From: Vermaas, Joshua (
Date: Wed Dec 13 2017 - 12:24:47 CST

Take a look at the animate command. Since each atomselection has a frame
associated with it, it will only write one frame. animate
( can write
a whole trajectory.

I think you'll want something like this:

animate write pdb trajectory.pdb beg 0 end [expr {[molinfo top get
numframes] -1}]

Be warned though, pdb files are just about the WORST way of storing
trajectory data, since coordinates are stored as text, and there is a
ton of redundant data that bloats the file sizes. If you just want to
look at it in PyMol, I'd be surprised if you couldn't just load your dcd


On 12/13/2017 12:30 AM, $BK\B<H%(B wrote:
> I want to convert a trajectory from dcd file to pdb file. I want to generate a text file as below and view it on Pymol.
> ATOM 1
> ATOM 2
> $B!D(B
> ATOM 99
> ATOM 100
> ATOM 1
> ATOM 2
> $B!D(B
> ATOM 99
> ATOM 100
> ATOM 1
> ATOM 2
> $B!D(B
> ATOM 99
> ATOM 100
> I got the following code, but it saved the pdb files separately.
> for {set i 0} {$i < $nf} {incr i} {[atomselect top all frame $i] writepdb frame$i.pdb}
> I have an idea and it has following steps:
> 1. make a data frame
> 2. append $B!H(BMODEL (n)" to a data frame
> 3. append n-th trajectory data to a data frame
> 4. append $B!H(BENDMDL" to a data frame
> 5. (Go back to 2)
> 6. append $B!H(BEND$B!I(B to a data frame
> I am sorry that I did not understand the VMD$B!G(Bs scripts.