From: Ana Celia Araujo Vila Verde (
Date: Thu Feb 16 2006 - 13:31:28 CST

Dear all,


Based on the script to obtain the RMSD of one molecule relative to the same molecule at time 0, which can be found on the VMD manual, I built a very similar one to calculate the RMSD just for certain selections of the protein (see below signature). My problem is that if I do


selection "sheet protein backbone", the RMSD for sheet is OK but for protein and for backbone is wrong (I think).


If I take the exact same procedure and simply change to


selection " protein "


 and then to


selection "backbone ",


I get different values for their respective RMSD! This leads me to think that the RMSD I get for protein and for backbone when I use """ selection "sheet protein backbone" """ is incorrect.


Could anyone shine some light on this? Clearly I'm doing something wrong, but I looked at the code for hours and could not find it.


Thanks Ana



Ana Célia Araújo Vila Verde

Penn State University

Department of Chemical Engineering

Fenske Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802



Phone: +(1) (814) 863-2879
Fax: +(1) (814) 865-7846



To execute I type vmd -dispdev text -e nameOfFile.tcl on the unix command line.


proc print_rmsd0_through_time {{mol top}} {



        set selection "sheet protein backbone" ;# the RMSD calculation is done for the elements of this list


        set refFrame 0 ;# the RMDS is calculated against this reference

        set incrm 1; # the comparison is done every incrm number of frames

        set durTimestep 0.000002; # duration of the timestep in the simulation, in nanoseconds

        set stepsFrame 500; # number of timesteps in each frame in *dcd fil



        foreach sel $selection {

                set outFile try21RMSD_${sel}_refFrame${refFrame}.txt; # result goes to this file

                set out [open $outFile w]

                puts $out "computing RMSD for all sheets using frame $refFrame as reference"

                puts $out "time (ns) RMSD (angstrom)"


                set reference [atomselect $mol "protein and $sel" frame $refFrame]

                # the frame being compared

                set compare [atomselect $mol "protein and $sel"]


                set num_steps [molinfo $mol get numframes]

# Does comparison every incrm 30 frames

                for {set frme $refFrame} {$frme <= $num_steps} {incr frme $incrm} {

                        # get the correct frame

                        $compare frame $frme


                        # compute the transformation

                        set trans_mat [measure fit $compare $reference]

                        # do the alignment

                        $compare move $trans_mat

                        # compute the RMSD

                        set rmsd [measure rmsd $compare $reference]

                        # print the RMSD

# puts "RMSD of $frame is $rmsd"

                        set time [expr {$frme*$stepsFrame*$durTimestep}]

                        puts $out "$time $rmsd"


        close $out

        $compare delete

        unset trans_mat

        unset rmsd

        unset reference

        unset num_steps



# Call procedure


