From: Heather Mayes (
Date: Tue May 01 2012 - 15:45:39 CDT


Is it possible to modify the .vmdrc to made the default action "Load
all at once"? (Apologies if this has already been answered--I tried
searching the archives and internet, but did not see the syntax to do

I also would like to have 3 superimposed representations added by
default to each loaded molecule (VDW and 2 different dynamic bonds
representations). My molecules are small enough that this will not be
a drain on the graphics card. I tried various options, including the
my_def_viz hack described in the VMD tutorial, but these did not work
for me. The only thing that has gotten me part of the way there is to
set "mol default style {VDW 0.3 15}" in my vmdrc. I've tried various
"addrep" lines to this, but am not able to by default add another
representation. Any ideas?

Thank you,