VMD-L Mailing List
From: Ajasja LjubetiÄ (ajasja.ljubetic_at_gmail.com)
Date: Wed Dec 01 2010 - 01:54:32 CST
- Next message: Antonija Tomiæ: "per-residue alignment"
- Previous message: Irene Newhouse: "RE: missing fragments in molefacture"
- In reply to: Rebeca García Fandiño: "print numerical values in a Ramachandran plot"
- Next in thread: Rebeca García Fandiño: "RE: print numerical values in a Ramachandran plot"
- Reply: Rebeca García Fandiño: "RE: print numerical values in a Ramachandran plot"
- Reply: Rebeca García Fandiño: "rotate a selection of a molecule and write rotated coordinates"
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You can use
set selection [atomselect top "protein"]
$selection get {phi psi}
to get the dihedral angles of the selected atoms and then save them to a
2010/12/1 Rebeca García Fandiño <regafan_at_hotmail.com>
> Hello,
> I would like to print the Phi and Psi values of a Ramachandran plot for
> each residue using VMD. I have generated the plot in VMD, but when I try to
> save the file I only have the ".ps" option. Does anybody know how can I
> print into a file the numerical values of a Ramachandran plot?.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best wishes,
> Rebeca García
> Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
> Spain
- Next message: Antonija Tomiæ: "per-residue alignment"
- Previous message: Irene Newhouse: "RE: missing fragments in molefacture"
- In reply to: Rebeca García Fandiño: "print numerical values in a Ramachandran plot"
- Next in thread: Rebeca García Fandiño: "RE: print numerical values in a Ramachandran plot"
- Reply: Rebeca García Fandiño: "RE: print numerical values in a Ramachandran plot"
- Reply: Rebeca García Fandiño: "rotate a selection of a molecule and write rotated coordinates"
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