From: John Stone (
Date: Thu Dec 03 2020 - 01:25:14 CST

  The dipole watch plugin uses a combination of its own script code and
the built-in "measure dipole" command in VMD to compute and draw
the dipoles. You can certainly read the plugin source code.

Here is a brief snippet that may answer many of your questions,
but the rest of the code can be viewed in your VMD installation,
in vmd/plugins/noarch/tcl/dipwatch1.2

Below is one of the key Tcl procs that does the work.
  John Stone

# the heart of the matter. draw a dipole.
proc ::DipWatch::draw_dipole {mol sel {update 0} {color red} {scale 1.0} {radius 0.2} {dipidx 0}} {
    variable dipvalue
    variable dipcenter

    set res 6
    set gidlist {}
    set filled yes
    if { $update } { $sel update }

    # perhaps this should use the center information
    if {[catch {measure center $sel weight mass} center]} {
        if {[catch {measure center $sel} center]} {
            puts stderr "problem computing dipole center: $center"
            return {}
    if {[catch {measure dipole $sel -debye $dipcenter($dipidx)} vector]} {
        puts stderr "problem computing dipole vector: $vector"
        return {}

    set dipvalue($dipidx) [format "%6.2f D" [veclength $vector]]
    set vechalf [vecscale [expr $scale * 0.5] $vector]

    lappend gidlist [graphics $mol color $color]
    lappend gidlist [graphics $mol cylinder [vecsub $center $vechalf] \
                         [vecadd $center [vecscale 0.7 $vechalf]] \
                         radius $radius resolution $res filled $filled]
    lappend gidlist [graphics $mol cone [vecadd $center [vecscale 0.7 $vechalf]] \
                         [vecadd $center $vechalf] radius [expr $radius * 1.7] \
                             resolution $res]
    return $gidlist

On Wed, Dec 02, 2020 at 03:46:34PM +0530, Shounak Mukherjee wrote:
> Hello Everybody ,
> I was calculating the dipole moment of a charged(+1) molecule
> using the dipole moment watcher. I have a Mol2 file which I am loading and
> then using Visualization>Dipole Moment Watcher .
> I want to know if anybody knows how VMD calculates this dipole
> moment and the direction and if there is a built-in-code which I can modify
> according to my need?

NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois, 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801           Phone: 217-244-3349