From: Jeffrey A Tibbitt (
Date: Tue Aug 08 2006 - 10:06:44 CDT

VMD Users,
A precompiled version of VMD was downloaded and installed on an AMD Linux 64 machine.  When running the executible:  $VMDDIR/VMD_LINUXAMD64
it has trouble loading TCL, but when running the executible :$VMDDIR/bin/vmd
VMD loads up with a different kind of text console and there are no Error messages regarding TCL.  Is the latter a kind of backup version of VMD?  Also, TCL has been installed in two different places by our Unix administrator and both times, VMD has had trouble with tcl.  The error output when vmd loads follows (near the bottom is where the tcl errors are):
Jeff Tibbitt

Info) VMD for LINUXAMD64, version 1.8.4 (April 17, 2006)


Info) Email questions and bug reports to

Info) Please include this reference in published work using VMD:

Info) Humphrey, W., Dalke, A. and Schulten, K., `VMD - Visual

Info) Molecular Dynamics', J. Molec. Graphics 1996, 14.1, 33-38.

Info) -------------------------------------------------------------

Info) Multithreading available, 2 CPUs detected.

Info) OpenGL renderer: Quadro FX 1400/PCI/SSE2


Info) OpenGL shader linkage log:

Info) Fragment info

Info) -------------

Info) Internal error: assembly compile error for fragment shader at offset 3730:Info) -- error message --

Info) line 86, column 9: error: invalid state property

Info) -- internal assembly text --

Info) !!ARBfp1.0

Info) OPTION NV_fragment_program2;

Info) # cgc version 1.5.0000, build date Mar 29 2006 15:47:30

Info) # command line args:

Info) #vendor NVIDIA Corporation

Info) #version

Info) #profile fp40

Info) #program main

Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneS : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.S

Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneT : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.T

Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneR : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.R

Info) #semantic gl_Fog : STATE.FOG

Info) #semantic vmdlight0

Info) #semantic vmdlightscale

Info) #semantic vmdprojparms

Info) #semantic vmdtexturemode

Info) #semantic vmdtex0

Info) #semantic vmdlight2

Info) #semantic vmdopacity

Info) #semantic vmdprojectionmode

Info) #semantic vmdlight3

Info) #semantic vmdfogmode

Info) #semantic vmdlight1

Info) #semantic vmdmaterial

Info) #var float gl_FogFragCoord : $vin.FOGC : FOGC : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 gl_FragColor : $vout.COLOR : COL : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 gl_FragDepth : $vout.DEPR : DEPR : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.S : c[11] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.S : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.T : c[10] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.T : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.R : c[9] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.R : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float4 gl_Fog.color : STATE.FOG.COLOR : c[18] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float gl_Fog.density : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.X : c[5] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float gl_Fog.start : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.Y : : -1 : 0

Info) #var float gl_Fog.end : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.Z : c[6] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float gl_Fog.scale : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.W : c[7] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 oglcolor : $vin.TEX0 : TEX0 : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 rayorigin : $vin.TEX1 : TEX1 : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 vmdlight0 : : c[15] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 vmdlightscale : : c[13] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 vmdprojparms : : c[2] : -1 : 1

Info) #var int vmdtexturemode : : c[8] : -1 : 1

Info) #var sampler3D vmdtex0 : : texunit 0 : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 V : $vin.TEX2 : TEX2 : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 spherepos : $vin.TEX3 : TEX3 : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 vmdlight2 : : c[14] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float vmdopacity : : c[19] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float sphereradsq : $vin.TEX4 : TEX4 : -1 : 1

Info) #var int vmdprojectionmode : : c[0] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 vmdlight3 : : c[12] : -1 : 1

Info) #var int vmdfogmode : : c[3] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float3 vmdlight1 : : c[16] : -1 : 1

Info) #var float4 vmdmaterial : : c[17] : -1 : 1

Info) #var <none>4 $kill_0000 : $vout.$kill : $kill : -1 : 0

Info) #var <none>4 $kill_0001 : $vout.$kill : $kill : -1 : 0

Info) #const c[1] = 1 0.5 0 2

Info) #const c[4] = 3 1.442695

Info) PARAM c[20] = { program.local[0],

Info) { 1, 0.5, 0, 2 },

Info) program.local[2..3],

Info) { 3, 1.442695 },

Info) state.fog.params,

Info) state.fog.params,

Info) state.fog.params,

Info) program.local[8],

Info) state.texgen[0].eye.r,

Info) state.texgen[0].eye.t,

Info) state.texgen[0].eye.s,

Info) program.local[12..17],

Info) state.fog.color,

Info) program.local[19] };

Info) TEMP R0;

Info) TEMP R1;

Info) TEMP R2;

Info) TEMP R3;

Info) TEMP R4;


Info) TEMP RC;

Info) TEMP HC;

Info) OUTPUT oCol = result.color;

Info) MOVR R4.xy, c[1].xwzw;

Info) SEQR H0.xy, c[3].x, R4;

Info) DP3R R0.w, fragment.texcoord[2], fragment.texcoord[2];

Info) MOVR R1.w, c[1].x;

Info) SEQX, H0.xyxy, c[1].z;

Info) MOVXC HC.x, H0;

Info) ADDR R0.x, -fragment.fogcoord, c[6].z;

Info) MULR_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x, c[7];

Info) MULR R0.x, fragment.fogcoord, -c[5];

Info) MOVR R2.w, c[1].x;

Info) MULXC HC.x, H0.z, H0.y;

Info) MULR R0.x, R0, c[4].y;

Info) EX2R_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x;

Info) MULR R0.x, -c[5], c[5];

Info) MULR R0.y, R0.x, fragment.fogcoord.x;

Info) MOVR R0.x, c[4];

Info) MULR R0.y, R0, fragment.fogcoord.x;

Info) SEQR H0.y, c[3].x, R0.x;

Info) MULX H0.x, H0.z, H0.w;

Info) MULR R0.x, R0.y, c[4].y;

Info) MULXC HC.x, H0, H0.y;

Info) EX2R_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x;

Info) MOVR, fragment.texcoord[1];

Info) ADDR, fragment.texcoord[3], -R0;

Info) RSQR R0.w, R0.w;

Info) MULR, R0.w, fragment.texcoord[2];

Info) DP3R R3.x, R0, R1;

Info) DP3R R3.z, R1, R1;

Info) MADR R3.y, R3.x, R3.x, fragment.texcoord[4].x;

Info) ADDR R0.w, R3.y, -R3.z;

Info) RSQR R0.w, R0.w;

Info) RCPR R3.w, R0.w;

Info) ADDR R0.w, R3.x, -R3;

Info) MADR, R0, R0.w, fragment.texcoord[1];

Info) DP4R R0.z, R2, c[9];

Info) DP4R R0.x, R2, c[11];

Info) DP4R R0.y, R2, c[10].yyzw;

Info) TEX, R0, texture[0], 3D;

Info) SEQRC HC.x, c[8], R4;

Info) MOVR, fragment.texcoord[0];

Info) MULR, fragment.texcoord[0], R1;

Info) ADDR R1.y, -R2.z, -c[2].z;

Info) RCPR R1.x, R2.z;

Info) MULR R0.w, c[2].y, c[2].x;

Info) MADR R0.w, R0, R1.x, c[2].z;

Info) RCPR R1.z, c[2].w;

Info) MOVR R1.x, c[1];

Info) MADR R0.w, R1.z, R0, c[1].y;

Info) SEQRC HC.x, c[0], R1;

Info) MADR R0.w(EQ.x), R1.y, R1.z, c[1].y;

Info) SLTRC HC.x, R3, R3.w;

Info) ADDR, -fragment.texcoord[3], R2;

Info) DP3R R2.x, R1, R1;

Info) RSQR R2.x, R2.x;

Info) MULR, R2.x, R1;

Info) DP3R R2.w, R1, c[16];

Info) KIL GT.x;

Info) SLERC HC.x, R3.y, R3.z;

Info) DP3R R3.w, R1, c[15];

Info) DP3R R4.z, R1, c[12];

Info) MOVR, c[16];

Info) MULR, R1, R2.w;

Info) MADR, -R2, c[1].w, R3;

Info) DP3R R4.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R2;

Info) MOVR, c[15];

Info) MULR, R1, R3.w;

Info) MADR, -R2, c[1].w, R3;

Info) DP3R R2.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R2;

Info) MAXR R3.x, R4, c[1].z;

Info) POWR R2.y, R3.x, c[17].w;

Info) MAXR R2.x, R2, c[1].z;

Info) DP3R R4.x, R1, c[14];

Info) MULR R2.y, R2, c[13];

Info) POWR R2.x, R2.x, c[17].w;

Info) MADR R4.y, R2.x, c[13].x, R2;

Info) MULR, R1, R4.x;

Info) MOVR, c[14];

Info) MADR, -R2, c[1].w, R3;

Info) MOVR, c[12];

Info) MULR, R4.z, R1;

Info) MADR, -R1, c[1].w, R2;

Info) DP3R R1.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R1;

Info) DP3R R2.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R3;

Info) MAXR R1.y, R2.x, c[1].z;

Info) MAXR R1.x, R1, c[1].z;

Info) POWR R1.y, R1.y, c[17].w;

Info) MADR R1.y, R1, c[13].z, R4;

Info) POWR R1.x, R1.x, c[17].w;

Info) MADR R1.x, R1, c[13].w, R1.y;

Info) MAXR R1.z, R2.w, c[1];

Info) MULR R1.y, R1.z, c[13];

Info) MAXR R1.z, R3.w, c[1];

Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[13].x, R1;

Info) MAXR R1.z, R4.x, c[1];

Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[13].z, R1;

Info) MAXR R1.z, R4, c[1];

Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[13].w, R1;

Info) MADR R1.x, R1, c[17].z, c[17];

Info) MULR R1.y, R1, c[17];

Info) MADR, R0, R1.y, R1.x;

Info) ADDR, R0, -c[18];

Info) KIL GT.x;

Info) MADR, R1.w, R0, c[18];

Info) MOVR result.depth.z, R0.w;

Info) MOVR oCol.w, c[19].x;

Info) END

Info) # 105 instructions, 5 R-regs, 1 H-regs

ERROR) Compile of OpenGL shader /afs/ failed.

Info) Basic GLSL rendering mode is available.

Info) Textures: 2-D (4096x4096), 3-D (512x512x512), Multitexture (4)

ERROR) Tcl startup error: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:

ERROR) /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4 /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /afs/ /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4




ERROR) This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

ERROR) Tk startup error: invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary"

ERROR) Could not read the vmd initialization file -

ERROR) source {/afs/}

ERROR) can't find package http 2.4

ERROR) The VMDDIR environment variable is set by the startup

ERROR) script and should point to the top of the VMD hierarchy.

ERROR) VMD will continue with limited functionality.

ERROR) invalid command name "vmd_load_extension_packages"


Jeff Tibbitt