VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arneh Babakhani (ababakha_at_mccammon.ucsd.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 02 2007 - 16:16:04 CST
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: Error while running scripts: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Atomselect on several molecules"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: CHARMM electrostatic potential"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Error while running scripts: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Error while running scripts: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
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I'm trying a run a script in vmd, in which I load up some trajectories
and then calculate an RMSD. It worked just fine the first few times, but
now it's crashing out on me, giving an error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): St9bad_alloc
Any ideas what's causing this? I doubt its a VMD issue or a problem with
my script, b/c it ran fine before. A computer issue? Need to reboot?
(would rather not).
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: Error while running scripts: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
- Previous message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: Atomselect on several molecules"
- In reply to: John Stone: "Re: CHARMM electrostatic potential"
- Next in thread: John Stone: "Re: Error while running scripts: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
- Reply: John Stone: "Re: Error while running scripts: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"
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