From: Vermaas, Joshua (
Date: Fri Jun 08 2018 - 00:06:54 CDT

Hi Chris,

You wouldn't happen to have made your .vmdrc file with VMDPrefs, would you? By default, the contents are then enclosed in a "after idle" command, which will delay executing your vmdrc contents until after VMD is done processing input commands. I solved this problem for myself by putting the auto_path append commands outside of the after idle command, so that they are executed immediately at startup.


On 2018-06-07 16:50:51-06:00 wrote:

Hi all,

I’m driving vmd using something like

vmd -eofexit < file.tcl &> file.log

The first line of file.tcl is “package require foo”, where foo.tcl lives in a directory that’s added to the path in my .vmdrc file through a “set auto_path” command. However, it seems like the “package require” command is being run before the .vmdrc file is being executed, because in the log file I’m seeing a package not found error followed by the output of the .vmdrc file.

I can work around this by setting the path in my foo.tcl file, but I’m wondering if there’s a way to make sure that the .vmdrc file is executed before contents of foo.tcl are fed to vmd.

This is under Mac OS 10.12.


Chris Goedde