VMD-L Mailing List
From: Aman Jindal (amanjindal04711_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sun Mar 19 2017 - 06:01:28 CDT
- Next message: Philippe Bopp: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
- Previous message: Cardenas Lizana, Paul Antonio: "measure inertia (Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors)"
- Next in thread: Philippe Bopp: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
- Reply: Philippe Bopp: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
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Dear Users,
I have a trajectory file from which I want to calculate the coordination
no. of say type O atoms. I can replicate a frame (using topotools command)
and calculate the coordination no. exactly for all the atoms including
those which lie on the surface. But I want to do this over all the frames
to get the average coordination no. of each one.
Is there any way to replicate a trajectory in VMD ?
I tried it after displaying the system periodic in all +-x,y,z directions,
but the command in the tcl script like "within 3 of index 10" does not
account for the atoms outside the original simulation box.
Thanks in advance,
- Next message: Philippe Bopp: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
- Previous message: Cardenas Lizana, Paul Antonio: "measure inertia (Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors)"
- Next in thread: Philippe Bopp: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
- Reply: Philippe Bopp: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
- Reply: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: replicating a trajectory in VMD"
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