From: Oliver Wenisch (
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 09:57:43 CDT

Hello all,

I am having problems to get vmd (1.8.3 running on linux) to track a users head
and adjust its view accordingly.
I'm using VRPN to collect data from a Polhemus Fastrak with a tracked stylus (1
button) and a head tracking sensor.

My .vmdsensors is:

device stylus vrpntracker://localhost/Tracker0
device stylusbutton vrpnbuttons://localhost/Stylus0
device head vrpntracker://localhost/Tracker0:1

and I added to .vmdrc:

tool create grab
tool adddevice stylus
tool adddevice stylusbutton

My vrpn.cfg is:
vrpn_Tracker_Fastrak Tracker0 /dev/ttyS0 38400 /
FTStylus Stylus0 0

Whereas tracking of the stylus and manipulating the display with it (grab tool)
works fine, the view will not get adjusted when moving the head sensor.
However, it is possible to attach the grab-tool to the head sensor (Tools menu),
so at least correct tracking information seems to arrive.

What did I do wrong/do I have to do to get the view adjusted by the head tracker?

Any clue welcome!


Oliver Wenisch, Leibniz-Rechenzentrum (LRZ)
High-Performance Computing Group (HPC)
Barer Strasse 21, 80333 Muenchen, Germany
phone: +49 89 289-28875, email: