From: John Stone (
Date: Tue May 02 2006 - 10:26:41 CDT

  You'll need to downgrade the NVidia driver to an older version
as the recent driver versions have broken GLSL implementations.
The driver version we're using locally is version 7676, which has a
couple of minor GLSL bugs, but VMD already contains software workarounds
for those. Recent beta drivers for Windows have fixed the problems we've
been seeing, but they are newer than the latest revs for Linux, and I don't
know if, or how long it will be until NVidia releases the same code on Linux.
They told me two months ago that these newer drivers were in the pipeline,
but we're all still waiting. The 7676 drivers are pretty old, so you can
imagine that we'd prefer to be using newer revs too.

  John Stone

On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 12:45:03PM +0200, Marc Petitmermet wrote:
> Dear list members
> I installed vmd-1.8.4.bin.LINUXAMD64.opengl.tar.gz on a fully updated
> and patched Redhat Enterprise 4 with the NVIDIA driver NVIDIA-Linux-
> x86_64-1.0-8756. Upon starting vmd I get the error attached below.
> Summary:
> Internal error: assembly compile error for fragment shader at offset
> 3730:
> Info) -- error message --
> Info) line 86, column 9: error: invalid state property
> ERROR) Compile of OpenGL shader /usr/local/lib/vmd64-184/shaders/
> vmdsphere failed.
> Anybody knows a quick fix (before the users tear off my head;-) ?
> Do I need to downgrade the NVIDIA driver?
> Regards,
> Marc
> Info) VMD for LINUXAMD64, version 1.8.4 (April 17, 2006)
> Info)
> Info) Email questions and bug reports to
> Info) Please include this reference in published work using VMD:
> Info) Humphrey, W., Dalke, A. and Schulten, K., `VMD - Visual
> Info) Molecular Dynamics', J. Molec. Graphics 1996, 14.1, 33-38.
> Info) -------------------------------------------------------------
> Info) Multithreading available, 2 CPUs detected.
> Info) OpenGL renderer: GeForce 6800 GT/AGP/SSE2
> Info) OpenGL shader linkage log:
> Info) Fragment info
> Info) -------------
> Info) Internal error: assembly compile error for fragment shader at
> offset 3730:
> Info) -- error message --
> Info) line 86, column 9: error: invalid state property
> Info) -- internal assembly text --
> Info) !!ARBfp1.0
> Info) OPTION NV_fragment_program2;
> Info) # cgc version 1.5.0000, build date Mar 29 2006 15:47:30
> Info) # command line args:
> Info) #vendor NVIDIA Corporation
> Info) #version
> Info) #profile fp40
> Info) #program main
> Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneS : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.S
> Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneT : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.T
> Info) #semantic gl_EyePlaneR : STATE.TEXGEN.EYE.R
> Info) #semantic gl_Fog : STATE.FOG
> Info) #semantic vmdlight0
> Info) #semantic vmdlightscale
> Info) #semantic vmdprojparms
> Info) #semantic vmdtexturemode
> Info) #semantic vmdtex0
> Info) #semantic vmdlight2
> Info) #semantic vmdopacity
> Info) #semantic vmdprojectionmode
> Info) #semantic vmdlight3
> Info) #semantic vmdfogmode
> Info) #semantic vmdlight1
> Info) #semantic vmdmaterial
> Info) #var float gl_FogFragCoord : $vin.FOGC : FOGC : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 gl_FragColor : $vout.COLOR : COL : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 gl_FragDepth : $vout.DEPR : DEPR : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.S : c[11] :
> -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneS[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.S : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.T : c[10] :
> -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneT[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.T : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[0] : STATE.TEXGEN[0].EYE.R : c[9] :
> -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[1] : STATE.TEXGEN[1].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[2] : STATE.TEXGEN[2].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[3] : STATE.TEXGEN[3].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[4] : STATE.TEXGEN[4].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[5] : STATE.TEXGEN[5].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[6] : STATE.TEXGEN[6].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_EyePlaneR[7] : STATE.TEXGEN[7].EYE.R : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float4 gl_Fog.color : STATE.FOG.COLOR : c[18] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float gl_Fog.density : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.X : c[5] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float gl_Fog.start : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.Y : : -1 : 0
> Info) #var float gl_Fog.end : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.Z : c[6] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float gl_Fog.scale : STATE.FOG.PARAMS.W : c[7] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 oglcolor : $vin.TEX0 : TEX0 : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 rayorigin : $vin.TEX1 : TEX1 : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 vmdlight0 : : c[15] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 vmdlightscale : : c[13] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 vmdprojparms : : c[2] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var int vmdtexturemode : : c[8] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var sampler3D vmdtex0 : : texunit 0 : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 V : $vin.TEX2 : TEX2 : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 spherepos : $vin.TEX3 : TEX3 : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 vmdlight2 : : c[14] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float vmdopacity : : c[19] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float sphereradsq : $vin.TEX4 : TEX4 : -1 : 1
> Info) #var int vmdprojectionmode : : c[0] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 vmdlight3 : : c[12] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var int vmdfogmode : : c[3] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float3 vmdlight1 : : c[16] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var float4 vmdmaterial : : c[17] : -1 : 1
> Info) #var <none>4 $kill_0000 : $vout.$kill : $kill : -1 : 0
> Info) #var <none>4 $kill_0001 : $vout.$kill : $kill : -1 : 0
> Info) #const c[1] = 1 0.5 0 2
> Info) #const c[4] = 3 1.442695
> Info) PARAM c[20] = { program.local[0],
> Info) { 1, 0.5, 0, 2 },
> Info) program.local[2..3],
> Info) { 3, 1.442695 },
> Info) state.fog.params,
> Info) state.fog.params,
> Info) state.fog.params,
> Info) program.local[8],
> Info) state.texgen[0].eye.r,
> Info) state.texgen[0].eye.t,
> Info) state.texgen[0].eye.s,
> Info) program.local[12..17],
> Info) state.fog.color,
> Info) program.local[19] };
> Info) TEMP R0;
> Info) TEMP R1;
> Info) TEMP R2;
> Info) TEMP R3;
> Info) TEMP R4;
> Info) SHORT TEMP H0;
> Info) TEMP RC;
> Info) TEMP HC;
> Info) OUTPUT oCol = result.color;
> Info) MOVR R4.xy, c[1].xwzw;
> Info) SEQR H0.xy, c[3].x, R4;
> Info) DP3R R0.w, fragment.texcoord[2], fragment.texcoord[2];
> Info) MOVR R1.w, c[1].x;
> Info) SEQX, H0.xyxy, c[1].z;
> Info) MOVXC HC.x, H0;
> Info) ADDR R0.x, -fragment.fogcoord, c[6].z;
> Info) MULR_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x, c[7];
> Info) MULR R0.x, fragment.fogcoord, -c[5];
> Info) MOVR R2.w, c[1].x;
> Info) MULXC HC.x, H0.z, H0.y;
> Info) MULR R0.x, R0, c[4].y;
> Info) EX2R_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x;
> Info) MULR R0.x, -c[5], c[5];
> Info) MULR R0.y, R0.x, fragment.fogcoord.x;
> Info) MOVR R0.x, c[4];
> Info) MULR R0.y, R0, fragment.fogcoord.x;
> Info) SEQR H0.y, c[3].x, R0.x;
> Info) MULX H0.x, H0.z, H0.w;
> Info) MULR R0.x, R0.y, c[4].y;
> Info) MULXC HC.x, H0, H0.y;
> Info) EX2R_SAT R1.w(GT.x), R0.x;
> Info) MOVR, fragment.texcoord[1];
> Info) ADDR, fragment.texcoord[3], -R0;
> Info) RSQR R0.w, R0.w;
> Info) MULR, R0.w, fragment.texcoord[2];
> Info) DP3R R3.x, R0, R1;
> Info) DP3R R3.z, R1, R1;
> Info) MADR R3.y, R3.x, R3.x, fragment.texcoord[4].x;
> Info) ADDR R0.w, R3.y, -R3.z;
> Info) RSQR R0.w, R0.w;
> Info) RCPR R3.w, R0.w;
> Info) ADDR R0.w, R3.x, -R3;
> Info) MADR, R0, R0.w, fragment.texcoord[1];
> Info) DP4R R0.z, R2, c[9];
> Info) DP4R R0.x, R2, c[11];
> Info) DP4R R0.y, R2, c[10].yyzw;
> Info) TEX, R0, texture[0], 3D;
> Info) SEQRC HC.x, c[8], R4;
> Info) MOVR, fragment.texcoord[0];
> Info) MULR, fragment.texcoord[0], R1;
> Info) ADDR R1.y, -R2.z, -c[2].z;
> Info) RCPR R1.x, R2.z;
> Info) MULR R0.w, c[2].y, c[2].x;
> Info) MADR R0.w, R0, R1.x, c[2].z;
> Info) RCPR R1.z, c[2].w;
> Info) MOVR R1.x, c[1];
> Info) MADR R0.w, R1.z, R0, c[1].y;
> Info) SEQRC HC.x, c[0], R1;
> Info) MADR R0.w(EQ.x), R1.y, R1.z, c[1].y;
> Info) SLTRC HC.x, R3, R3.w;
> Info) ADDR, -fragment.texcoord[3], R2;
> Info) DP3R R2.x, R1, R1;
> Info) RSQR R2.x, R2.x;
> Info) MULR, R2.x, R1;
> Info) DP3R R2.w, R1, c[16];
> Info) KIL GT.x;
> Info) SLERC HC.x, R3.y, R3.z;
> Info) DP3R R3.w, R1, c[15];
> Info) DP3R R4.z, R1, c[12];
> Info) MOVR, c[16];
> Info) MULR, R1, R2.w;
> Info) MADR, -R2, c[1].w, R3;
> Info) DP3R R4.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R2;
> Info) MOVR, c[15];
> Info) MULR, R1, R3.w;
> Info) MADR, -R2, c[1].w, R3;
> Info) DP3R R2.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R2;
> Info) MAXR R3.x, R4, c[1].z;
> Info) POWR R2.y, R3.x, c[17].w;
> Info) MAXR R2.x, R2, c[1].z;
> Info) DP3R R4.x, R1, c[14];
> Info) MULR R2.y, R2, c[13];
> Info) POWR R2.x, R2.x, c[17].w;
> Info) MADR R4.y, R2.x, c[13].x, R2;
> Info) MULR, R1, R4.x;
> Info) MOVR, c[14];
> Info) MADR, -R2, c[1].w, R3;
> Info) MOVR, c[12];
> Info) MULR, R4.z, R1;
> Info) MADR, -R1, c[1].w, R2;
> Info) DP3R R1.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R1;
> Info) DP3R R2.x, fragment.texcoord[2], R3;
> Info) MAXR R1.y, R2.x, c[1].z;
> Info) MAXR R1.x, R1, c[1].z;
> Info) POWR R1.y, R1.y, c[17].w;
> Info) MADR R1.y, R1, c[13].z, R4;
> Info) POWR R1.x, R1.x, c[17].w;
> Info) MADR R1.x, R1, c[13].w, R1.y;
> Info) MAXR R1.z, R2.w, c[1];
> Info) MULR R1.y, R1.z, c[13];
> Info) MAXR R1.z, R3.w, c[1];
> Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[13].x, R1;
> Info) MAXR R1.z, R4.x, c[1];
> Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[13].z, R1;
> Info) MAXR R1.z, R4, c[1];
> Info) MADR R1.y, R1.z, c[13].w, R1;
> Info) MADR R1.x, R1, c[17].z, c[17];
> Info) MULR R1.y, R1, c[17];
> Info) MADR, R0, R1.y, R1.x;
> Info) ADDR, R0, -c[18];
> Info) KIL GT.x;
> Info) MADR, R1.w, R0, c[18];
> Info) MOVR result.depth.z, R0.w;
> Info) MOVR oCol.w, c[19].x;
> Info) END
> Info) # 105 instructions, 5 R-regs, 1 H-regs
> ERROR) Compile of OpenGL shader /usr/local/lib/vmd64-184/shaders/
> vmdsphere faile
> d.
> Info) Basic GLSL rendering mode is available.
> Info) Textures: 2-D (4096x4096), 3-D (512x512x512), Multitexture (4)
> vmd >

NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801
Email:                 Phone: 217-244-3349
  WWW:      Fax: 217-244-6078