From: Mgr. Lubos Vrbka (
Date: Wed Mar 02 2005 - 12:09:43 CST


after some time i finished the script for analyzing contacts between 2
groups of residues (protein and ions in my case). it is attached to this
mail, since it might be of some use for others....

it's probably far from being perfect, but it works for me nicely. i
didn't have any previous tcl experience, so it might be not 100%

script should be self-explanatory, it is heavily commented... in case of
any questions, contact me.

thanks to john and justin for valuable advice!


Mgr. Lubos Vrbka
Center for Biomolecules and Complex Molecular Systems
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic

# find contact residues (sel2) within cutoff of sel1
# all atom contacts within 1 pair of residues in 1 frame are taken
# as a single residue contact

# single (current) frame analysis
# prints output to console
# yields names of contacting residues and their minimal distance
proc fResPairSingle { sel1 sel2 cutoff } {
  # create specified atom selections
  set A [atomselect top $sel1]
  set B [atomselect top $sel2]
  # make some mappings
  set all [atomselect top all]
  # resid map for every atom
  set allResid [$all get residue]
  # resname map for every atom
  set allResname [$all get resname]
  # position for every atom
  set allPos [$all get {x y z}]
  # create resid->resname map
  foreach resID $allResid resNAME $allResname {
    set mapResidResname($resID) $resNAME
  # extract the pairs. listA and listB hold corresponding pairs from selections 1 and 2, respectively.
  foreach {listA listB} [measure contacts $cutoff $A $B] break

  # go through the pairs, assign distances
  foreach indA $listA indB $listB {
    # calculated distance between 2 atoms
    set dist [vecdist [lindex $allPos $indA] [lindex $allPos $indB]]

    # get information about residue id's
    set residA [lindex $allResid $indA]
    set residB [lindex $allResid $indB]
    # following code can be uncommented for testing purposes
    #set resnameA [lindex $allResname $indA]
    #set resnameB [lindex $allResname $indB]
    #puts "$residA $resnameA $residB $resnameB $dist"
    # results will be stored in [residA,residB][list of distances] array
    lappend contactTable($residA,$residB) $dist

  foreach name [array names contactTable] {
    # assign residue names to residue numbers
    foreach {residA residB} [split $name ,] break
    foreach {tmp resnameA} [split [array get mapResidResname $residA] ] break
    foreach {tmp resnameB} [split [array get mapResidResname $residB] ] break
    # get minimum contact distance for the pair
    foreach {tmp distanceList} [array get contactTable $name] break
    set minDistance [lindex [lsort -real $distanceList] 0]
    puts [format "%5d %3s - %5d %3s - %f" $residA $resnameA $residB $resnameB $minDistance]

# trajectory analysis
# optional parameters: start and endframe in the trajectory
# frames are numbered from 0
# usage: fResPair "sel1" "sel2" cutoff <startframe <endframe>>
# example:
# fResPair "protein" "resname CL" 3 0 0
# find all CL residues within 3A of protein in first frame
# example2:
# fResPair "protein" "resname CL" 3 10 20
# analogous, only perform analysis from frames 11 to 21
# prints output to 4 files:
# contact_all.dat
# 1 line per contact and frame
# frame number, contacting residues, minimal distance
# contactAB.dat
# 1 line per residue pair
# contacting residues, number of frames
# when these residues were in contact and percentage of
# the analyzed trajectory
# contactA.dat, contactB.dat
# 1 line per residue
# total number of contacts for each residue + percentage
# percentage values: 1 residue is expected to have max.
# 1 contact in 1 frame; i.e. percentage = contacts/frames
# these values can be misleading, since 1 res from groupA can interact
# with 2 residues from groupB - depending on size and character
# of the residues
# example:
# protein residues 1 (ARG), 5 (LYS) are in contact with 10 (CL)
# contact_all.dat: 1 1 ARG - 10 CL 3.50000
# 1 5 LYS - 10 CL 2.90000
# contact_AB.dat: 1 ARG - 10 CL 100% (1 frame(s))
# 5 LYS - 10 CL 100% (1 frame(s))
# contactA.dat 1 ARG - 100% (1 contact(s))
# 5 LYS - 100% (1 contact(s))
# contactB.dat 10 CL - 200% (2 contact(s))
proc fResPair { sel1 sel2 cutoff args} {
  # get index of the last frame
  set numframes [expr {[molinfo top get numframes] - 1}]
  puts "total number of frames: $numframes"
  if {[llength $args] == 0} {
    set startframe 0
    set endframe $numframes
  if {[llength $args] == 1} {
    set startframe [lindex $args 0]
    set endframe $numframes
    if {$startframe < 0} {
      puts "illegal value of startframe, changing to 0"
      set startframe 0
  if {[llength $args] > 1} {
    set startframe [lindex $args 0]
    set endframe [lindex $args 1]
    if {$startframe < 0} {
      puts "illegal value of startframe, changing to 0"
      set startframe 0
    if {$endframe > $numframes} {
      puts "illegal value of endframe, changing to $numframes"
      set startframe 0
  set totframes [expr $endframe - $startframe + 1]
  puts "analysis will be performed on $totframes frame(s) ($startframe to $endframe)"

  # make some mappings
  set all [atomselect top all]
  # resid map for every atom
  set allResid [$all get residue]
  # resname map for every atom
  set allResname [$all get resname]
  # create resid->resname map
  foreach resID $allResid resNAME $allResname {
    set mapResidResname($resID) $resNAME

  # create specified atom selections
  set A [atomselect top $sel1]
  set B [atomselect top $sel2]

  # output file for printing out all contacts
  set fileAll "contact_all.dat"
  set fall [open $fileAll w]
  # cycle over the trajectory
  for {set i $startframe; set d 1} {$i <= $endframe} {incr i; incr d} {
    # show activity
    if { [expr $d % 10] == 0 } {
      puts -nonewline "."
      if { [expr $d % 500] == 0 } { puts " " }
      flush stdout
    # update selections
    # we expect that atom assignments didn't change
    $all frame $i
    $all update
    $A frame $i
    $A update
    $B frame $i
    $B update
    # position for every atom
    set allPos [$all get {x y z}]
    # extract the pairs. listA and listB hold corresponding pairs from selections 1 and 2, respectively.
    foreach {listA listB} [measure contacts $cutoff $A $B] break

    # go through the pairs, assign distances
    foreach indA $listA indB $listB {
      # calculated distance between 2 atoms
      set dist [vecdist [lindex $allPos $indA] [lindex $allPos $indB]]

      # get information about residue id's
      set residA [lindex $allResid $indA]
      set residB [lindex $allResid $indB]
      # following code can be uncommented for testing purposes
      #set resnameA [lindex $allResname $indA]
      #set resnameB [lindex $allResname $indB]
      #puts "$residA $resnameA $residB $resnameB $dist"
      # results will be stored in [residA,residB][list of distances] array
      lappend contactTable($residA,$residB) $dist

    foreach name [array names contactTable] {
      # assign residue names to residue numbers
      foreach {residA residB} [split $name ,] break
      foreach {tmp resnameA} [split [array get mapResidResname $residA] ] break
      foreach {tmp resnameB} [split [array get mapResidResname $residB] ] break
      # get minimum contact distance for the pair
      foreach {tmp distanceList} [array get contactTable $name] break
      set minDistance [lindex [lsort -real $distanceList] 0]

      # print to output file
      puts $fall [format "%-5d %5d %3s - %5d %3s - %f" $i $residA $resnameA $residB $resnameB $minDistance]
      flush $fall

      # store all contacts for residue pair (whole trajectory)
      lappend contactAB($residA,$residB) $minDistance
      # store all contacts for residueA
      lappend contactA($residA) $minDistance
      # store all contacts for residueA
      lappend contactB($residB) $minDistance
    # delete the contact table - will be created again in the next loop
    if {[info exists contactTable]} {
      unset contactTable
  close $fall

  # open output files
  set fContAB "contact_AB.dat"
  set fcAB [open $fContAB w]
  set fContA "contact_A.dat"
  set fcA [open $fContA w]
  set fContB "contact_B.dat"
  set fcB [open $fContB w]

  foreach name [array names contactAB] {
    foreach {residA residB} [split $name ,] break
    foreach {tmp resnameA} [split [array get mapResidResname $residA] ] break
    foreach {tmp resnameB} [split [array get mapResidResname $residB] ] break
    set frames [llength $contactAB($name)]
    set percentage [expr 100.0 * $frames / $totframes]
    puts $fcAB [format "%5d %3s - %5d %3s - %6.1f %% (%d frame(s))" $residA $resnameA $residB $resnameB $percentage $frames]
    flush $fcAB
  foreach name [array names contactA] {
    foreach {tmp resnameA} [split [array get mapResidResname $name] ] break
    set frames [llength $contactA($name)]
    set percentage [expr 100.0 * $frames / $totframes]
    puts $fcA [format "%5d %3s - %6.1f %% (%d contact(s))" $name $resnameA $percentage $frames]
    flush $fcA
  foreach name [array names contactB] {
    foreach {tmp resnameB} [split [array get mapResidResname $name] ] break
    set frames [llength $contactB($name)]
    set percentage [expr 100.0 * $frames / $totframes]
    puts $fcB [format "%5d %3s - %6.1f %% (%d contact(s))" $name $resnameB $percentage $frames]
    flush $fcB

  # close output files
  close $fcAB
  close $fcA
  close $fcB

  puts "done"