VMD-L Mailing List
From: Knut Jrgen Bjuland (knutjorgen_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Apr 09 2010 - 02:28:48 CDT
- Next message: Knut Jrgen Bjuland: "question about vmd use"
- Previous message: Nicholas Musolino: "Re: creating and appending to DCD in VMD"
- Next in thread: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: build dependency"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: build dependency"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: build dependency"
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I am in the prosces of build vmd from source. Which library is necessary
to build vmd and which version is needed. I use both Fedora 12 on one
machine and Ubunut 9.10 on another machine. Are there any build of Vmd
that are build for these two distributions.
Knut J
- Next message: Knut Jrgen Bjuland: "question about vmd use"
- Previous message: Nicholas Musolino: "Re: creating and appending to DCD in VMD"
- Next in thread: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: build dependency"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: build dependency"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: build dependency"
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