VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arham Amouie (erham65t_at_REMOVE_yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Jul 24 2017 - 09:35:18 CDT
- Next message: Arham Amouie: "Re: how draw color bar?"
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- Reply: Arham Amouie: "Re: how draw color bar?"
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Hi. Unfortunately, I don't like the appearance of the color bar that can be drawn using the window "Color Scale Bar" within VMD (Particularly, the font doesn't look very good.) I would like to know if there is any other way to draw color bars in VMD. I can draw color bars using gnuplot. But for that, I need to know the way VMD maps real values to (R,G,B) triplets.
Regards,Arham Amouei
- Next message: Arham Amouie: "Re: how draw color bar?"
- Previous message: Kitzmiller, Nate: "fftk - MM/QM distances not converging"
- Next in thread: Arham Amouie: "Re: how draw color bar?"
- Reply: Arham Amouie: "Re: how draw color bar?"
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