VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ajasja Ljubetič (ajasja.ljubetic_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2012 - 05:33:27 CDT
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: The "gopython" is wrong on the Lunux VMD1.9.1"
- Previous message: javacfish: "The "gopython" is wrong on the Lunux VMD1.9.1"
- Next in thread: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: Using psfgen with long atom names (How to prepare PDB file?)"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: Using psfgen with long atom names (How to prepare PDB file?)"
- Reply: Vincent Leroux: "Re: Using psfgen with long atom names (How to prepare PDB file?)"
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Dear All,
the CGenFF <http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~kenno/cgenff/> is very useful
for parametrizing small molecules. But since it contains so much data, the
atom names are longer than four characters. This causes havoc with many
programs that truncate atom names to 3 or 4 characters (Well actually the PDB
standard <http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/format32/sect9.html#ATOM>allows
only four chars for the atom name). My question is:
How can I prepare a PDB file with for use with psfgen? Will psfgen work
with parameter sets, that contain atoms with long names?
There was a related
the namd mailing list a while ago, but nobody answered, so I
if I missed something obvious.
Best Regards,
- Next message: Axel Kohlmeyer: "Re: The "gopython" is wrong on the Lunux VMD1.9.1"
- Previous message: javacfish: "The "gopython" is wrong on the Lunux VMD1.9.1"
- Next in thread: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: Using psfgen with long atom names (How to prepare PDB file?)"
- Reply: Ajasja Ljubetič: "Re: Using psfgen with long atom names (How to prepare PDB file?)"
- Reply: Vincent Leroux: "Re: Using psfgen with long atom names (How to prepare PDB file?)"
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