From: Ban Arn (
Date: Thu Feb 02 2012 - 10:24:18 CST

Dear VMD users

I'm using tcl script from ""
for sMD analysis.

The scripts were provided uploaded in the site and I'm using the same
example data.

While running the script "plot-force-extension.tcl" its shows error as
Data vector empty, ignoring plot and cant read "f(-1)": no such element in

This is the script i;m using for plotting grapg between force Vs distance.

set lcolor {green orange black pink brown purple yellow cyan blue red}
set plot2 [multiplot -plot]
foreach l [array names z] cl $lcolor {
  set tmpz {}
  set tmpf {}
  set cnt [llength $z($l)]
  for {set tmpi 0} {$tmpi < $cnt} {incr tmpi 10} {
     lappend tmpz [lindex $z($l) $tmpi]
     lappend tmpf [lindex $f($l) $tmpi]
  $plot2 add $tmpz $tmpf -linecolor $cl
$plot2 replot

Kindly advice.

Many Thanks