From: Stefan Grzybek (
Date: Tue Apr 22 1997 - 01:31:41 CDT

Dear Kiraly Andras

On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Kiraly Andras wrote:
> VMD started to run and in the vmd-console I see:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Info) Reading commands from '/usr/tmp/chemical2vmd.28967AA'.
> Info) Reading commands from '/usr/local/lib/vmd/.vmdrc'.
> Info) EOF encountered for current input file.
> /usr/local/bin: Cannot execute
> In my .cshrc file there're the lines:
> > #Babel directory
> > setenv BABEL_DIR /usr/local/lib/babel
> > #Babel with VMD
> > setenv VMDBABELBIN /usr/local/bin

I suppose, that you should

setenv VMDBABELBIN /usr/local/bin/babel

> The main problem for me: what does "/usr/local/bin: Cannot execute" means? It's
> a directory, isn't it? How would it be executable?

Since /usr/local/bin is a directory, the error message is absolutely correct.
A directory is not an executable. The environment variable VMDBABELBIN should
not point to the directory where babel resides, rather it should point to the
executable itself.

Hope this helps,
Stefan Grzybek

| Stefan Grzybek   email:           |
|                |
|        |
| Universitaet Freiburg, Institut fuer Biologie II, Biochemie   |
| der Pflanzen, Schaenzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany      |
|     Voice: +49 +761 203-2703 or -2796, Fax: +49 +761 203-2601 |