VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arneh Babakhani (ababakha_at_mccammon.ucsd.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 22 2007 - 13:10:06 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: Loading up PDB files in absolute coordinates"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Text/Labels on ray tracing external renderer"
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- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Loading up PDB files in absolute coordinates"
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I have a brief question about loading up pdb files in VMD. I noticed
that when I load up a pdb file, one of the atoms is placed at the origin
{0 0 0} and the rest are plotted around that. For instance, for the
simple pdb file:
ATOM 1 H XXX A 1 2.00 2.00 0.00 H
ATOM 2 H XXX A 1 0.00 2.00 0.00 H
the fist hydrogen atom is placed at {0 0 2}, the second is placed at {0
0 0}. So the distance between the two atoms is correct, but they're
coordinates are different from what actually appears in the pdb file.
So my question is, how can I load up the pdb file such that the atoms
are placed in the 'absolute' coordinates of file? And how can I do that
from the TCL command line, is there an option to 'mol load pdb
whatever.pdb' ?
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: Loading up PDB files in absolute coordinates"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Text/Labels on ray tracing external renderer"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Loading up PDB files in absolute coordinates"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Loading up PDB files in absolute coordinates"
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