From: wurl (
Date: Tue Jan 16 2007 - 19:31:40 CST

hello vmd-l,

//i have added the following scripts in the vmd.rc file to load additional scripts :

#Load Tcl-extensions
foreach ext [split [glob E:/vmdextensions/tcl/*.tcl]]
    source $ext
unset ext

//after start VMD, it told me errors like:

wrong # args: should be "foreach varList list ?varList list ...? command"
invalid command name "
    source $ext
can't unset "ext": no such variable

//in linux, it does not make errors, are there any difference between the linux and windows tcl scripts?
//my VMD version is 1.8.5, and are there any other way to load additional tcl scripts? what are the default folder //VMD will search for tcl scripts in windows version 1.8.5 ?
