VMD-L Mailing List
From: amit dong (amitdong_at_gmail.com)
Date: Fri Apr 13 2007 - 15:53:24 CDT
- Next message: Ekta Khurana: ".xyz to .dcd using catdcd"
- Previous message: George Madalin Giambasu: "Re: VMD installation"
- Next in thread: Peter Freddolino: "Re: contact map (over all frames)"
- Reply: Peter Freddolino: "Re: contact map (over all frames)"
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I need to calculate contacts for all the residues for a full trajectory. I
can calculate it for a single frame, but I a not able to extend it to whole
trajectory. Can anyone shed some light on this. I will be grateful.
The script for single frame:
set mol 0
set minA 1
set maxA 76
set file [ open output.dat w]
set nf [ molinfo $mol get numframes]
for {set j $minA} {$j <= $maxA} {incr j} {
set con [atomselect $mol "alpha and (within 8 of resid $j and alpha)"]
set a [$con get resid]
puts $file "$j $a"
close $file
- Next message: Ekta Khurana: ".xyz to .dcd using catdcd"
- Previous message: George Madalin Giambasu: "Re: VMD installation"
- Next in thread: Peter Freddolino: "Re: contact map (over all frames)"
- Reply: Peter Freddolino: "Re: contact map (over all frames)"
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