From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Fri Nov 26 2021 - 19:25:44 CST

There also is:
which is *really* old, so it may need a few tweaks. I remember using it a
long time (10+ years) ago.
The major trick with this is to capture the preprocessed intermediate
gromacs topology file when running grompp, since the script does not do

On Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 8:13 PM Vermaas, Josh <> wrote:

> If it also really absolutely HAS to work natively into VMD, I’ve got a tpr
> plugin that reads about 95% of GROMACS TPR files, which at least one other
> person has found useful.
> <;!!DZ3fjg!rOr5uRQ-B2SQp6Jhf9JUywdQTOCdee740CSdyelOz2mTPjlevyRBYuNGnOlPAVYedw$>
> -Josh
> *From: *<> on behalf of Giacomo Fiorin <
> *Date: *Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 6:46 PM
> *To: *"Bennion, Brian" <>
> *Cc: *"" <>
> *Subject: *Re: vmd-l: support for gromacs topology files
> Hi Brian, I'm not sure if there is a pre-cooked tool, but MDAnalysis does
> read TPR files:
> <;!!DZ3fjg!sF8fHozb7Go25G7u8XSD0Z7Q6rWB1ttRInyGFW7ayJjfWnK1UBMVSbJd_OWVsH2bJQ$>
> including bond information.
> From there, with a bit of Python code you can write out a Tcl script that
> re-creates all correct bonds in VMD. Use e.g. TopoTools for this purpose:
> <;!!HXCxUKc!lZz4cv1z3kee0sFJmydp2kH7Fvoh_E6MGreEIu2fpyAoUEeDlxwTicmVpS3fOFE$>
> After loading in VMD the coordinate file with autobonds off:
> <;!!HXCxUKc!lZz4cv1z3kee0sFJmydp2kH7Fvoh_E6MGreEIu2fpyAoUEeDlxwTicmVchjz99U$>
> you can source that Tcl script to create the bonds.
> I wouldn't try to do anything more than connecting atoms, and specifically
> avoid converting other metadata such as atom types, bond types, etc.
> Converting full topologies is one of those tasks where even if you get it
> 99.9% right it is still not usable.
> Giacomo
> On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 3:56 PM Bennion, Brian <> wrote:
> Hello All
> Just curious if anyone has coded up a plugin to read gromacs connectivity
> information from either top or tpr files?
> Using the gro file as the source of truth creates bonds according to the
> bond table in VMD which may work most of the time. However, there are cases
> for instances where a gromacs simulation explodes and the resulting debug
> pdb step files that are written can appear pretty strange in vmd and
> complicate forensics.
> Reading through the list i found a number of entries with gromacs
> mentioned, although none contained a conversation about gromacs reading
> topology files.
> If I missed something please let me know by replying with the RTM and a
> possible page link.
> thank you
> happy thanksgiving
> brian

Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer;!!DZ3fjg!riPXq_La_AMjZpE6FeYSOmlhnQlEDD9LrMbovomO4o4C7LJWVr1ODrXeF_DpbsBhtw$ 
College of Science & Technology, Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Italy.