VMD-L Mailing List
From: Artem Mamonov (artem_at_mercury.chem.pitt.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 21:34:20 CDT
- Next message: Tim Isgro: "Re: How to save trajectory using Tcl commands?"
- Previous message: Chen Yongzhi: "How to save trajectory using Tcl commands?"
- Next in thread: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: Memory leak using "moveby" command inside a loop"
- Reply: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: Memory leak using "moveby" command inside a loop"
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I wrote a tcl script to unwrap coordinates of oxygen atoms for diffusion
calculations using msd method. I found that "moveby" command used inside a
loop caused VMD to grow in memory until it eventually uses up all virtual
and physical memory and causes the system to crash. Below is the scrip
that I am using. Please, let me know what you find.
set box 48.2949
puts "box: $box"
set half_box [expr 48.2949/2]
puts "half_box: $half_box"
mol delete all
mol load psf oxy_0-100.psf dcd O_100.dcd
set num_of_frames [molinfo top get numframes]
puts "num_of_frames: $num_of_frames"
set total_num_of_atoms [molinfo top get numatoms]
puts "total_num_of_atoms: $total_num_of_atoms"
unwrap $total_num_of_atoms $num_of_frames
animate write dcd unwrap100.dcd beg 0 waitfor all
puts "all done !!!"
proc unwrap {num_of_atoms num_of_frames} {
global box
global half_box
# puts "num_of_atoms: $num_of_atoms"
# puts "num_of_frames: $num_of_frames"
for { set i 0 } { $i < $num_of_atoms } { incr i } {
puts "index: $i"
set sel [atomselect top "index $i"]
set selOld [atomselect top "index $i"]
for { set frame 1 } { $frame < $num_of_frames } { incr frame } {
$sel frame $frame
$selOld frame [expr $frame - 1]
set deltaXYZ [vecsub "[lindex [$sel get {x y z}] 0]
[lindex [$sel get {x y z}] 1] [lindex [$sel get {x y z}]
2]" "[lindex [$selOld get {x y z}] 0] [lindex [$selOld
get {x y z}] 1] [lindex [$selOld get {x y z}] 2]"]
if { abs([lindex $deltaXYZ 0]) > $half_box } {
$sel moveby "[expr -$box*round([lindex
$deltaXYZ 0]/$box)] 0 0"
if { abs([lindex $deltaXYZ 1]) > $half_box } {
$sel moveby "0 [expr -$box*round(abs([lindex $deltaXYZ 1]/$box))] 0"
if { abs([lindex $deltaXYZ 2]) > $half_box } {
$sel moveby "0 0 [expr
-$box*round(abs([lindex $deltaXYZ
2]/$box))] "
unset deltaXYZ
unset frame
$sel delete
$selOld delete
unset sel
unset selOld
return 0
- Next message: Tim Isgro: "Re: How to save trajectory using Tcl commands?"
- Previous message: Chen Yongzhi: "How to save trajectory using Tcl commands?"
- Next in thread: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: Memory leak using "moveby" command inside a loop"
- Reply: Justin Gullingsrud: "Re: Memory leak using "moveby" command inside a loop"
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