From: Rob (
Date: Sun May 24 2009 - 04:31:17 CDT

Axel Kohlmeyer wrote:

> the best way to start, is to modify a plugin that does already

> something similar for a similar software. but then there is also
> the plugin programmer's guide at:

A while ago I have improved and extended the VASP plugin.
I am about to use those plugins as examples for the abinit plugin.

> in VMD 1.8.7 the molfile plugin API was significantly expanded.
> depending on what information you want to hand over to VMD,
> you should start working off the CVS version.

Hmm, no; I don't want the burden of compiling VMD itself.
What's so neat about the plugins is, that they are independent
of the VMD code. I can code, compile, and install plugins in
the directory tree of the precompiled VMD.

Hence, at present have only access to 1.8.6 and its plugins.
I tried the 1.8.7beta release, but it doesn't provide the sources
of the plugins....

But, eh, do all plugins then need a severe rewrite with 1.8.7?
Is the plugin API only extended, or completely changed?
Is the plugin interface change already documented?
