VMD-L Mailing List
From: Stefano Guglielmo (stefano.guglielmo_at_unito.it)
Date: Sun Jan 29 2017 - 17:40:53 CST
- Next message: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: colvars module"
- Previous message: Vermaas, Joshua: "Re: Running out of memory due to multiple mol addfile's (?)"
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- Reply: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: colvars module"
- Reply: Stefano Guglielmo: "Re: colvars module"
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Dear vmd users,
I am trying to calculate the energy of each frames of a trajectory
generated by NAMD in a metadynamics simulation; for this purpose I have
written the following tcl script:
package require bigdcd
proc metadynamics_energy { frame } {
global all
if {$frame == 1} {
cv molid 0
cv configfile ../colvar_grid.txt
cv load ../cdk_8bS_pocket_metadyn_75ns_replica1
cv update
set energy [cv bias metadynamics1 energy]
puts "$frame: $energy"
set mol [mol new ../cdk2_8bS_pocket_wb_ion.psf type psf waitfor all]
set all [atomselect $mol all]
$all global
bigdcd metadynamics_energy auto ../cdk_8bS_pocket_metadyn_75ns_replica1.dcd
When I source the script in vmd I got the following error message:
bigdcd aborting at frame 1
Error: total forces are currently not implemented.
Error loading state file
Info) VMD for LINUXAMD64, version 1.9.3 (November 30, 2016)
Info) Exiting normally.
Does anyone have suggestions?
Thanks in advance
-- Stefano GUGLIELMO PhD Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry Department of Drug Science and Technology Via P. Giuria 9 10125 Turin, ITALY ph. +39 (0)11 6707678
- Next message: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: colvars module"
- Previous message: Vermaas, Joshua: "Re: Running out of memory due to multiple mol addfile's (?)"
- Next in thread: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: colvars module"
- Reply: Jérôme Hénin: "Re: colvars module"
- Reply: Stefano Guglielmo: "Re: colvars module"
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