VMD-L Mailing List
From: Albert (mailmd2011_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Nov 18 2015 - 09:49:53 CST
- Next message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: Fwd: Compiling VMD with python interpreter on MacOSX"
- Previous message: kskeby: "Fwd: Compiling VMD with python interpreter on MacOSX"
- Next in thread: Ryan McGreevy: "Re: extract certain part of atoms into separate file"
- Reply: Ryan McGreevy: "Re: extract certain part of atoms into separate file"
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I would like to extract certain part of the protein from MD trajectory
into separate file. I've prepared the following script as split.tcl:
proc split_multi_frame_structure { whichmol workdir } {
set allsel [atomselect $whichmol "all"]
set numframes [molinfo $whichmol get numframes]
for {set i 0} {$i < $numframes} {incr i} {
$allsel frame $i and get [atomselect top "resname UNK or sidechain
and resid 390 386 358 361 362 368 200 203 120 121 199 116 117 189 113"]
set filename [format "%s/%03d.pdb" $workdir $i]
file delete $filename
$allsel writemol2 $filename
mol new $filename
Then I load the trajectory into VMD and run the following command from
TCL console:
source split.tcl
split_multi_frame_structure top sp
However, VMD complained the following:
atomselection: improper method: frame
usage: <atomselection> <command> [args...]
Commands for manipulating atomselection metadata:
frame [new frame value] -- get/set frame
molid|molindex -- get selection's molecule id
text -- get selection's text
delete -- delete atomselection (to free memory)
global -- move atomselection to global scope
update -- recalculate selection
Commands for getting/setting attributes:
num -- number of atoms
list -- get atom indices
get <list of attributes> -- for attributes use 'atomselect keywords'
set <list of attributes> <nested list of values>
getbonds -- get list of bonded atoms
setbonds <bondlists>
getbondorders -- get list of bond orders
setbondorders <bondlists>
getbondtypes -- get list of bond types
setbondtypes <bondlists>
moveto|moveby <3 vector> -- change atomic coordinates
lmoveto|lmoveby <x> <y> <z>
move <4x4 transforamtion matrix>
Commands for writing to a file:
writepdb <filename> -- write sel to PDB file
writeXXX <filename> -- write sel to XXX file (if XXX is a
known format)
Does anybody has any idea where is the problem?
thx a lot
- Next message: Josh Vermaas: "Re: Fwd: Compiling VMD with python interpreter on MacOSX"
- Previous message: kskeby: "Fwd: Compiling VMD with python interpreter on MacOSX"
- Next in thread: Ryan McGreevy: "Re: extract certain part of atoms into separate file"
- Reply: Ryan McGreevy: "Re: extract certain part of atoms into separate file"
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