From: John Stone (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2012 - 10:11:17 CDT

  Which versions of Tk and FLTK did you link against? Apple has made
some changes to the way their MacOS X application initialization works with
the latest versions, and it appears from your traceback that you're using
a version of Tk that isn't working well with the new system. I have had to
work with the authors of FLTK and Tk to get past various initialization
problems that afflicted the 64-bit MacOS X versions of VMD, your problem
seems similar, which is why I ask about the particular versions of those
two libraries that you're using.

  John Stone

On Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 07:03:42PM +0200, FX wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have trouble building VMD on Mac OS 10.7.3. I'm running a 32-bit build, using a suitable 32-bit FLTK library installation (freshly compiled from 1.3.0 sources). I built the plugins (32-bit again) and then configured VMD with:
> >From the default configure line, it's missing: IMD VRPN LIBSBALL LIBTACHYON ACTC NETCDF CUDA, because I don't have those libraries around. So it should be missing some functionality, of course, but the basics should still work.
> After editing the Makefile to give the paths to my FLTK and plugins, I had to edit the linking command to include "-framework AppKit". I get a binary, but it doesn't want to run due to:
> > 2012-04-08 19:02:07.996 vmd_MACOSXX86[33665:c03] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[NSApplication _setup:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6d4057d0'
> > *** Call stack at first throw:
> > (
> > 0 CoreFoundation 0x97cc3b67 __raiseError + 231
> > 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x996de149 objc_exception_throw + 155
> > 2 CoreFoundation 0x97cc7170 -[NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 256
> > 3 CoreFoundation 0x97c15da9 ___forwarding___ + 457
> > 4 CoreFoundation 0x97c15b72 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 50
> > 5 Tk 0x0050bc8c TkpInit + 619
> > 6 Tk 0x0047ca28 Tk_PkgInitStubsCheck + 2284
> > 7 vmd_MACOSXX86 0x001d6999 _ZN13TclTextInterpC2EP6VMDAppi + 501
> > 8 vmd_MACOSXX86 0x0018ed58 _ZN6UITextC2EP6VMDAppi + 148
> > 9 vmd_MACOSXX86 0x00198d69 _ZN6VMDApp7VMDinitEiPPcPKcPiS4_ + 973
> > 10 vmd_MACOSXX86 0x001b5312 main + 148
> > 11 vmd_MACOSXX86 0x000cd085 start + 53
> > )
> Does anyone know if I'm missing something obvious? Is this bug known, and how can I work around it and build a working VMD binary to test my patches?
> Thanks,
> FX

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