels in a spherical molecule
- polymer
- Polymer moves to the edge of water box during the simulation
- Positions for Ph.D. candidates in biomolecular modeling
- Possible bug in DCD writer, number of frames not in NSET but in 5-ZEROS
- Post Doctoral Fellow Opening at IBM for Biomolecular Modeling
- Post-doc position at ALCF - HPC post-doc in Computational Materials
- Postdoc position available
- Postdoctoral opening in biomolecular modeling at IBM
- Potential per TS looks wierd
- Pressure Profile.
- principal axes in colvars
- problem in minimization
- Problem in NAMD QMMM
- problem in running targeted MD
- Problem in running wham
- problem in writing the coor files
- problem to generate LPS PSF file using PSFGEN
- problem with +devices using
- Problem with alpha colvar in NAMD 2.12b1
- problem with angle parameters
- problem with bringing down the pressure
- Problem with minimization
- problem with minimization and calculation of force on a fixed atom
- Problem with namd2 execution on Windows GPU version
- Problem with running on multiple nodes
- Problem with the cross term of C NH1 CT1 C NH1 CT1 C NH1
- Problem with using autoPSF on TMCL lipid
- Problems in NAMD's code about real implementation of function named ComputeNonbondedUtil:calc_pair_energy
- problems mutating HID to TYR for free energy calculations
- Problems running FEP on Lenovo NextScale KNL
- Problems running NAMD QM-MM with ORCA 3.0.3
- Problems with wrapAll
- Production run after equilibration
- Proper combination of langevinHydrogen with rigidbonds
- Protein Penetrating Water Box
- protein stability in a membrane and SMD
- Protein trapped on an edge of the simulation cell using C36 force field
- protonating ASP and GLU
- Psf file generation with Gromacs Parameters
- psfgen - pdbalias when using readpsf
- PSFgen failed to guess coordinate due to bad angle CD CG HG2
- psfgen giving wrong structure in the autopdb file
- psfgen readpsf error with no more explanation
- psfgen: creating segments without extra hydrogens?
- Pulling protein through membrane without changing the position of membrane
- Q=9B=9E=E5=A4=8D:__Free_energy_(eABF):_ne?= gative RMSD and harmonic restraints.
- Q=B4=D7=D4"ZOU_Changling"_<>=B5=C4=D3=CA=BC=FE?=
- QM atoms outside the PBC boundary in QM/MM calculation
- QM-MM flooding potential
- QM-MM ORCA Charm++ error Could not find QM output file
- QM/MM Parallel Computing With Orca
- QM/MM With Mopac Error
- Queries regarding metadynamics and .pmf visualization
- Querries on eABF
- query in the equilibration step
- Query on colvar distanceZ
- query on OuputTotalforce Vs OnesiteTotal force ?
- Query regarding colvar distanceZ
- Query regarding parameter file generation of a non standard residue
- Query regarding parameter file generation of non standard residue
- Question about applying external force
- question about GPU
- Question about new NAMD QM/MM code
- question about point substitution A→U
- question about Steered Molecular Dynamics
- question regarding rmsd
- Questions on creating constraints in NAMD
- Questions on implementing new collective variable in colvars.
- Radial pair distribution function for internal water analysis
- raising temperature after equiliobration
- RATTLE error with lipid bilayer system
- readable output of gbis.coor
- Reason: FATAL ERROR: Unknown command-line option ++local
- Recipe for Success - GPU accelerated NAMD
- reconstructing pmf
- Recover the PMF along an unbiased CV
- reg diffusion of water molecules
- Reg membrane assembly
- REG Protein inserion in to membrane bi layear
- Reg seeting of periodic boundary condition
- Regarding Bionanotechnology tutorial
- regarding constant velocity steered molecular dynamics
- Regarding Error on HB2
- Regarding merging of .grad files obtained from ABF simulations
- Regarding radial distribution function graph
- Regarding system forces in NAMD
- Regarding Trajectory files
- Regarding: Free energy of alchemical transformation of K + and Na +
- Regular vs US sampling runs.
- REMD and sortreplicas program
- REMD using NAMD 2.13
- Remembering Klaus Schulten
- Replica exchange
- Replica Exchange US, Colvar suggestion
- Replica Exchange: Equilibrating at each temperature
- replica_bias and colvars
- Repulsion of lipid bilayer during equilibration
- REST2 patch for NAMD 2.12
- REST2 simulations: Corecting shifted dcd files!
- restart a job
- restart file - langevin options removed?
- Restart multiple walker ABF
- restart namd calculations
- Restarting ABF
- restarting and continuing - difference
- Restarting FEP calculations
- restarting simulation
- restraining selected atom's z coordinates
- Restraining the mass centre coordinate during Umbrella Sampling
- restraint backbone to keep secondary structure in coarse grain MD
- restraints and constraints in NAMD
- Restring the coordinate during Umbrella Sampling
- Returning energy values from .log file.
- RFC: shell scripts and support functions for NAMD on Slurm (including GPU and Infiniband)
- RMSD based PMF calculation with umbrella sampling
- RMSD colvar not working in NAMD2.12 Linux version
- RMSD of backbone changes rapidly at the beginning of production run
- rotation angle
- Ru surface potential
- run namd cuda with srun.
- Running 2.12
- Running a test simulation using GPU only (without any CPU core)
- Running Charmm36
- Running gromacs in namd
- Running IMD with TMD (domain restraints)
- Running multi-node jobs on Sun Grid Engine
- Running multiple-replicas metadynamics
- Running NAMD on Intel OmniPath
- Running REMD
- running simulations in successive steps
- Sample umbrella sampling input file
- Scaling behaviour of NAMD on hosts with GPU accelrators
- Script for Terachem QMMM
- segmentation error
- segmentation fault (core dumped)
- Segmentation fault during water MD
- Segmentation fault error with 'nan' pressure and energy
- segmentation fault in ABF simulations
- Selecting atoms in NAMD .conf file and time-varying electric field
- selection error in forces script
- selectively assign HIE or HID for HIS residues
- Separate switchdist for electrostatic interactions
- setting up simulation in vmd using charmm 36 forcefield
- Setting up softcore parameters for FEP
- Setting up symmetry restraints in a homo-dimer with non-equal number of residues
- Setting up the range for movement of protein in umbrella sampling
- Shear flow simulation setup
- Shear Stress modelling in NAMD
- Should you cap C and N termini?
- Shrinking a molecule (Colvars and Constant Pressure not working)
- Shrinking a polymer to match its density using pbc
- simulated annealing
- Simulated annealing error
- Simulated annealing, in solvent or in vacuum?
- Simulating Protein Entering membrane
- Simulating Protein/Membrane interface with pre-equiliibrated lipid bilayer
- Simulating SDS molecules
- Simulation crashes on GPU
- simulation crashing in 2nd stage equilibration
- simulation of hyperbranched polymers
- Simulation of metalo-binding proteins
- Simulation of the mechanical stress in NAMD
- Simulation runs only in background
- size of water box and cellbasisvectors
- Slurm Run on supercomputer
- Slurm Script for Multi Node Run
- SMD Constant velocity pulling
- SMD restraints
- SMD simulation problem
- SMD simulation problem.
- SMD: constant velocity output analysis (Develop force and displacement plot)
- SMP instructions for multi-node calculation on POWER 8 + P100
- Software for molecular electrostatic calculations
- Solvation free energy difference of alchemical transformation of K+ into Na+
- Solvent box fluctuations
- solvent other than water
- Some questions about the orthogonality of colvars in ABF.
- Some questions on the Deca-Alanine ABF tutorial
- Some water molecules are missing in psf
- sortreplicas on Stampede 2
- Spawning too many gpu processes on the first node
- specify H-bond in CGMD
- Specify number of water molecules:simulation set up in VMD
- Stack Traceback problem in colvar restrain
- Standard Output: Benchmark vs Timing
- steepest descent
- Steered MD diminishing distances
- Steered Molecular Dynamics
- strange diffs in energy output of NAMD 2.9 vs. 2.11
- Stray PME grid charges detected
- stripping off water from DCD file except structural water
- Studying Folding of 870 Small Peptides. Computationally Feasible?
- Sugar phosphate topology and parameter
- Switch function equation
- Switch off rescale temperature after some number of timesteps
- Syntax for replicaRecv
- System temperature check of specific atoms , sys temp of only coupled atoms?
- targetCenters in Umbrella Sampling
- Targeted MD, "Biased atoms" and "Fitted atoms", RMSD
- TCBG Live Computational Biophysics Workshop Lectures
- Tcl clock
- Tcl script for simulated tempering?
- TCL Scripting for Force Calculations
- tcl used for binary compilation
- tclBC during SMD and ABF simulations
- tclBC relective boundaries
- Tesla K80 vs 3 x GTX 980Ti
- test area method to calculate surface tension
- Testing NAMD scalability
- The adaptTemp and Temp in Adaptive tempering
- The needed time for a MD simulation
- The number of QM atoms received is different than expected
- The question about Network calculation
- The reason for the formation of bubbles in heating stage
- The use of NPT or NVT ensemble to observe dynamical parameters
- TIP4P water with flexible bonds
- TIP4P/2005 par file by Jordi Faraudo
- TMD without alignment
- TMD: initial and targeted structure does not have same number of atoms
- Too many iterations in routine jacobi during FEP
- Too many iterations in routine jacobi.
- Topology and parameter files for liquid methane
- Topology Command in VMD
- topology file for the residue CSO
- torsional restrain
- transition metal parameters
- Trigger DCD frame from TCL?
- Turning off and back on fixed atoms
- Tutorial example of replica exchange
- Two parameter file in NAMD configuration file
- two stage equilibration in single configuration file
- Type of solvent water molecules
- Umbrella Sampling colvar file parameters
- Umbrella sampling colvars DistanceZ deviates a lot
- Umbrella sampling of 2 CNT's taking distance as collective variable
- Unable to compile Tachyon on Sun Grid Engine
- Unable to run CUDA NAMD but able to run non-CUDA version on Windows
- unbinding free energy using ABF
- Unexpected(?) callback behavior when minimizing before MD
- unix path length limits for namd
- Urey-Bradley parameters
- Using 3 GPUs (but not 2) causes energy and temperatures to rise extremely fast in NAMD 2.12
- using colvars to constrain two atoms in a direction
- Using Gromacs topology in NAMD
- Using Mergestructs
- Using NAMD with NMR structure
- value of langevinTemp in case of binvelocities
- varying two colvar distances simultaneously
- veldcdfile command
- velocity computation
- verbs-smp on a single node
- very small cell
- visualizing and analyzing long simulation
- vmd-l: 780Ti and NAMD2
- vmd-l: CHARMM36 alleged missing CC CT1 NH2 angle params
- vmd-l: Inconsistent atom count
- Water atoms' explosion out of solvate box in my RBCG simulation on NAMD
- water box and padding
- water box has a weird shape
- water permeability calculation using NAMD trajectories
- Water permeation through aquaporin-Z
- water permeation through nanotube in lipid bilayer
- WG: vmd-l: NAMD 2.11 Cuda does not work with Quadro FX 3800
- What is the exact form of the harmonic potential used by the NAMD "constraints" option?
- What to cite for CHARMM22
- Which NAMD-Build for my local HPC?
- why does the transition seem to be irreversible in aMD
- Why does the water box collapse in an aMD
- Why wrapped and unwrapped trajectories show different energies over the time?
- Why wrapped and unwrapped trajectories show different energies over time?
- WHY!!! num_runs should be divisible by runs_per_frame * frames_per_restart -->REMD
- Workshop on Computational Biophysics, Urbana, IL: Application Deadline March 10th
- Workshop on MD simulation software design
- Wrapall on or off?
- Wrapping molecules in a NAMD simulation
- write first point into (vel)dcd file
- Writing number of atoms in a specific group to a file
- Writing pdb file for a particular frame
- wrong pdb struvture generated while using patch
- XPLOR format PSF file for small molecules
- ظ: about User-Defined Forces
- “Cannot compile C++ programs with mpicxx" error when compiling charm-6.7
- 来自"ZOU Changling" <>的邮件
Last message date: Sat Dec 30 2017 - 12:48:03 CST
Archived on: Sun Dec 31 2017 - 23:21:53 CST
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