From: Ahmet Bakan (abakan_at_KU.EDU.TR)
Date: Wed Aug 25 2004 - 10:53:59 CDT

Hi Rowan,


I have used some parameters from PCFF with CHARMM. I used them for some
model compounds. I needed to define new atom types and topologies for my
molecules. NAMD asks for missing parameters at startup, then I gathered the
from PCFF.


My question is that, is it planned to implement a module that creates
topology file for any model compound and ask for parameters that NAMD will






-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rowan Hargreaves
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: namd-l: cff91 force field in namd


Hi there,


Does anyone know of a way of implementing the cff91 force field (as

developed by Molecular Simulations Inc.) in NAMD? Or is it only possible

to use the CHARMM force field?


Many thanks,




Rowan Hargreaves                                  Room 4305 JCMB
School of Physics
The King's Buildings
University of Edinburgh                       tel: 0131 650 6799
Mayfield Road Edinburgh EH9 3JZ  