VMD-L Mailing List
From: Alberto Sergio Garay (sgaray_at_fbcb.unl.edu.ar)
Date: Tue Dec 16 2008 - 04:43:23 CST
- Next message: bo baker: "QM Geometry optimization"
- Previous message: L. Michel Espinoza-Fonseca: "Re: defintion of alpha helix in vmd?"
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Hi all
I'm trying to make my own animation script starting (learning) from
the vmd animation example. But when I run it in my PC it doesn't work.
It just only
did one iteration step and then exit. Am I doing something wrong?. I
just only copied the script from the webpage of vmd, saved it in a
file and run it.
Could anyone give any clue of how to solve it?
Below I've pasted the script I took from the vmd web page:
proc swing {} {
# get rid of everything else (if there is anything)
if [expr [molinfo top] != -1] { mol off all }
# create a new graphics molecule to handle just this
mol load graphics "swing"
set mol [molinfo top]
set center {0 0.5 0}
set radius 0.125
set offset ".25 0 0"
set length 1
set firsttime 1
display resetview
axes location off
stage location off
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
display update off
scale by 1.003
rotate y by 5
display update on
set top1 [vecsub $center $offset]
set top2 $center
set top3 [vecadd $center $offset]
# compute the bottom location
set bot1 [vecsub $top1 "0 $length 0"]
set bot2 [vecsub $top2 "0 $length 0"]
set bot3 [vecsub $top3 "0 $length 0"]
set xdiff [expr sin($i/10.0)]
set ydiff [expr 1.0 - abs(cos($i/10.0))]
if [expr $xdiff < 0] {
set bot1 [vecadd $bot1 "$xdiff $ydiff 0"]
} else {
set bot3 [vecadd $bot3 "$xdiff $ydiff 0"]
if $firsttime {
set firsttime 0
display resetview
} else {
graphics $mol delete all
# draw the three different balls/strings in different colors
graphics $mol color red
graphics $mol sphere $bot1 radius $radius
graphics $mol color green
graphics $mol sphere $bot2 radius $radius
graphics $mol color blue
graphics $mol sphere $bot3 radius $radius
graphics $mol materials off
graphics $mol color red
graphics $mol line $top1 $bot1
graphics $mol color green
graphics $mol line $top2 $bot2
graphics $mol color blue
graphics $mol line $top3 $bot3
display reshape
display update on
Thank you in advance
-- Dr. Sergio Garay Facultad de Bioquimica y Cs. Biológicas Universidad Nacional del Litoral Santa Fe - Argentina C.C. 242 - Ciudad Universitaria - C.P. S3000ZAA Argentina Ph. +54 (342) 4575-213 Fax. +54 (342) 4575-221
- Next message: bo baker: "QM Geometry optimization"
- Previous message: L. Michel Espinoza-Fonseca: "Re: defintion of alpha helix in vmd?"
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