From: Gregorio Alanislobato (
Date: Thu Aug 05 2010 - 14:24:56 CDT


Say that I have a protein whose amino acid sequence is ABCD and I want to
insert Asparagines between B and C (4) and to the end (2), so that I will
end up with a protein with sequence AB*NNNN*CD*NN. *Is there any easy way I
can do this in VMD? What I have is a PDB file with half of the protein
folded (which would be AB) and the other half denatured (CD). I'm ran a
simulation without insertions and the protein folded just as I wanted, now I
want to run a simulations with the insertions (Asparagines runs) and I'm
expecting a diferent folding.


Gregorio Alans Lobato, BSc
4700 KAUST Mail Box: 1899
Thuwal 239556900, KSA
Student ID: 100037943
Badge #: 101969
Mobile Phone: +966-564-75-14-14