VMD-L Mailing List
From: AB (albumns_at_hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Aug 02 2011 - 13:58:43 CDT
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: converting .dx volumetric data to 2D isocontour"
- Previous message: Molybdos Kirkimpolakis: "selection of sugars with VMD"
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I am trying to show solvent as surface but it doesn't work in VMD-1.9 (LINUX 64 CUDA). it is said:
Info) Done.
Reading 4883 atoms..done
Probe radius = 1.400
Constructing solvent-accessible surface ..
Max edge length = 1.200
Malloc of zero or illegal length!!
length = 0
Malloc of zero or illegal length!!
length = 0
Malloc of zero or illegal length!!
length = 0
I also try to generate surface for protein, it doesn't work either.
- Next message: John Stone: "Re: converting .dx volumetric data to 2D isocontour"
- Previous message: Molybdos Kirkimpolakis: "selection of sugars with VMD"
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