From: Alexandre A. Vakhrouchev (
Date: Sat May 10 2008 - 07:36:43 CDT

Hi all!

I've got such message working with 2000K atom system. Is there any
other approaches to solve that for VMD 1.8.6? Just now I had to
downgrade to 1.8.5 for quick solution.

Best regards,
Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev
 Institute of Applied Mechanics
Dep. of Mech. and Phys.-Chem.
of heterogeneous mediums
UB of Russian Academy of Sciences
34 T. Baramzinoy St.
Izhevsk, Russia 426067
Best regards,
Dr. Alexander Vakhrushev
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Dep. of Mech. and Phys.-Chem.
of heterogeneous mediums
UB of Russian Academy of Sciences
34 T. Baramzinoy St.
Izhevsk, Russia 426067
С уважением,
    Вахрушев Александр Александрович
к.ф.-м.н., с.н.с.
Институт прикладной механики
Уральского Отделения
Российской Академии Наук
426067, г. Ижевск
ул. Т. Барамзиной 34