From: Ashar Malik (
Date: Tue Jan 16 2018 - 01:58:45 CST

I haven't tried the most recent release of VMD in which CatDCD is a part of
the VMD install.
I will suggest looking for it from within the TKConsole inside an active
VMD session. I think catdcd is probably going to be recognised from the
If its not try to run

package require catdcd

I am not sure if that would be the name of it but give it a try.

This will allow the session to recognise the command *catdcd *

Hope this helps. (If it doesn't write back and I will install the latest
version and try it out).

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 7:51 PM, Ern Ong <>

> Hi VMD users,
> I tried to find catdcd plugin in my newly installed VMD1.9.3 Windows
> package and can’t find the catdcd plugin. Is there a way for Windows PC
> users to convert dcd files to xyz files in VMD?
> Thank you.
> *Best Regards,*
> Ernest Ong Ern Seang
> *PhD student*
> *School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT)*
> *University of New South Wales@ ADFA*
> *NorthCott Drive, Campbell*
> *ACT 2600, Australia.*
