From: Abhishek TYAGI (
Date: Tue Mar 13 2018 - 07:13:06 CDT

definitely it can run vmd, but the purpose to use high end PC is better for large size trajectories.

Abhishek Tyagi,PhD

Chemical and Biological Engineering

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong

From: <> on behalf of Debostuti Ghoshdastidar <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 8:05:32 PM
To: VMD Mailing List
Subject: vmd-l: Graphics card requirement for VMD

Dear All

I have always used an NVidia GeForce card on my Lab system for running VMD. However, if I purchase a laptop with an Nvidia N16S-GTR DDR3L 2G card (in place of the GDDR5-Vram that is included in the GeForce series) would it be VMD compatible?

Thanks in advance for any advise on this

Debostuti Ghosh Dastidar
DST SERB National Post-Doctoral Fellow
Molecular Biophysics Unit
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore