From: Ban Arn (
Date: Fri Feb 03 2012 - 04:51:11 CST

Dear VMD users

I'm using the following script for calculation of force vs displacement.

set lcolor {green orange black pink brown}
set plot2 [multiplot -plot]
foreach l [array names z] cl $lcolor {
  set tmpz {}
  set tmpf {}
  set cnt [llength $z($l)]
  for {set tmpi 0} {$tmpi < $cnt} {incr tmpi 5} {
     lappend tmpz [lindex $z($l) $tmpi]
     lappend tmpf [lindex $f($l) $tmpi]
  $plot2 add $tmpz $tmpf -linecolor $cl
$plot2 replot

It gives me error as "*expected floating-point number but got ""*"

Kinldy advice how to solve this error and my data looks like this....

* 0.0000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    1.0000 0.008196 0.010445 0.008682 0.009070 0.007858 1.601482
2.157758 0.257700 1.441260 -0.187320
    2.0000 0.012417 0.013901 0.013994 0.014482 0.012668 1.411913
0.236056 1.899020 1.672750 1.652170
    3.0000 0.015549 0.015688 0.019602 0.018790 0.014950 0.677560
0.177876 0.721620 1.586150 1.786020
    4.0000 0.018374 0.018358 0.018247 0.024230 0.016215 0.590303
0.940165 1.809330 0.712070 -1.297890
    5.0000 0.024000 0.022209 0.024263 0.026572 0.018285 0.428304
0.731412 -0.426300 1.160240 -1.322800
Many Thanks