VMD-L Mailing List
From: Petrica GASCA (petricag_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri May 11 2007 - 06:49:10 CDT
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Fwd: vmd first installation"
- Previous message: SMAHANE CHALABI: "files for air"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: show atom number in xyz file"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: show atom number in xyz file"
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I am a new user of VMD and I am trying to get used to it on a Linux machine.
What is really important for my work is to see atom numbers (the index field
from the Labels window).
Is there any possibility to show them as atom labels the same way that we
can see the name of the atom when we select them manually?
Thanks in advance.
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Fwd: vmd first installation"
- Previous message: SMAHANE CHALABI: "files for air"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: show atom number in xyz file"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: show atom number in xyz file"
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