From: Miguel Caro (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2018 - 02:32:59 CDT

Hi Josh,

Many thanks, this is a very powerful approach.


On 2018-03-26 21:59, Vermaas, Joshua wrote:
> Hi Miguel,
> My preferred method would be to abuse the "user" field, and color by user.
> set center [list 0 0 0]
> set sel [atomselect top "protein"]
> for { set f 0 } { $f < [molinfo top get numframes] } { incr f } {
> $sel frame $f
> set userlist [list ]
> foreach v [$sel get {x y z}] {
> lappend userlist [vecdist $v $center]
> }
> $sel set user $userlist
> }
> Basically, this approach works whenever the default VMD colorings do not do what you want them to, since you can specify the user field per-frame.
> -Josh
> On 03/26/2018 11:31 AM, Miguel Caro wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to use the radial coloring method using as center a position chosen by me. By default, VMD uses the center of mass of the atoms. How could I use, e.g., the center of my box as the origin?
> Regards,
> Miguel
> --
> Dr. Miguel Caro
> Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher
> Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation,
> and Department of Applied Physics
> Aalto University, Finland
> Personal email:<>
> Work:<>
> Websites: http://mcaroba.dyndns.orglGJ2ANxoi8s0%26m%3DWB-l19X1hIwaBbzGMpBK9AP4_exyXoPAEQ9i2yn9yrU%26s%3Dd__KGmw872P93XXXCS88HhffiTZIi9If4CqdQqba5xU%26e%3D&> http://dospt.orgDWB-l19X1hIwaBbzGMpBK9AP4_exyXoPAEQ9i2yn9yrU%26s%3DMCSH7F7SoVwZSd9k_P9Vngtmrgk5dqGuxbhm0Kdt6lw%26e%3D&>

*Dr. Miguel Caro*
/Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher/
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation,
and Department of Applied Physics
Aalto University, Finland
Personal email: **
Work: **