From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Tue Jun 14 2011 - 22:21:07 CDT

You can color by name, by type, and by element. And for each of these
you can devise a different color scheme in the color menu.


Axel Kohlmeyer

On Jun 14, 2011, at 23:08, Magnus Andersson <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to make a figure that shows two protein structures and
> some side chains. In one case, I can use color by name which sets
> the carbon in cyan and everything else in their standard colors
> (i.e. O = red, S = yellow etc.)
> Now, the other protein I want to color differently, say blue. So, I
> color by ColorID - and everything turns blue.
> How do I get the red oxygens, yellow sulfurs etc onto this new blue
> structure?
> Best regards /
> Magnus
> ===================================
> Magnus Andersson, PhD
> Department of Physiology and Biophysics
> University of California, Irvine
> Irvine, CA 92697-4560
> (949) 824-6993
> Fax: (949) 824-8540
> ===================================