VMD-L Mailing List
From: Andrew Dalke (dalke_at_dalkescientific.com)
Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 08:41:46 CST
- Next message: Tim Isgro: "Re: attempting to source a script"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Where can I read the specifications on molecular file formats?"
- In reply to: Tim Isgro: "Re: attempting to source a script"
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Tim Isgro:
> Also, use 'resname' instead of 'residue'. VMD doesn't complain about
> something like 'residue ASP', even though it should since 'residue'
> arguments are numbers, not 3-letter codes. As far as I can tell
> 'residue
> xxx' simply selects the first residue in the protein chain, as opposed
> to
> spitting out an error message. This should be fixed.
VMD numbers residues starting at 0, so 'residue 0' is the first residue
finds, 'residue 1' the second, etc. That's a numeric field assigned by
Python and is different for each residue. It does not depend on anyone
else's numbering system.
The reason for the 'residue' property is so you can say
"same residue as within 5 of name FE"
which gives you all atoms within 5Å of any iron atom, as well as all
the atoms covalently bound to those atoms which are in the same residue.
The 'resname' is the residue name. You may have many ALA residues.
The 'resid' is the residue identifier from the PDB file. This is an
numbering system. These numbers may make special sense to the user so
doesn't attempt to change them.
VMD's atom selections use an automatic type conversion system taken from
Perl. Strings are converted to integers when the field is an integer
This means a string like "ALA" is converted into an integer. Since ALA
an integer, the value returned it, as I recall, 0. Since the residue
value 0 is the first one, it selects the first residue.
I chose a weak type system because some fields should be interpreted as
string for some structures, and as integers for other structures. For
a virus structure has many copies of the same protomers, and the
segment names
may be 1, 2, 3, 4 for the first copy, 5, 6, 7, 8 for the second, etc.
Then I
can turn on all copies of the first protomer with "segname % 4 == 1".
On the
other hand, in some cases the protomers may be labeled "VP1", "VP2",
etc., or there may be some segments which are numbered and others which
Historically yours,
- Next message: Tim Isgro: "Re: attempting to source a script"
- Previous message: John Stone: "Re: Where can I read the specifications on molecular file formats?"
- In reply to: Tim Isgro: "Re: attempting to source a script"
- Next in thread: Tim Isgro: "Re: attempting to source a script"
- Reply: Tim Isgro: "Re: attempting to source a script"
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