VMD-L Mailing List
From: Arijit Ghosh (arijit.ghosh_at_niser.ac.in)
Date: Wed Mar 04 2015 - 00:56:40 CST
- Next message: Lela Vukovic: "Announcement: ‘Hands On’ Workshop on Computational Biophysics (Pittsburgh, PA, June 1-5, 2015)"
- Previous message: Tom.Verhelst_at_ucb.com: "RE: Render as Object or 3DS file"
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Hi VMD Users,
I want help in aligning a crystal structure and a target sequence using
multiseq. Is it possible? If yes, then how?
Please help.
-- *Arijit Ghosh* *4th Year Integrated MSc.* *School of Biological Sciences* *National Institute of Science Education and Research* *Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751005, India* *Alternate electronic contact: arijitghosh2009_at_gmail.com <arijitghosh2009_at_gmail.com>* *Handheld: +91-986-171-9393*
- Next message: Lela Vukovic: "Announcement: ‘Hands On’ Workshop on Computational Biophysics (Pittsburgh, PA, June 1-5, 2015)"
- Previous message: Tom.Verhelst_at_ucb.com: "RE: Render as Object or 3DS file"
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