From: Ramesh K. Sistla (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 02:02:02 CDT


Following is the error that I get on my machine. I am running RedHat9 on
a P4 @1.6GHz. After this error message, it closes. Curiously, if I
remote login to this machine from another, I am able to open VMD. What
could be the reason?

Help is greatly appreciated.

Info) Multithreading available, 1 CPU detected.
ERROR) The X server does not support the OpenGL GLX extension. Exiting
Info) vmd for LINUX, version 1.8 (December 9, 2002)
Info) Unable to create OpenGL window.


ramesh k. sistla
The Prayer of India:
lOkAh samastAh suKhinO bhavantu -- Let the entire world be in peace!