From: Thomas C. Bishop (
Date: Tue Jun 25 2013 - 12:22:23 CDT

Dear VMD.

I noticed a major difference in load speeds when reading dcds depending
how I call load dcds (factor of 10ish)

vmd -parm7 vac.parm dyn[1-5].nowat.dcd
will load all five dcds (1000 frames each w/ 23,890atoms, 1.4G) nearly

vmd -parm7 vac.parm -dcd dyn1.nowat.dcd -dcd dyn2.nowat.dcd -dcd
dyn3.nowat.dcd -dcd dyn4.nowat.dcd -dcd dyn5.nowat.dcd

does the same

BUT using a script that loops over the file names is very slow

vmd -parm7 vac.parm -e ~/bin/load-dcds.vmd -args "dyn[1-5].nowat.dcd"
takes a very long time (contents of load-dcd.vmd listed below)

I've played w/ the "waitfor" option to the mol addfile
and using animate read instead of mol addfile
but still could not get same load speed as the initial command line.

Any suggestions on how to improve read performance from w/in a "read
file loop" would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.


more ~/bin/load-dcds.vmd
foreach i $argv {
  puts "loadign $i "
  mol addfile $i type {dcd}

    Thomas C. Bishop
     Tel: 318-257-5209
     Fax: 318-257-3823