VMD-L Mailing List
From: Axel Kohlmeyer (akohlmey_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Aug 13 2010 - 14:30:28 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: cant connect Novint Falcon with VMD"
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- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: cant connect Novint Falcon with VMD"
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some additional info.
i have since received one report that there _can_ be a communication
problem between the precompiled VMD versions and a newer vrpn_server
that was cured by compiling VMD from source. from the details i was given
it would be very platform specific, and likely a 64 bit issue.
i suppose some people get lucky, some don't.
i've decided to make an effort to make things easier for people
that struggle with compilation of libnifalcon and the falcon enabled
vrpn_server. i've installed static library packages on my build machines,
adjusted configurations and produced a set of packages with vrpn
binaries that have only minimal dependencies on external libraries.
i have a 32bit machine running fedora 10 and a 64bit machine running
fedora 12 that i am testing on. you can find those pacakges here:
there are two variants of the vrpn packages. one that is build
off my local svn that was based on the latest release version
of VRPN (7.26.0) and another build that is compiled from the
latest vrpn public git repository plus my modifications (7.26.2).
in the future i will stay in sync with that repository as close as
possible and russ will hopefully at some point merge in my
changes into his tree, so that the code will be more widely
accessible. for more details have a look at the page where
i collect all info and examples on my branch of the code.
john, what do you propose would be the best way to get
some proper VMD builds with a recent VRPN client included?
i can created distributions from what i am using, but there
are lots of customizations in my tree and the binaries use
system libraries for tcl/tk/fltk/python and more, so they are
likely not portable beyond a replica of my installation.
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 1:55 PM, John Stone <johns_at_ks.uiuc.edu> wrote:
> Shawn,
> If you're using the most recent version of VRPN, then you'll likely
> have to compile your own VMD from source code, as we use a slightly older
> VRPN library in our VMD builds, to go along with drivers for the
> Sensable Phantom devices. None of the error messages you were getting
> looked like they were caused by VRPN version mismatches, so this may not
> even be the current source of your problems. My guess, from all of those
> connection failure messages is that your firewall was, or is, interfering
> with the socket connections between VMD and the VRPN server. To check
> whether or not the VRPN server is configured correctly, I would recommend
> that you try and run the VRPN "printvals" program and verify that you're
> able to get it to connect to the VRPN server, independent of VMD.
> If the printvals program doesn't work, then you must still have some
> configuration problem or some kind of network problem or firewall issue.
> If on the other hand, the printvals program works fine, then probably you
> are having problems due to a .vmdsensors config issue, or the VRPN
> versions being mismatched, etc. Try the VRPN printvals tests and let
> me know what happens.
> Cheers,
> John Stone
> vmd_at_ks.uiuc.edu
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer akohlmey_at_gmail.com http://sites.google.com/site/akohlmey/ Institute for Computational Molecular Science Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: cant connect Novint Falcon with VMD"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: VMD questions about animating residue distance lines and contact maps"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: cant connect Novint Falcon with VMD"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: cant connect Novint Falcon with VMD"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: cant connect Novint Falcon with VMD"
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