VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ashar Malik (asharjm_at_gmail.com)
Date: Mon Oct 19 2015 - 01:42:45 CDT
- Next message: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Previous message: Majid Shahbabaei: "How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- In reply to: Majid Shahbabaei: "How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Next in thread: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Maybe reply: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Maybe reply: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
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Dear Majid,
I doubt anyone would be able to answer your question given the amount of
information you have provided. Please give more information:
e.g. what type of file do you have? How many atoms (numbers) in the system
do you have -- just 2 or more? If you have multiple oxygens which one do
you want to trace? What is a trace? What are you expecting VMD to show you?
If you explain your problem in more detail you will be able to get a
response quickly.
On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Majid Shahbabaei <m.shahbabaei_at_gmail.com>
> Dear all,
> I have a file contains oxygen and hydrogen atoms. I would like to trace
> just ONE oxygen atom in VMD. Could any body let me know that?
> Thanks in advance
> *Majid*
-- Best, /A
- Next message: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Previous message: Majid Shahbabaei: "How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- In reply to: Majid Shahbabaei: "How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Next in thread: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Maybe reply: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
- Maybe reply: Majid Shahbabaei: "Re: How can I trace an oxygen atom in VMD?"
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