From: hanif mahboobi (
Date: Sun Jul 31 2011 - 06:13:57 CDT

Dear VMD users
in the following part of the tcl code, moveby generates this error:
atomselect moveby: non-numeric in vector
I wonder how this issue can be handled. I need to use the values of some variables in "mobeby" command.
for {set countx 1} {$countx <= $segnum} {incr countx} {
for {set county 1} {$county <= $segnum} {incr county} {
for {set countz 1} {$countz <= $segnum} {incr countz} {
set segid P$countx$county$countz
segment $segid {
 set offx [expr $countx*$driftx]
 set offy [expr $county*$drifty]
 set offz [expr $countz*$driftz]
 $fsfg moveby {$offx $offy $offz}
 $fsfg writepdb fsfg_shift_temp.pdb
 pdb fsfg_shift_temp.pdb
 coordpdb fsfg_shift_temp.pdb $segid