From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Sun Nov 25 2007 - 12:58:47 CST

On Sun, 25 Nov 2007, Ahmed Nawar wrote:

AN> Thanks for all replays,
AN> I Compiled the VMD with freevr and installed it.
AN> But when I start the vmd it is shutdown and i haven't the time to see any error.
AN> So I need an installation guide for VMD with FreeVR.
AN> And how can i found the error if the command window close (Ex:log file).

please check the VMD Linux release notes and try running
VMD in text mode and if that does not produce a problem
in debug mode with "vmd -debug" and then "run".

that should produce some output that would give you
a hint of what happenend and what went wrong.


AN> Thanks
AN> Ahmed Nawar
AN> Software Developer
AN> International School of Information Science (ISIS)
AN> Bibliotecha Alexandrina
AN> P.O. Box 138, El-Chatby Alexandria 21526, Egypt
AN> Phone:+(203) 4839999, Ext.:1498
AN> Fax:+(203) 482 0405
AN> -----Original Message-----
AN> From: John Stone []
AN> Sent: Thu 11/22/2007 6:21 PM
AN> To: Ahmed Nawar
AN> Cc:
AN> Subject: Re: vmd-l: cave
AN> Hi,
AN> If you use the VMD with FreeVR you can run in "simulator" mode
AN> that allows the keyboard and mouse to emulate the full CAVE environment,
AN> by letting you manipulate the positions and orientations of the wand
AN> and head tracker and so on. If you need to test on a desktop, that's
AN> the best way to go.
AN> Cheers,
AN> John Stone
AN> On Thu, Nov 22, 2007 at 02:09:24PM +0200, Ahmed Nawar wrote:
AN> > Dear All;
AN> >
AN> > We have a cave system.
AN> > I need to test my work on my pc before i go to the cave.
AN> > So i need a tool but i haven't any spatial device on my pc.
AN> > Is there any thing i can use to build a tool using the keyboard/mous.
AN> >
AN> > Thanks,
AN> > Ahmed Nawar
AN> > Software Developer
AN> > International School of Information Science (ISIS)
AN> > Bibliotecha Alexandrina
AN> > P.O. Box 138, El-Chatby Alexandria 21526, Egypt
AN> > Phone:+(203) 4839999, Ext.:1498
AN> > Fax:+(203) 482 0405
AN> >

Axel Kohlmeyer
   Center for Molecular Modeling   --   University of Pennsylvania
Department of Chemistry, 231 S.34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323
tel: 1-215-898-1582,  fax: 1-215-573-6233,  office-tel: 1-215-898-5425
If you make something idiot-proof, the universe creates a better idiot.